The conclusion of the commission and the results of the study in the USSR of telepathy, telekinesis etc.

In 1973, the president of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR B.F. Lomov and other venerable psychologists recognized the existence of parapsychological phenomena and "an unknown channel for transmitting information or influence".

In the early 60s, a huge interest in parapsychological topics arose in the USSR. The country's political leadership from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union decided to find out whether parapsychological phenomena are real or not. Then, by order of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU P.N. Demichev, a commission was organized, which included the best psychologists of that time.

The conclusions of the commission was published in the journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Problems of Philosophy" (1973) and in the main encyclopedia of the Soviet Union - the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1975).

The commission included psychologists, physicists, physicians and illusionists.

The commission did not include parapsychologists.

Translated with Google Translate (source in Russian).

President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR from 1963 to 1968 A.N.Leontiev

President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR from 1968 to 1983 B.F. Lomov 

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, one of the founders of neuropsychology, A.R.Luria

Acting President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR from 1988 to 1991 V.P.Zinchenko


Acting President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR V.P. Zinchenko on the results of the work of the commission for the study of parapsychological phenomena:

“The main thing: then we managed to formulate and defend our principled position. The phenomenon does exist (in russian - Феномен есть). The communication channel is unknown. The channel of exposure is unknown. Amateurs can search! "


I had no doubt that there were effects, both then and now. But the questions of what constitutes a channel of influence and a channel for transmitting information remain to this day. We must give way to the brave, let them investigate. "

From the transcript of a round table held by the Philosophical Society of the USSR and the journal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Questions of Philosophy" on the topic: "Philosophical problems of non-traditional phenomena of the psyche" ("Technology-youth", No. 7).


Article "Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality?" in the journal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Problems of Philosophy" (No. 9, pp. 128-136) 

(article in English) 

(article in Russian)

"In what is united by the concept of parapsychology, it is necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, imaginary" supernatural "phenomena advertised by mystics and charlatans, and on the other hand, phenomena that really exist, but have not yet received a satisfactory scientific psychological and physical explanation."


 “… To recognize their existence (the existence of parapsychological phenomena - ed.) is hindered by the unknown channel for transmitting information or influence” (for the first time, leading Soviet scientists admit the existence of an extrasensory channel for obtaining information - ed.).


"The physical basis of these phenomena has not yet been discovered."

Authors of the article:

- President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (1963-1968), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, founder of the theory of activity, full member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, founder and first dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (1966-1979), Lenin Prize laureate (1963) A.N. Leontiev

- Acting President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (1988-1991), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education V.P. Zinchenko

- President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (1968-1983), Director of the Institute of Psychology (1971-1989), Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Leningrad State University (1966-1967), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Editor-in-Chief of the Psychological Journal (1980-1988), Doctor of Psychology, Professor B.F. Lomov

- Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, one of the founders of neuropsychology, Academician of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the US National Academy of Sciences A.R. Luria.

Article "Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality?" in the journal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Problems of Philosophy".


Institute of Noetic Sciences Senior Fellow Dean Radin:

This is a short list of peer-reviewed journal articles and books about psi phenomena. It includes articles of historical interest, general overviews, critical reviews, and descriptions of psi applications. These articles appeared in specialty journals as well as top-tier outlets, including Nature, Science, The Lancet, Proceedings of the IEEE, Psychological Bulletin, Foundations of Physics, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,  and Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

A comprehensive review would run into the thousands of articles, so this list is necessarily highly selected. I will add more as time allows. Be sure to note the links at the bottom of this page; those websites contain many more articles. If you find broken or incorrect links, or you don't see an article that you think should be added here, please let me know.

The international professional organization for scientists and scholars interested in psi phenomena is the Parapsychological Association, an elected affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the largest mainstream scientific organization in the world. Anyone who claims that parapsychology is a pseudoscience doesn't know what they're talking about.

Can psi phenomena be repeated in controlled laboratory tests? Yes. Here's a good article that summarizes the state of the art as of 2018: Cardeña (2018). The experimental evidence for parapsychological phenomena: A review. American Psychologist. pdf 

The editorial board of the official journal of the American Psychological Association, American Psychologist, considered the data and meta-analysis presented in the article by Etzel Cardeña (Lund University, Sweden) to be of high quality. They also agreed with the conclusion of the author of the article: The evidence for psi is comparable to that for established phenomena in psychology and other disciplines, although there is no consensual understanding of them

In other words, they say that parapsychological phenomena are real, but the mechanisms by which they work are unknown.


Article "Parapsychology" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (volume 19, p. 192) (article in Russian).

"Thus, in what is united by the concept of parapsychology, it is necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, imaginary" supernatural "phenomena advertised by mystics and charlatans, and on the other hand, phenomena that really exist, but have not yet received a satisfactory scientific psychological and physical explanation"


"However, the recognition of their existence is hindered by the unknown channel of transmission of information or impact."


"The physical basis of these phenomena has not yet been discovered."

Authors of the article:

- President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (1963-1968), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, founder of the theory of activity, full member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, founder and first dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (1966-1979), Lenin Prize laureate (1963) A.N. Leontiev

- Acting President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (1988-1991), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education V.P. Zinchenko.

The most important thing again:

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev and Alexander Romanovich Luria, who are among the five most influential Russian psychologists of the 20th century, state the following in the leading scientific and theoretical philosophical journal of the Soviet Union:

1) parapsychological phenomena do exist,

2) there is some unknown channel for transmitting information,

3) the physical basis of parapsychological phenomena and the channel of information transmission is unknown.

