
[Rough Draft] Here I will put examples of Zzymbrr or elements of SOMDEland manifesting into the Real world.

  • If you go to this page and scroll to, "The Age of Dissemination from my Subconscious to my Conscious Mind" you will see a drawing explaining how the manifestation happens.

  • The first example is Symbiosis Null

  • Here is another example:

This is the story of a creature birthed in an ambivalence that seethed with an unforgiving ambiguity that left him mired, stung and strung into a pool of mud that slowly ate his flesh and liquified his spirit. One day from the Earth that digested him, he cursed the gods, who fell from the sky and turned into maggots that slithered and slurped his melting mind and as they grew fat and fur, they shat into his bloodstream that seeped and diffused into every layer of this being and his existence bled between the boundaries of surreality and reality, between the subconscious and conscious. He came to realize that he no longer could kill those god-maggots because having drank his blood, eaten his flesh and devoured his soul, they were his babies. They were so hungry….so hungry….so hungry. How could he feed his babies? From the madness of Surreality, he was granted a new divine power…from his nipples he lactated rich virile potent seminal ideas that he had gested over his entire life which he used to nurse these god-maggots until one day they metamorphosed into flies that flew throughout the vastness of the world disseminating and then impregnating everyone’s minds with his ideas. And so, if you ever wake up in the middle of the night, know that flies made from the god maggots that drank this creature’s soul have visited your dreams and left you impregnated with his seminal ideas… go and make something epic! [In a future post, I will share where and how I made the mask]