
My wonderful former girlfriend, Elizabeth, and myself had different rhythms. I had a frantic desire to create and collaborate while had a really nice chill vibe. How could we mix these two energies? I thought perhaps massage could do that. By massaging Elizabeth, she could be transported into relaxation and I could work on developing my own style. Below is a rough draft which I had been refining over the 1 year of our journey.

Below is what I did when massaging the upper trapezius muscle. My goal was to eventually expand to all muscle groups.


  • Candles, incense

  • breathing

  • Sit facing each other being tender and caring

  • Music/Sounds


  • Real trapezius soreness is probably caused by something throughout the day, so addressing that is the best strategy. For me, much of it was coming from working out and a unique characteristic of my body is that it is very stiff in the back and legs.

    • The stretching is a preventative measure.

    • I had trapezius spasms and nothing helped including going to the physical therapist.

    • The breakthrough happened when I started to stretch and I realized that my tight legs which caused my tight back and my tight pecs all were leading to the trapezius spasms.

  • I used to hate stretching and I felt like I was wasting time. But eventually it became a way for me to do mindfulness meditation. It allowed for me to make a 1on1 relationship with my muscles and concentrate on breathing and sensation. It took me a year to be able to do these things.

    • Take deep breaths and with each cycle of inhaling and exhaling, inch a bit deeper into the stretch. If it hurts stop, if your muscles feel like spasming, then stop.

  • Do stretches of the back and hamstrings,

    • Slowly inch more, taking a breath with each deeper stretch

    • Tuck chin in

    • Make a fundamental connection between body and mind

Body Warming

  • Put on heating pad and put river rock on top

    • This was a river rock that we collected together

  • Scratch hair/head

  • Push down and encourage breathing

  • Warm hands

Skin Worship

  • Use paint roller (connects to our home depot first date)

  • Gentle drag fingers across skin

  • Gently drag nails across the skin (scratching)

  • Use the acupressure roller that I bought in India (connects to my heritage)

Tenderizing with the Massage Multitool

  • The story of the Massage Multitool represents our journey, it was brainstormed on our first date and I made it from a dogwood branch that Elizabeth cut in her yard.

Myofascial Stretching

  • Start with some myofacial stretching, hold for up to a minute [3]

    • Pinch wiggle is good

    • Pinching the traps on the neck is good too

  • Stretch pecs on the bed

Deadbody trap relaxation

  • Elizabeth pretends to be a deadbody, focusing her mind on completely de-tensing her muscles as I jiggle and rotate her arms to ensure she has done that.

Mix and apply oil

  • Put oil into the vessel of the Massage Multitool and put in drops of pomegranate oil.

    • The pomegranate oil connects to our previous ceremonies

  • Cover all skin

Trapezius Massage

  • On stomach

    • Start lightly

    • Follow muscle and gently rub and then get harder

      • Soft knuckles method of rotating fists down the neck

      • Synchronized both hands [4]

      • Flat palms starting together near the neck and sweeping down and then have a continuous motion back to the neck. [4]

      • Go low and forearms and then glide with elbows behind shoulder blades [4].

    • Hold the muscle to release trigger points [3]

      • Typically you first find the hard spots, the trigger points, and keep holding them until the mild discomfort disappears.

  • After compression you can do linear fiber movements (parallel to the muscle) in addition the perpendicular compression to the muscle [3]

  • As muscles warm up, try to uncurl the muscle [3]

  • Go up the neck, pick up the muscle [3]

  • Go down the spinal cord, each vertebra [3]

  • Do both hands up and down and push on body

  • Gently pull hair for myofascial stretch [2]

  • Go around the shoulder blade

  • On Side

    • Put your hand under her arm and massage the shoulder blade and traps into neck. Also pull for myofacial stretch [2]

    • Pull arms back and do that stretch

    • Unload traps on the side and massage

    • Flip onto back and massage…try pulling on head .

  • On Back

    • Hold and pull head

    • Gently rock it

    • Hold head and move it away from trapezius and then massage starting from shoulder blades and run up the neck [2]

      • Grab full muscle

    • Move head towards trapezius and lift it up from the front and push underneath to reach the trigger points for the Levator Scapulae [1].

    • Climb up her neck making small circles

      • Push into each bone in her spine, rocking the head into the fingers

      • There are many small muscles around the neck [2]

    • Rock head by massaging the suboccipitals [2]

    • Pull hair for myofacial stretch