Psychology Today, 1971, №3 Three Giants of Soviet Psychology: P.K.Anokhin, A.R.Luria, A.N.Leontiev. 

What is needed for the average person to recognize the reality of some phenomenon?

Recognition of this phenomenon on the part of great scientists is necessary.

There is such recognition.

But in the history of science, there are frequent cases of ignorance of discoveries. The extrasensory phenomenon is not recognized by the majority because it does not fit into the existing scientific picture of the world and requires its expansion. It requires scientists to give up what they have believed in their entire lives, which is almost impossible.


Psycholinguist Tatiana Chernigovskaya talks about telekinesis and the commission that investigated parapsychological phenomena and psychics (late 60s). 


Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences:

"psychokinetic abilities of N. Kulagina are real".

Fragment of a declassified CIA presentation on parapsychological research in the USSR.

Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V.A. Kotelnikov (from 1970 to 1988)


The famous Ukrainian psychic Albert Ignatenko lowers and raises the pulse of a volunteer on the air of English TV.


Vice President of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.A. Kotelnikov:

“N.S. Kulagina has some unique abilities, the study of which is of great interest for understanding human nature. Studies of unusual phenomena caused by N.S. Kulagina, which are being conducted in a number of research institutes, including the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, has already led to a major discovery - the discovery of a person's ability to emit ultrasound. The exceptional significance of this discovery for biophysics, physiology and medicine is beyond doubt. These studies require N.S. Kulagina of great physical and nervous tension ... "

The well-known Soviet journalist Lev Kolodny writes about this in his book "Juna. The Secret of the Great Healer".

Film director Andrei Tarkovsky and psychic Juna Davitashvili.


The cult film director Andrei Tarkovsky learned simple techniques of extrasensory perception and influence from the psychic and healer Dzhuna Davitashvili. He wrote about this in his diary:

September 12, 1981. Visited Juna for the fifth time. She brought one person out of a swoon in one minute. She is, of course, a phenomenon. At home I did the same thing (with Andryushka) as she did to me, and Tyapa felt tiredness, and heaviness in his legs, and a headache, which I managed to relieve. I was terribly surprised and called Juna. She said that ideally everyone should treat each other at home in the same way. But I should not continue until she teaches me the correct method.

September 27, 1981. The second day is beautiful weather. I treated Lara a little on her arm and leg (she fell twice). According to Lara and Olga, I have some properties similar to those of Juna. But I feel the field weakly, like a weak air resistance, but with a different density.


Training of psychics in the Russian army. Filming by the film studio of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (eng sub)


Former rector of the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics G.N. Dulnev, who studied the abilities of N. Kulagina for 12 years, tells how he himself learned telekinesis (video).

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The following are the results of research in the USSR of healing, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, skin "vision", etc.

Research of telepathy in the USSR


Research at the Institute of the Brain (Leningrad) proved the reality of the telepathic phenomenon.

[Prof. L.L. Vasiliev "Experimental studies of mental suggestion" Publishing house of the Leningrad University, 1962]

The conclusion of the director of the Institute of the Brain, Professor V.P. Osipov:

(page 180)

Appendix 2


The work carried out by a group of employees of the Institute of the Brain. Bekhterev on the topic: "psychophysical studies of a telepathic phenomenon", is very large, required a lot of effort and energy, depending on the complexity of the essence of the issue and the extreme difficulty of resolving it both in a positive and negative direction.

Although many years have passed since the question of telepathy was raised, nevertheless it cannot be considered resolved, since the vast accumulated material is far from free from objections. To resolve the issue, it is necessary to have scientifically studied experimental material proving the existence of a regular connection between phenomena. Likewise, a negative solution to the issue must be strictly reasoned.

In their studies, a group of workers at the Brain Institute has far from resolved the question in either direction; successful experiments are reduced in their persuasiveness by a number of unsuccessful ones, although the statistical conclusions seem to speak in a positive direction. It was revealed, in addition, that in order to understand the logical connection of positive results, it is necessary to admit a new type of radiant energy, still unknown, which also contradicts the positive results of the study.

On the other hand, it is hardly correct to recognize the statistical preponderance of positive data as accidental.

If the question is ultimately resolved negatively, then this negative resolution must also be strictly justified.

Studying the obtained research material, it is necessary to make an unconditional conclusion that the research carried out at the Institute of the Brain is completely scientific, a rigorous research method with a proper critical approach has been developed. It is necessary, however, to further resolve the issue, still a lot of work and work very carefully.

Director of the Brain Institute

Professor V.P. Osipov

1934 g.

Conclusions of Professor L.L. Vasiliev

Summarizing everything stated in the last three chapters, we come to the following main facts and conclusions. (page 146)

First, we must conclude that in order to set up experiments to elucidate the psychophysical nature of a telepathic phenomenon, it is necessary to make a preliminary selection of sensitive subjects. This is necessary in order to obtain sufficiently convincing results.

Secondly, we state that the "hypnogenic technique" developed by us with the use of self-report of the subject and objective registration of his reactions is quite suitable for further experiments, because the results obtained using this technique are clear and unambiguous.

Thirdly, we can conclude that it is not obligatory for the experimenter to know the place of the investigated person and the environment in which he is. But, apparently, the experimenter must know the subject by sight and clearly imagine his visual image in order for the telepathic transmission to be carried out.

Fourth, apparently, one has to accept that the distance between the experimenter and the subject does not play a noticeable role; but this does not mean that the law of inverse dependence on the square of the distance is inapplicable in this case.

