
My solo music

When composing by myself, my music is a vehicle for meditation. Every rebirth ceremony begins with an impromptu musical exploration that is a collection of my subconscious and musical themes of the last three years. In contrast to my approach in my other artforms, I deliberately, for now, try to stay away from making my compositions too analytical. Instead I try to dip into my subconscious and I try to add randomness to accidentally fall into puddles of musical beauty. In that sense, it is an emotional exploration. Eventually I will put samples of my solo music on this page.

I played the clarinet in Band starting in elementary school up to high school. After that I took 1 semester of music theory at BU where I got a cumulative 30 minutes of instruction on the piano, and now my primary instrument is the piano. I can also play the guitar and sitar.

My collaborative music

My collaborative music is all about idea generation and exploring creative spaces that I otherwise would not explore by myself. Because I am unable to keep time or learn anything quickly, most of my collaborations are an initial re-expression of my solo music, which then slowly is transformed and reflected into a new creative space created by my collaborator. I am more concerned about getting into a flowing mental state than creating music that sounds traditionally good. The links below will bring you to examples of music that I have created with different collaborators. If you ever want to collaborate, feel free to reach out, I am always down.

  1. Saxualization of Piano, mostly with Gabe B.

    1. I met Gabe at Brandeis while he was a physics graduate student and I was a neuroscience grad student. We have collaborated on a number of projects ranging from music to educational outreach. Gabe is a fantastic saxophone player and my piano playing skills pale in comparison. Our method was doing impromptu jamming for about an hour and then recording the final few minutes. In this page, you will also hear other collaborators and in one song I am playing my clarinet.

  2. Mowgli with Sid J

    1. I met Sid in high school and then we reconnected many years later. We have many shared interests from philosophy to meditation. Sid is a phenomenal musical artist. Often we will chill for like an hour and then Sid will spend 30 minutes or so setting up the different electronic features of the instruments. Then we will jam for an hour or more and record a sample at the end. For several of the songs, Sid added elements to it afterwards.

  3. Screme

  4. Other