
[Rough Draft]

I use photography to understand and explore the world and use it as a form of meditation to break the veneer of monotony that often drapes everything that we see and feel and experience, especially as we age. Photography is my devotional prayer to the world, where I search underneath every forgotten leaf, corner and boring moment. I want to show that hiding right next to us, within every infinitesimal drop is an infinite universe of beauty and mystery.

Below I present a few pictures, organized in rough categories, that I found quickly. In the future, I will develop these further. I want to popularize indigenous plants and insects living around us and promote the idea of replacing useless lawns with wild plants/flowers.

Insects [Rough Draft]

More than six years ago, I began dwindling in boredom. I would go into my backyard, where I have spent nearly my entire life, and would find nothing interesting. And then one day....I opened a new dimension of beauty...the world of insects. The few example pictures below are nearly all from my backyard. Insects are extraordinary and breathtaking. Below are a few examples that I found quickly and I have many more. When I post it on my social media page, each picture has a long caption that names the insect and then describes interesting facts about them. Eventually I will include those as well on this page.

Humans [Rough Draft]

The camera that I use (Canon G10) has many strengths, however it does poorly in low light and when trying to take portrait-type pictures. As a result, all of my pictures of people include the surrounding environment. These are just a few that I could find quickly, eventually I will do a more thorough job that includes the accompanying fascinating stories. Nearly all of the pictures below were taken in India when I worked with an NGO for a year.

Fungi [Rough Draft]

Plants [Rough Draft]

Rust, Frost, Colors


The pictures above are the ones that I could find quickly and are not representative. Hopefully one of these days, I will go through my nearly 100,000 pictures and find the ones that are beautiful. I was going to have a section for Travel but the task was too daunting.