Fifth, we note that so far no one has been able to establish any physical indicator for the radiation produced by the brain and transmitting telepathic messages. We have not confirmed the statements of Katsamalli and his experiments on recording the electromagnetic waves of the human brain.

And, finally, sixth, we state that shielding by metal from the investigated question, contrary to some data available in the literature, does not prevent the telepathic phenomenon from occurring. From this we have to conclude that if the transmission of thought over a distance is carried out by the radiation of electromagnetic energy from the central nervous system, then this electromagnetic energy should be sought in the region of kilometer-long electromagnetic waves or behind soft X-rays; but both are presumably unlikely.

These are our conclusions. As you can see, the task of further research becomes more complicated, and from the purely psychological area it passes into the area of ​​psychophysical experiment, which must either confirm the hypothesis of the electromagnetic nature of the energy transmitting telepathic, or, rejecting this hypothesis, look for a still unknown type of energy specific to that higher form of matter what is the human brain.

1910s - 1930s

The experiments of the animal trainer V.L. Durov on suggestion and telepathy on animals.

Research work in the laboratory of V.L. Durov went on intensively. By the time of the death of V.L. Durov (08/03/1934), the number of experiments of mental suggestion to animals exceeded 10 thousand, a wealth of experimental material had been accumulated.


Experiments of the chief physician of the Novgorod psychiatric hospital Nikolai Krainsky on telepathy and clairvoyance. [ Nikolai Krainsky "Corruption, hysterics and demoniacs, as phenomena of Russian folk life".]

The effects found in the experiments cannot be explained by the perception of ideomotor movements.

"The particular interest of this case lies in the fact that here the phenomena of clairvoyance were discovered with undeniable clarity".


"Bearing in mind the explanations of reading thoughts made in the specialized literature by the so-called motor suggestion, i.e., the transmission through touch of small imperceptible shocks that force the subject under test to produce the required movement, I repeated the experiment at a distance, completely without touching the hysteria. The result is the same; the clicker performed the required actions as if she knew the location of the object well. In the first experiments, I fixed with my gaze the closed eyes of the whore, but later I only followed the movements of her hand. With further repetition of the experiments, they succeeded more and more easily, although it became clear with undeniable clarity that the performance of her actions is indubitably connected with the mental activity of the experimenter and the degree of intensity of the motor representation evoked in his brain.


Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity

Dr. P. Flexor. Experiments of the so-called mental suggestion to animals.

The effects found in the experiments cannot be explained by the perception of ideomotor movements.

"I must say that I approached the above experiments with great skepticism; It always seemed to me on this subject that it is not thoughts that are transmitted, but automatic movements; I had occasion to observe experiments of mental suggestion, and it always seemed that the guesser perceived the unconscious movement of the riddle. Recent experiments with a dog in the absence of its trainer; then experiments where the dog carried out its plan without seeing my face at all, my mimicry, perhaps unconscious for me, when I did not touch it (the assistant fixed its head against mine), and, consequently, it was completely isolated from me; finally, the case with the 8th and 9th experiments mixed up through my fault and the reaction of the dog to this - all this does not fit into the framework of the subject's perception of the experimenter's unconscious movements and facial expressions; this explanation does not satisfy, something more is felt, which, however, is still unclear, but it would be very desirable to continue experiments in this direction in order to shed more light on this little understood and extremely interesting phenomenon".


Experiments on telepathy with rabbits (article text)

P.K. Perov "... the number of matches of the outcomes of the classifications with the program is significantly more than half of the total number of classified cycles. The probability of an accidental excess obtained, determined by the level of significance, is very small, which gives grounds to accept the hypothesis that there is a connection between rabbits located at a distance of 7 km from each other "


Russian science journalist Pavel Lobkov confirmed the reality of telepathy in an experiment with twins (NTV, 2011). Proving telepathy turned out to be very simple. 

A galvanic skin response confirmed the existence of an unexplained connection between the twins. 


A brilliant lecture by writer Mitch Horowitz on how Wikipedia and "skeptics" hide information about successful parapsychological experiments. This lecture should be heard by all first-year students. This will give them a more realistic view of science and modern society.

Research on distance healing in the USSR


Study of the healing abilities of Juna Davitashvili in the laboratory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Restoration of blood flow in the feet of a patient with obliterating endarteritis during the remote treatment of Juna.

An excerpt from the book of the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences Eduard Godik "The Mystery of Psychics: What Physicists Saw".


Study of the healing abilities of Juna Davitashvili in the clinic of the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

("Ogonyok", 1981 №17)

Nevertheless, attempts to investigate the effects of the biofield have been made more than once. You can recall the experiments in the clinic of the State Planning Commission. Featuring Djuna Davitashvili. The beneficial effect of its biofield on many patients has been recorded by medical devices. But let Irina Petrovna Chekmacheva, the chief physician of the polyclinic of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, tell about these studies better.

I. CHEKMACHEVA. We attempted to treat the biofield of patients suffering from acute diseases of the peripheral nervous system: acute plexitis, acute radiculitis and osteochondrosis of the spine. Before treatment, all patients had a pronounced pain syndrome, limitation of limb movement. After the first session, the pain diminished. After the fifth session, the pain syndrome was completely removed in all patients, the function of the limbs was restored.


Video recording of Juna Davitashvili's experiments in a medical laboratory with rabbits. The plot of Soviet TV (video).

