
Thanks for your interest in this experiment! Below I provide more information on the study and then a quick survey to see if you qualify. If you do quality, send me an email (at the end). 

Overview of Experiment

Is this study funded?

This study is funded by NAMRU (Naval Aerospace Medical Unit).


What is this study about?

NAMRU is interested in the ability to balance in different orientation and whether visual information makes a difference. 


What will you be asked to do?

You will be blindfolded and strapped into a Multi-Axis Rotation System (MARS) device.  The MARS is programmed to behave like an inverted  pendulum which means that if you do nothing it will fall over to one side or the other.  An example of an inverted pendulum is balancing a pencil on your fingertip.  You will use a joystick to try to stabilize yourself at the balance point.  You will be placed in different orientations while trying to balance and asked to open and close your eyes at different points.  We are interested in whether different orientations make any difference.


How long will it take?

The experiment will take 1 hour, however I request that you have 1.5 hours available. If we go over an hour, I will increase your payment.


Will I receive anything for participating?

You will be paid $15. This is your only compensation for participating. 


Are there any possible risks to you?

This study has greater than minimal risk. This means that possible risks and discomforts are higher than you might experience in everyday life.

Can I stop after I have consented to participate?

Yes – remember, your participation is completely voluntary. You can refuse to participate or stop at any time without penalty – you will receive full compensation regardless of completing all the tasks in this experiment. 

See if you qualify:

You can ignore #4 because I do not need to run a follow up experiment. 

If you qualify, send me an email! 

Vivekanand Pandey Vimal

Research Scientist

Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Lab