
Queen Wasp

Learn more about this in the Wasp Event that I held.

The Collaborative Creation from the Kali Event

In the Kali Event we explored the spiritual idea of using negative destructive energy in our lives to create things of beauty.  After our discussions, we exemplified this by using destructive energy to split wood which later was turned into this exploratory piece. Check out this video to see the final creation. 

The Collaborative Butterfly of Wood and Beads

Made for my rebirth ceremony of 2020, it was used in the Butterfly Ceremony.  Once we finished the paper butterfly made of our artwork, it was reflected into my subconscious and reborn as the Collaborative Butterfly of Wood and Beads.  This piece of artwork was made in collaboration with many members of our wood and craft group.  Stephen K. gave the beautiful burl and cut a general shape on his bandsaw.  Then, I used a carving knife to give it flowing curves.  Shana, Susan and my mother (Rita) made beautiful beaded wings.  What was really neat was that Shana was one of the very few people (of the many many) that responded to my business card to work on a collaborative project. We had brainstormed a collaborated project of wood and bead more than a year before we all completed this project.