Letter from the famous Soviet artist Arkady Raikin to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev

(about Juna's treatment)

“After the first session, I felt much better.

After the first session! And the session lasted no more than 15–20 minutes. I just didn't recognize myself, my body. I felt great. Earlier, the pain in my heart did not leave me, but now it disappeared. I stopped feeling my heart ...

I remember the first session. My legs were heavy. Then it became easier, even easier. It was easier for both legs and heart. Juna asked me to take a deep breath. After that, I felt something unusual. There was no pain, no heart ache. That was incredible! This feeling made a huge impression on me. And with each session I felt better and better. Juna performed 13 sessions. And I, a person who walked on crutches, is unrecognizable. Unfortunately, the doctors could not help me that way ...

I bless her. This is a wonderful healer. What she does is amazing. "

Lev Kolodny "Juna. The Secret of the Great Healer"


An experiment at the Research Institute of Normal Physiology named after P.K. Anokhin Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Arseny Medelyanovsky:

“I managed to stage only one experiment with Juna, and even then with too many admirers, which does not help even an ordinary experiment. First of all, Juna chose the most difficult unconquered peak - she began to influence the isolated heart of the frog, in relation to which the usual critics' reasoning about self-hypnosis, hypnosis, etc. clearly disappear. From one experience, the researcher is not entitled to draw conclusions. This experience is described in the newspapers. But the most paradoxical seemed to us the intensified reaction of the isolated heart of the frog, when Juna, at the other end of the room, switched to her usual work with humans. At the same time, record shifts in oxygen consumption and other physiological indicators were recorded. " (source) 


Other studies of the healing abilities of Juna Davitashvili

After being expelled from the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Juna was invited to other laboratories. Scientists could investigate it. But they had no right to write about her.


Professor Arseny Medelyanovsky was one of the first to dare, despite the strict prohibition of the leadership and administrative measures, to put on a white coat on Juna. In his laboratory, in front of my eyes, she irradiated the frog's heart and abruptly changed the rhythm of its heartbeat. Showdown with the authorities about the experiment hastened the death of a seriously ill professor ...

Chita professor Boris Kuznik suggested that Juna influence, in particular, patients with hemophilia. After that, their blood clotting accelerated.

Employees of the Novosibirsk Academician of Medicine V. Kaznacheev asked to irradiate cell cultures - human kidneys with a hand for a long time. As a result of this, a contactless interaction between a person and a cell culture, which began its rapid growth, was established, its number increased by almost a third ...

Now the floor is given to doctors of medical sciences. Here is what Professor Vladimir Rykov told me:

- First, I want to tell you about an episode that happened before my eyes and made a strong impression on me. Muscovites remember that several years ago Moscow experienced frosts, over thirty degrees. Then one young, strong and handsome man froze his hands, your colleague is a journalist of a telegraph agency, I think. He came to Juna literally with black hands and black fingers. He had an operation in the hand surgery center and an unenviable future for a disabled person of the first group. The so-called demarcation line, along which the knife was supposed to pass, left no hope of saving the hands.

Before my very eyes, Juna began to work with this sufferer every day for a long time. And I saw the incredible. The edema began to recede. Black tissue after each session changed color, took on a normal, healthy color. The surgeons intended initially to cut off both hands with all fingers and, so that a person could somehow take a spoon, instead of fingers, form something like a pincer. Fortunately, they did not have to do this: only phalanges on two fingers were amputated on each of the hands.

In our laboratory, my colleagues and I performed the treatment according to the Juna method. First, patients suffering from heart disease, blockage of the coronary vessels. With her hand, Juna was dissolving the plaques that clogged the vessels! In my memory, she only had twelve such patients. Then she treated those suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers. Thirty of these patients took her course. We closely monitored the treatment. A gastroscope was introduced to make sure there was no ulcer! And they were convinced, to their surprise, of this. Finally, in my opinion, the greatest success was observed in the healing of some female gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding. Dozens of such women passed before her. Here is my answer to your question ...

What's new learned Professor Aron Belkin:

- We offered to work with the hand on male spermatozoa. For those who do not know, I will tell you that these are the only cells that do not die even in open space. It is no coincidence that the theory appeared that life was brought to Earth from somewhere from the depths of the Universe. So, spermatozoa not only do not die, but even retain their amazing properties, the ability to fertilize female cells even after they have been in a space where the temperature was close to absolute zero. Therefore, in the United States, for example, some rich people, when dying, leave their sperm for storage in special refrigerators and bequeathed to their descendants to fertilize in the future the cells of those relatives or friends from whom they would like to have offspring.

We took male spermatozoa and cooled them, which slowed down their endless movement. And then they offered Juna to act remotely on these frozen cells. After that, we saw how the spermatozoa sharply increased their movement, in which they are always found. Here is such an experiment, observing all the scientific requirements for its purity, we carried out in Moscow, shot a documentary, where everything that I have told you can be seen. I showed it in Australia. Juna also has this film. It is strange that until now no one in the country has seen him.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Oleg Alekseev:

- In my opinion, ailments associated with cellular reactions are most effectively treated. Therefore, we suggested to Juna to work on erythrocytes, red blood cells, of various forms. We have selected several of these shapes, separating them from others. It is easy to talk about this, but for such manipulations a very complex technique is being developed, experiments are being prepared for a long time, and they require significant efforts. And it turned out that as a result of Juna's massage, the erythrocytes change shape! It is difficult to describe these changes in words. We made drawings of such metamorphoses. The experiment lasted for months. Juna came to our lab dozens of times. The processing took years.

