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[Rough Draft]

If you are viewing this from a cellphone, most likely there will be 3 parallel lines on the top left of your screen. If you press that, it should open a menu that has all of the sections.

Overall Objectives of my Life

  • Realize my dreams so that I can plan the trajectory of my destiny

  • Understand and express my identity

  • Perceive and process reality fundamentally differently

  • Give birth to an idea that I find breathtaking and beautiful

  • Make a significant positive impact on the world

Overall Objective of this Website

My way of approaching the objectives of my life is to create this website, which has the following steps:

  1. Collect and display many of the important creative projects that I have worked on and organize them into sections.

  2. For each section, brainstorm and provide steps on how to develop the ideas, starting from small easy incremental steps to huge epic steps.

  3. Create a collective narrative/mythology that connects together each of the sections into a larger storyline, with the hope that a larger emergent pattern of destiny will emerge when everything is unified.

Other sites and Contact Information

If you would like to collaborate, do not hesitate to contact me.

Check out my Mother's Awesome Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ritapandeyportfolio