
[Rough Draft]

The drawings below are just what I could find very quickly and are not entirely representative.  Most of my drawings are either done in pen or colored pencils.  Thematically, some leitmotifs in my artwork are: birth, death, pregnancy, nature, symbolism, animals, cellular, neuroscience.

You can find many of my drawings in the Creatures section of SOMDEland where the drawings represent aspects of my subconscious. 

(Saprophyte, part 1) Q: Whhhoooo is this mega cu8ie that is giving me a high-five on my way to work? 

A: The Magenta Coral! (Clavaria zollingeri) who is a beautiful fungus. Its role in the larger food web is that of a saprophyte, which means that it consumed decaying matter. Poetically, it means that it transforms Death into Life. 

(Saprophyte, part 2) In my previous post, I revealed the fungi, Magenta Coral, who is a saprophyte: a living entity that consumes decaying matter. Poetically, it consumes Death and breaks apart the pieces of lingering life into fundamental units that can be reassembled to create new Life. In this breathtaking figure, researchers describe a pathway that a different saprophyte uses to break apart a molecule found in the cell walls of decaying plants. If you stare deep into the figure, beyond even its scientific meaning, you can see the churning cycles of Energy and its divine dance of transformation.

Like the Magenta Coral, my artwork consumes and digests my reality and mixes it with my history, my experiences and my ideas that dip into mythology and surreality. As my artwork enters into its adolescence, it searches for its identity, and I seem to resonate with themes of life, death, cycles and metamorphosis. Soon, the Magenta Corals and the imagery of energy cycles in this paper will grow and manifest in my artwork that defines SOMDEland.

(figure taken from https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/…/10…/1471-2164-15-613)

This is a collaboration between 3 high school friends.  Dave M. wrote a children's storybook about a goldfish and parrot which I tried to illustrate with the intention of also encoding symbolism relevant to my subconscious.  David Frankel came to the rescue and made my rough draft illustrations into something of beauty which could be enjoyed by children.  In this video, David Frankel applies the final touches to my rough draft drawing as we have a meandering relaxed conversation.