Lev Kolodny "Juna. The Secret of the Great Healer"

1997, 2002, 2003, 2019

Plots of American TV channels about Yefim Shubentsov, an emigrant from the USSR, who treats nicotine, alcohol and other addictions.

Textbook of diagnostics and healing, which was written by a student of Yefim Shubentsov in 1990.


The announcer Viktor Balashov, familiar to every viewer of Soviet TV, turned out to be a strong psychic and healer. What a twist. Fragment of the film "Phenomena" of the Leningrad Science Film Studio (video).


The head of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Tver Medical Academy tells how he mastered bioenergy treatment and cured a patient of blindness.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. Medelyanovsky (Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology) talks about the scientifically documented ability of A. Chumak to influence the frog heart isolated from the nervous system. Fragment of Chumak's press conference (video)


Reviews of different people about the treatment of Allan Chumak. Fragments of Allan Chumak's press conference and fragments of other programs of the Central Television of the USSR (click on the picture to view the video).

A story about the treatment of chemical eye burns.

A story about the treatment of severe meningoencephalitis in a child.

A story about the treatment of kidney disease in a child.

A story about the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in a girl.

A story about the treatment of seriously ill twins.

Head of the Prevention Department of the Glukhiv Central Hospital on the impact of Allan Chumak's healing sessions.

A story about the treatment of a phobia.


Healer Allan Chumak talks about the voice that taught him to heal (video).


Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview.

Lecture by Sergei Kernbach on the study of parapsychological phenomena in the USSR.


A study of the healing abilities of a Chinese psychic in the laboratory of the Institute of Radio Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The result of the remote influence of a psychic. The process of restoring blood supply in the affected limbs is visible.

An excerpt from the book of the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences Eduard Godik "The Mystery of Psychics: What Physicists Saw".

"Qigong master

Once we were officially approached from the Chinese embassy with a request to "look" in their laboratory at the work of a qigong master who had specially arrived from Beijing. Qigong is one of the branches of Chinese philosophy, the ancient art of self-regulation of the body, including the art of remote healing. It was really intriguing and we agreed. Together with the doctors, we selected several "acute" patients with already familiar to us (physicists love proven models) obliterating endarteritis ("smoker's disease"). They were brought to the laboratory from the clinic (surgical department) of the First Medical Institute. The patient was placed in a separate compartment, the lens of an infrared dynamic thermal imager was aimed at his injured leg in order to observe the dynamics of blood flow during the Qigong master's action. I suggested the master to sit next to the patient and start "working" with him. But, to my great surprise, the master refused and said that he did not need to be close to the patient in order to influence him. I persuaded him a little, explaining that we do not strive for records and that the main thing for us is reliability and clarity of results. But he insisted on his own and sat down on a chair 2-3 meters from the compartment with the patient.

We have previously agreed that he should start and stop his impact on my silent command. I sat down opposite him and raised and lowered my finger at randomly chosen moments of time - this was the agreed signal of the beginning and end of the impact. Every time I noticed the time. The experiment lasted about half an hour. All this time, the thermal imager recorded thermal images (characterizing the pattern of tissue blood supply) of the patient's foot with an interval of about 10 seconds between frames. Neither the master nor I could see the display showing the registered changes in the foot blood supply pattern. All this time, the master simply sat on a chair and, unlike our psychics, did not show any visible activity.

The result amazed me. When we looked at the recording, we found that every time the master began to act on my command, the temperature, especially in the affected area, increased (blood flow increased) until I gave the command to stop the exposure. Further, the temperature of the affected area remained practically unchanged (remained at the achieved plateau) until the next period of exposure, which brought it to a new, higher plateau. During the experiment, blood circulation in the foot was almost completely restored (see Fig. 30). We repeated the effect on the same patients the next day and again every other day. As a result, one of the patients was discharged from the clinic with a significant improvement, and in fact he was put there for surgery.

What was the mechanism of the qigong master's influence (more precisely, through which sensory channel he could influence the patient), frankly, I still do not know ... And therefore I practically did not talk about it before: in physics it is not customary to discuss a phenomenon if there are no possible explanations for it (???). Indeed, unlike ordinary psychics, we did not reveal any sensory contact between the master and the patient here: certainly not infrared thermal radiation ... The main thing is that a clear clinical effect was obtained".

Most of those who read this passage will think that E.E. Godik is disingenuous. They will think that the reason for the silence about the amazing results of the study of the psychic is that the scientist feared for his scientific future, for his career.

The fact that Eduard Godik decided to tell about this episode 30 years later suggests that he regrets the missed opportunities and is trying to compensate for this with this story.

In 2010, E.E. Godik contacted journalist Lev Kolodny. Here is a fragment of an article in Moskovsky Komsomolets:

He sent an e-mail with the following acknowledgment: “I am haunted to figure out how the Chinese - a qigong master - influenced the patient in fact from another room (?!). By the way, the Chinese brought their psychic woman, she seemed to work like Juna. " In another letter I read: “I want to continue this work. There is nothing more interesting. I need to get the attention of people with money. You can read more about our study of phenomena on my website called What Physicists Saw Behind the Exotic of Phenomena. If there are sponsors to begin with, then there will be no problems with investors, I'm sure. I'm ready to return to this case. It's time to do the best. Now or never".

As you can see, a world-renowned professor calls the research of phenomena “the most important”, he is ready to return to Moscow for the sake of the interrupted business. And the Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience “dislikes” psychics. Loves himself. The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, which studied phenomena, added nanotechnology to its name. But the former deputy director of the institute, to my regret, is engaged in nanotechnology overseas. There is no Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience.


