Relationship Rebirth Ceremony

[Rough Draft]  

Eventually I will write more about my thoughts and feelings once I re-read my journal entries. Elizabeth gave her permission to allow me to share this important ceremony.  

A beautiful memory filled era felt like it was coming to an end in the parkinglot of Home Depot, which is where we had met for our first date.  It was our one year year anniversary and, without planning, only two days away from the full moon (the Hunter moon).  

Having thought we had broken up, I quickly made a Relationship Rebirth Ceremony.  As with all of my ceremonies, the actual ceremony itself doesn't matter instead the emotions and thoughts that lead up to the preparation of the ceremony matter.  As I designed this ceremony, I thought what does one do for a breakup? After some thought, I felt the most important things were honoring the beautiful moments we had shared together and trying to make an intention to create a lifelong caring friendship.  I wanted to create a feeling of deep caring.   To honor our moments together, I encoded elements from our past ceremonies.  To make the intention of friendship, I decided to continue with the planning I had done for our one year anniversary.  I was relieved to learn that we were not going to break up and we were able to share one more beautiful month together. I realized that our relationship was undergoing a transformation and its romantic future was still uncertain, and so the relationship rebirth meant to create a pathway to ensure friendship no matter what the outcome. 

Ceremony Preparations

I decided to wear the cat pants that Elizabeth had bought me to represent her and I wore my jacket of transformation to represent the changes in our relationship. 

I arranged my backyard similar to how it looked during the Cock Revealing Ceremony, with the two vaginal pieces at the diametric ends.  I prepared the Earth, similar to how I did in the Cock Revealing Ceremony, by clearing it and then raking it to give it a zen garden look.  

I also prepared my wooden ceremonial womb and filled it with shavings from the Tree of Life and in the Spok of Destiny I placed chips of the Tree of Death.  Later, as in many of our ceremonies, we would burn this to signify rebirth and transformation. 

Relationship Rebirth Ceremony

The Magical World In Between

Originally, for our one year anniversary, my plan was to do a two day event, where the first day was recreating our first date and the second day was an exploration of magical worlds.  Since Elizabeth was into creating fairy  houses (as I was), I showed her pictures from my recent trip to Iceland where I took pictures of fairy houses for hidden people.  Then we visited different sites in Lexington that were supposed to have fairy houses. We only found the box below. 

Gift Giving

To create a feeling of deep care, I presented Elizabeth with a few gifts for her that I had gotten when visiting Iceland.  I gifted a mother troll nursing her two children which I thought was cute since Elizabeth is a mother with two children.  I bought a second one because I had wanted to create a parallel fairy universe between our two homes and these two trolls would connect our universes.  Therefore, the trolls represent the intention of our universes connecting.  I also gave her two small rocks that I collected from the Black Sand Beach in Iceland, they contain metals because they are attracted to magnets!  The black rocks represent Death and Rebirth.  They go with two small green rocks that I had given (during the First Kiss Ceremony) previously from my trip to Olympic National Park, and they represent Life. 

The Ceremonial Fire

For this, I wore the shaman outfit that Elizabeth had gifted me and the loin cloth that I had worn during the Cock Revealing Ceremony. 

We then ate pomegranates which represent Life, Death, Fertility and Rebirth.  We had eaten pomegranates in the Cock Revealing Ceremony. 

We then lit the ceremonial fire, burning the shavings of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, representing transformation.

While we did not break up on this day, the Relationship Rebirth Ceremony marked a change where there was uncertainty in the future.  Either, through breaking and healing we would emerge stronger with greater resolve for one another or our romance would break apart and transform into a lifelong friendship.  To mark that transition, I did a beard ceremony. On the left, Elizabeth is pouring water from my Spoon of Destiny and on the right she is cutting my beard. 

Then I did my symbolic nastypose 

Finally, we set the intention to preserve our lifelong friendship no matter what and blew milkweed seeds into the vastness of my yard, similar to the Cock Revealing Ceremony.