
[Rough Draft]

My last rebirth ceremony (2020) was focused on identity and dance and has the larger view of my ideas on dance. 


Objective 1: Develop a vocabulary of movements that can be used to create the language and expression of my Universe, Somdeland and its mythology.

Objective 2: Use dance as a passage into a state of meditation and trance that is obtained without drugs or alcohol. 

Objective 3: Using objectives 1 and 2, weave dance into my ceremonies that mark the key moments of metamorphosis in my life. 

(Grand Canyon part 8, dance part 1) Embraced within the womb of the Grand Canyon where the rhythm of millions of years of Time are captured in the layers of rocks, I danced for one of the first times in my life, as I tried to slip in between the seams of time and dissolve away within the immortal cycles of energy.  And after the initial awkwardness that was drenched in confusion and hesitation...for a few moments, I forgot the Demon FiveMinutes and edged one step closer to a state of trance that was induced only by the heartbeat of my footsteps. 

On July 11, 2020 (everyone is invited) I will hold my reBirth Ceremony and it will focus on dance that expresses the journey, identity and destiny of Humanity.  In preparation for reaching a state of dance that can lead me into meditation, I am experimenting with different types of movements and I will eventually choreograph the dance and compose the underlying soundtrack.  Everyone is welcome to collaborate. 

In this picture, I am in a tandav pose which can be interpreted as representing the transformation of energy through the cycles of Life and Death.  Some more information on the history of this pose can be found here:

(Grand Canyon part 9, dance part 2) To choreograph the dance for my reBirth Ceremony on July 11 2020, I first have to create an alphabet of movements that can form a vocabulary to express the stories and themes of change, transformation and metamorphosis. Because these movements will be the foundation of my dance, they have to be special and meaningful to my life journey...but where can I find them? I was bestowed with my first movement-alphabet as I explored the edge of the Grand Canyon where I found a skeletal tree, bleached by an unforgiving sun and frozen in beautiful agony, who over the decades was slowly twisted and contorted by powerful winds that tore past the rim and dove down into the canyon.

(Dance, part 1) In the summer of 2020 I had a rebirth ceremony. The themes were focused on Human Identity, Masks and Dance.  The first part of my ceremony (Reality) consisted of two amazing lectures (which you can find on my website, I'll put the link in the comments).  The second part (Digestion) consisted of people making masks using some of the ideas shared in the first part.  The third part (SOMDEland) was a dance based on music that I composed.  The song and dance followed the human journey from being umbilically connected to Mother Earth to eventually becoming impregnated with Technology and giving birth to it.  In this video, which I am re-releasing, I give a summary of the symbolism behind each song/dance.  Tomorrow, for the first time ever, I'll release the actual footage from the rebirth ceremony. 

(Dance, part 2) Here is the video of the third act of my rebirth ceremony in 2020.  As described before, this ceremony was focused on the themes of Identity, Masks, Music and Dance (and experiencing transformation through these themes).   To understand the symbolism, check out my previous post or my website (in comments).  

0:00 Humanity is umbillically connected to the Earth

5:30 Humanity ruptures connection

9:22 Humanity Individuates 

13:30 Humanity is impregnated with Technology

15:37 Humanity gives birth

18:26 Meditation into Existence 

24:06 Balancing Technology and Humanity

27:00 SymbiosisNull and Sparklers and Dance Party

(Dance, part 3) One of my explorations of dance has been focused on trying to reach an altered state of mind: a state of meditation and trance without substances. One thought I had was that space, landscape and architecture all have the ability to channel, awaken and motivate the characteristics of dance. Inspired by bowerbirds who create intricate bowers, I am making a portion of my yard into something like a magical portal that looks like a womb that empties out into the swampland behind my house. For the last week, as I chewed and digested deep things, I entered into a beautiful agonized state where from 9am-4pm I was mostly outside foraging for long sticks and hand-sawing large logs of hemlock who died and fell a few years ago and who I knew throughout my childhood in Lexington. A dance in itself, sawing has a rhythmic savagery. In this photo I explore the mechanics of that movement as I saw a hemlock log while immersed in cold air bathed in the warmth of a winter sun. 

(Dance, part 4) My bower, inspired by the bowerbirds, is mostly incomplete.  In time, the right side (currently decorated with stumps) will also have long logs and branches that stretch upwards to give a feeling of curled fingers that wrap around the people inside.  It is hard to see in the picture, but the structure has a womb-like shape and,  in the center (where my head is), there are two thin alive maple trees that intertwine. They will become the opening of the womb, and people will be able to squeeze through them into the swampland beyond.  I will collect striplings and ivy-vines from my front yard and weave them in between logs and sticks, so eventually you will not be able to see through them.  Thennnnnnnnn, like the bowerbirds, I will take my entire rock collection (which I have collected from across the world) and decorate them in this space THENNNNNNN I will choreograph an epic dance! Throughout the winter I will be composing the music and choreographing the dance. It is open to everyone, so if you want to chill and explore dancing, send me a message or comment. Most likely on the first day of spring, I will hold an event where we all dance in my bower as we dip into an altered state of mind without any substances! 

In this picture, I am exploring the squat as one of the movement-vocabulary that I will use when choreographing a dance-storyline. The squat has elements of vulnerability because you are close to the Earth but also has elements of raw power.  The squat has deep primal vibes fact this is how primates typically sit.  My arms are like the wings of a bird and this will be part of my chickadee dance where, from the squat, I generate explosive dance energy. 

Photocredit: Mother

Human Augmentation and Dance