Head of the Laboratory of Neurocybernetics at the Brain Institute of the All-Union Scientific Center for Mental Health of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.N. Lyubimov:

“In all cases, a change in the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral hemispheres was recorded during the extrasensory  influence and within 10–20 minutes after its termination in comparison with the control record made before the extrasensory  influence. In 30–40 minutes after the extrasensory  influence, the bioelectrical activity was restored to the norm registered by the control record.

Since all the subjects were in an isolated shielded chamber located in the neurocybernetics laboratory at a distance of about 10 km from the location of the psychic, the nature of the extrasensory influence is most likely not in the nature of electromagnetic interactions. " (source)


The professor of medicine talks about how N.S. Kulagina prevents amputation of damaged limbs, restoring blood flow in them. Film "9 years with psychics" ("Kievnauchfilm", 1989) (eng sub)


In the late 1980s, hundreds of Leningrad doctors were trained in extrasensory diagnostics and treatment. In the film "Man is a Mystery" of the scientific film studio "Lennauchfilm" they demonstrate their abilities.

The doctors were trained by the famous Russian psychic Vadim Polyakov. A textbook on diagnosis and treatment written by V. Polyakov can be downloaded here. (eng sub)


Another story in which the head of the laboratory of biodynamics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, candidate of technical sciences and psychic Vadim Polyakov, teaches Leningrad doctors extrasensory diagnostics (video). Fragment of the film "Phenomena" of the Leningrad science film studio.


"Cerpan" by Beridze-Stakhovsky and treatment of oncological diseases. A fragment of the film about healers "Lambada for Healers" (1990)

The film tells about the invention of A.A. Beridze-Stakhovsky device for healing various diseases, including oncology. The device also stimulates plant growth (eng sub)


Journalist Pavel Lobkov, in a blind experience, confirmed the reality of the abilities of the famous russian healer Allan Chumak:

"Three facts that made the convinced skeptic Lobkov question the firmness of his position:

1. We will show one experiment: a lady-medium, looking at my photograph, unmistakably described the building I was looking at at that moment. The distance between us was about 6 kilometers, no mobile communication. I give up.

2. Chrysanthemums in a double-blind experiment (this is when neither the experimental nor the experimenter knows where the experimental ones are, and where the control samples are - only the notary), when watering Alan Chumak for three weeks, outpaced the control ones, which were watered with plain water, by a week! They bloomed, and the control ones only tied the buds. When the plants that grew under round-the-clock video monitoring (you never know, Chumak will come at night with a package of saltpeter) were brought into the studio, I sat down on the floor and almost sobbed.

3. Not a single scientist could even construct at least an outline of a hypothesis why THIS (in the sense of extrasensory perception. - Ed.), At least sometimes, but works. We had 200 chrysanthemums in our experience. The smartest thing that scientists answered me when asked why experimental flowers bloomed earlier - the sample is small, you need 400. Why not 4000? Or not 6666? On a pair of twins, we managed to show the existence of telepathy - no, it doesn't work, find 200 pairs. This means one thing: science operates with statistics, miracle - with effect. It remains only to refer to Thomas Aquinas - the fundamental impossibility of comprehending a miracle with reason". (source)


On studies of the extrasensory effects of the famous Soviet healer Allan Chumak:

- reducing the number of ambulance calls,

- stimulating the growth of corn (18,7%) and fungus (≈200%),

- change in electrical and thermal conductivity of water. (eng sub)


The famous russian healer and psychic Allan Chumak tells how he turned from a journalist into a healer. Trying to expose the healers, he was surprised to find that there was nothing to expose. The phenomenon is real. (eng sub)


Allan Chumak relieves pain from the host of the "School of Scandal" program twice (2004) (eng sub)


The plot of the Kiev documentary filmmakers about the study of the abilities of the healer Fedora Danilovna Konyukhova (Belarus)

The stream of photons from the hands of the psychic F.D. Konyukhova is 50 times stronger than at the hands of an ordinary person. F. D. Konyukhova is able to cure multiple sclerosis.


Fedora Konyukhova's certificate issued to work with Soviet cosmonauts.


Healer Fedora Danilovna Konyukhova talks (video) about the treatment of Soviet cosmonauts (A. Leonov, V. Tereshkova and others)

Investigation of the remote influence of a psychic on a sensor located at a great distance


Recommendation to the psychic E.A. Dubitsky at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR.


Doctor of Biological Sciences

Georgy Konstantinovich Gurtovoy

103064, Moscow, st. Sadovo-Chernogryazevskaya, 14/19

Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after V.I. Helmholtz. Tel. 297-69-86

121099, Moscow

St. Tchaikovsky, 1/2

Apartment 61. Tel. 241-24-25

Recommendation to the psychic E.A. Dubitsky at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences

Over the past five years, E.A. Dubitsky has carried out a number of important scientific studies devoted to remote influence on living and inert objects. First, it was found that it can affect the readings of a microcalorimeter designed specifically for this purpose. The microcalorimeter was completely isolated from the perception of ordinary physical influences (electromagnetic, acoustic and other physical agents). The distance from the operator to the microcalorimeter was from meters to thousands of kilometers. Then, similar sessions were conducted on the remote influence on the morphology of the nucleic acid apparatus, RNA synthesis and on the process of granulocyte formation, as well as on the level of acidity of the medium. A series of experiments on the impact on people with objective registration has been performed.

