First Kiss Ceremony

[Rough Draft]

The ceremonies themselves are not super important, instead the greatest value is in the preparation because it ensures deep reflection, thought and care within me.  Because this was my first kiss ever, which I would experience at the age of 40, it was espectially important for it to be with a truly special person.  The ceremony ensured this because the symbolism woven into the ceremony gave me a chance to express my truest and purest form.   Later, I will write more about my feelings and re-read my journal entries.  In this first pass, I will mostly write down the different elements of the ceremony.  Elizabeth gave her permission to allow me to document this very important ceremony. 

Date and Location

The First Kiss Ceremony happened on October 22, 2021 (our first date was on October 8, 2021). One reason for choosing this date was because it was very close to the full moon (October 20, the Hunter Moon).  All of our ceremonies have been near the full moon.  We held the ceremony at Elizabeth's place. This was significant because I was entering into a whole new universe of experiences and that was represented by experiencing the kiss at Elizabeth's place. It was my first time there.  I spent alot of time slowly moving from room to room, observing everything, and learning about how she decorated her home.  One purpose for this was to also absorb Elizabeth's spirit deeply and represent what I saw in her home into the ceremony.  This way the ceremony motivated me to learn about her. 


Welcomed into the threshold of Elizabeth's universe. 

Consumption of Food

Elizabeth made some delicious dinner and I gifted Elizabeth some pawpaw that we had collected a few days before. The pawpaw represented identity because it is a native fruit of the US. 

Consumption of Artwork

As we walked around Elizabeth's home, I consumed her artwork and understood her aesthetic. I made a list of themes:

PG-13 Cuddling

 Before this, I had never cuddled and this was the first time that I experienced romantic touch. Throughout our journey of romance, Elizabeth taught me how to touch and be touched.  I will write more about this later. 

The First Kiss

I will describe my feelings here later after I re-read my journal entries. 

Painting of Elizabeth's Back

Using the themes described above, I designed a piece of art that I painted on Elizabeth's back.  Originally I had wanted to do this collaboratively but I could sense some resistance within her.  Elizabeth saw my ceremonies as a wall and it led to interesting and valuable discussions.  I will write about these discussions later. 

In this artwork, my universe is represented by the Creatures of Destiny, where the top one is Life and the bottom one is Death. In between are green dots that represent the metamorphosis of energy from Life into Death and Death into Life.  Additionally, the green dots represent the frogs, which become themes that repeat in our future ceremonies.  The yellow is used to represent Elizabeth's favorite color and it is surrounded by a circle which represents the full moon. 


The rebirth of myself (the artwork on Elizabeth's back almost looks like an impregnated womb) was represented by my symbolic nastypose which I did in Elizabeth's tub.  She used my wooden ceremonial spoon to scoop up water from the ceremonial wooden womb and then she poured it on me. The nastpose connects this ceremony to all ceremonies I have done in the past and so creates a storyline and connection to my past.