
Jam session with  Mowgli Lion are always epic, he first creates a musical universe and then we do an impromptu exploration of the space which we often record.  Here is a collection of some of our impromptu jam sessions. 

The website interface isn't that good, so you may have to refresh the page for each new song and wait for it load each time you want to hear a new track.

JULY JAM 7-25-21 .mp3

A deeply rythmic search for one's destiny in a world of illusions

Margarita Space Jam 4-11-21 11PM.mp3

In a flowing world that mixes both light and darkness, it is perhaps the story  of a mystical focused creature in search for deep meditation. 

JAM 6-20-21.mp3

A haunting atonal exploration of a wandering spirit

AUGUST JAM 8-15-21 830PM.mp3

An industrial forging of one's will

June 2024 Jam w Vivek.mp3

A junetime jam session