All experiments are protocol-documented and provide a basis to conclude that a fact of fundamental importance has been established: operator / E.A. Dubitsky /, being in a certain state of psychological mobilization and focus, can affect living and inert objects located at a distance of up to thousands of kilometers from him. In this case, the participation of conventional channels of physical influence is excluded.

Possible mechanisms of this phenomenon are being studied. Their understanding will make an important contribution to the formation of a scientific picture of the world. Already in the received form, the materials of the work formed the basis of some practical applications.

Participation of E.A. Dubitsky's research was creative, highly effective. He proved himself to be a mature scientist.

It is expedient and justified to translate E.A. Dubitsky as a senior research fellow.

G. Gurtovoy

October 30, 1989


G.K. Gurtovoy, E.A. Dubitsky, A.G. Parkhomov “Remote human impact on a shielded microcalorimeter. Experiment Moscow - Novosibirsk ". (3300 km)

The experiment was carried out at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

“An experiment is described on the effect of a human operator, who was in Moscow, on a shielded microcalorimeter installed in Novosibirsk. Eight attempts at exposure were accompanied by the appearance of six signals registered in Novosibirsk. In recordings made over nine days without exposure, signals were detected only once. 


These experiments show that increasing the distance between the operator and the psychokinetic object up to several thousand kilometers does not significantly affect the results. The distance independence of the effects of psychokinesis (and also, as shown in other studies, the phenomena of telepathy and clairvoyance) is the most radical difference between these types of communication from the means of communication mastered by technology. " (Source)


"Experimental studies of remote human impact on physical and biological systems"

G.K. Gurtovoy, A.G. Parkhomov

Parapsychology and psychophysics. - 1992. - No. 4. - S.31-51.

"Experiments on the remote influence of humans on living and nonliving systems with instrumental registration of the arising effects are described. In experiments with fish generating local electrical impulses, an increase in the interpulse intervals associated with the operator's influence was found, while the fish's response to stimuli of the usual type is a decrease in the intervals. On the basis of a large number of experiments with shielded microcalorimeters and generators of infra-low-frequency electrical noise located at a distance of up to several thousand kilometers from the operator, a number of conclusions have been drawn about the laws of human impact on these objects.

In conclusion, we note the main, most important features of the results obtained:

- experiments on remote exposure are successful only for some of the operators;

- an increase in the quality of screening not only does not weaken the effects, but also makes them more distinct;

- increasing the distance between the operator and the target up to several thousand kilometers does not affect the results of the experiments;

- systems that have perceived the remote influence of a person do not return to their original state immediately after the cessation of exposure. Aftereffect time - about an hour or more;

- a person can influence the information parameters of not only living, but also inanimate systems;

- the parameters of a number of systems that are sensitive to remote action change with rhythms that coincide with the cosmic ones;

- the systems used by us, which have shown sensitivity to remote action, are non-equilibrium.


Zvonikov V.M., Pospelov A.A., Kolyagin V.Ya. Remote (Himalayas-Moscow) biological extraordinary informational interaction in the "Man-man" system.

"As a result of the conducted studies, 6 (out of 7) targeted deviations of percipients on the stabiloplatform were objectively recorded, which was objectively recorded by the indicators of stabilography. At the same time, according to EEG indicators, both the inducer and the percipients showed interhemispheric asymmetry with a predominance of the activity of the right hemisphere and a number of neurophysiological phenomena. In experiments without BEIV, there were no peculiarities in the EEG of the subjects and in stabilography".

Research of telekinesis in the USSR


LITMO rector G.Dulnev tells how the first experiments began and took place: everything was done in secret. Everyone was silent and didn't tell anyone. Nothing has been published for 6 years. If they found out about these studies, I would be fired (video).


Former rector of LITMO G. Dulnev on the study of N. Kulagina's abilities:

"We have proven that it is:

-not a thermal phenomenon,

-not an acoustic phenomenon,

-not an optical phenomenon,

-not an electrical phenomenon,

-not a magnetic phenomenon. Which? Dont clear"(video).


Rector of LITMO G.Dulnev about the first study by Kulagina:

"I see absolutely wild result. My hand turned red, erythema developed, and the thermocouple shows a temperature of 36 C (96 Fahrenheit). And the device that measures the flow of thermal energy goes off scale"(video).


Professor G.N. Dulnev tells how he met Ninel Kulagina(1978). It is this year that is called the initial year in the research of telekinesis at LITMO. After five years of research, a small scientific article was published in 1984 (video).


Former rector of the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics G.N. Dulnev lists the specialists with whom he explored the abilities of Ninel Kulagina.

In 1978, a group of LITMO staff led by the author also began to study this phenomenon. The number of researchers included specialists in the field of optics, electromagnetism, thermal physics, quantum electronics, physical chemistry, acoustics, etc. The work was carried out according to a clear program, for about six years, always in the evenings when the institute was empty.

The research group included leading physicists of the institute: professors, doctors of sciences K. I. Krylov (electrodynamics), G. B. Alshuller (quantum electronics), I. K. Meshkovsky (physical chemistry), G. N. Dulnev (energy physics) together with candidates of technical sciences N. V. Pilipenko, V. Kuzmin, S. Volkov, K. Tuminas.

- experiments were attended by a doctor of the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirova V. Averkiev and senior researcher of the Institute of High Frequency Currents Candidate of Technical Sciences G. Shvartsman, as well as senior researcher of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism Candidate of Technical Sciences E. S. Gorshkov.

Later, these studies were continued at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (SPbGITMO(TU)) on the basis of the Center for Energy Information Technologies (CEIT). Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences T. Prokopenko (Department of Solid State Optoelectronics), CEIT employees, Candidates of Technical Sciences A. P. Ipatov, G. N. Vasilyeva, O. Polyakova, B. L. Muratova took an active part in them.

Part of the research was carried out within the walls of the Agrophysical Institute of St. Petersburg by candidates of sciences L. A. Masyuk, O. V. Stroganova; at the Military Medical Academy by professors A. I. Khlunovsky and S. A. Latiev.

In 1980, a public demonstration of experiments took place, in which the rector of the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman Academician G. A. Nikolaev and professors V. N. Volchenko and A. M. Arkharov. They highly appreciated these experiments. I dwelled in detail on the composition of the participants in this work in order to emphasize the wide coverage of the most diverse areas of physics and the representativeness of the group.

A fragment from the book of the former rector of LITMO G.N. Dulnev "In search of the Subtle World. Psychokinesis, telepathy, telekinesis"


An article with the results of the study of telekinesis at the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (LITMO)

“In the experiments, we have repeatedly observed the movement of light (several grams) metal and dielectric objects on a wooden or metal surface at a distance of up to 10-30 cm from the operator's face. Most often, the human operator moved objects, making some movements with his hands. The distance from the hands to the object varied from 5 to 30 cm. Cylindrical objects 5-6 cm high moved in jerks, usually without changing their vertical position.

Objects surrounded by a metal mesh screen also moved. Consequently, the forces under the influence of which the objects were moved could not be of electrostatic origin. Therefore, we further measured the magnetic, acoustic effects and the interaction of the operator's field with the laser beam. "


Numerous experiments, in the presence of a significant number of qualified specialists of different engineering and physical profiles, have established that an operator (N.S. Kulagina), capable of causing telekinesis, generates significant pulsed electromagnetic fields.

Pulses of the operator's magnetic and acoustic fields were recorded, as well as a significant attenuation of the intensity of the CO2-laser beam at a wavelength of 10.6 microns in the area of ​​its interaction with the operator "

(Volchenko V.N., Dulnev G.N., Krylov K.I., Kulagin V.V., Pilipenko N.V. Measurement of extreme values ​​of physical fields of a human operator. // Technical aspects of reflexology and diagnostic systems. - Kalinin : KSU. 1984.S. 53-59.)

Magnetic induction pulses in time.

"It has been established that the operator (N.S. Kulagina), capable of causing the phenomena of telekinesis, generates significant pulsed electromagnetic fields"

Acoustic impulses during telekinesis experiments can reach 90 dB.

Scan of fragments of the article.

Volchenko V.N., Dulnev G.N., Krylov K.I., Kulagin V.V., Pilipenko N.V. Measurement of extreme values ​​of physical fields of a human operator. // Technical aspects of reflexology and diagnostic systems. - Kalinin : KSU. 1984.S. 53-59.


Academician Yu.B. Kobzarev says that a series of clicks are recorded during experiments with telekinesis. Fragment of the film "9 years with psychics" studio of scientific films "Kievnauchfilm". (eng sub)

Telekinesis. The movement of matches under a plexiglass cap. The video is looped. Recording of the 60s.

Rare footage of Ninel Kulagina's experiments. Two plots:

1) Telekinesis (USSR Central Television, 1989)

2) Burning with unknown energy (Japanese TV, 1976).


Ninel Kulagina demonstrates clairvoyance. Fragment of the film "World Of Discovery: Powers of the Russian Psychics" (1993).


Director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.V. Gulyaev about N. Kulagina: "We were the first to discover the radiation of ultrasound by humans." 


In an interview for the magazine "Tekhnika-Molodyozhi" Yu.B. Kobzarev gives more details. For example, in the course of one of the experiments of N.S. Kulagina burned the microphone with her hands.

Academician Yu.B. Kobzarev: “We started our experiments with a condenser microphone, as it was more sensitive. As soon as Kulagina brought her hands closer to the matchbox and tensed, pulses appeared on the oscilloscope screen ... and immediately everything disappeared. The microphone has lost sensitivity. Having disassembled it, we saw that it was "broken" - its membrane was welded to the base. The microphone was soon fixed, but again failed: the sound impulses were so strong that the condenser microphone could not withstand them. The ceramic microphone worked smoothly. "


Academician Yu.B. Kobzarev: “The next series of experiments took place at the apartment of my great friend Academician IK Kikoin (his apartment was chosen because it had a large hall that could accommodate many people). Among those present were also academicians V. A. Trapeznikov and A. N. Tikhonov. The meeting was joined by the deputy director of the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor Yu. V. Gulyaev (now an academician, director of the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Here Kulagina was moving a small wine glass that stood on a large writing table covered with newspaper. The newspaper was placed on the glass, under which lay family photographs (which prevented Kulagina from concentrating). The participants in the experiment, who closely watched what was happening, did not find any clues. " ("Technology for the youth", 1989, no. 2)


Protocol in which professors and academics acknowledge the existence of telekinesis

"We, the undersigned, confirm that on February 8, 1978, having gathered at the apartment of Academician I.K. Kikoin, we saw the experiments of N.S. Kulagina, moving light objects / an inverted glass, a box of adhesive plaster, a cap from a simple fountain pen / without any mechanical contact with them, in the presence of significant stress N.S. Kulagina's hands approached the objects, without touching the table, at a distance of about 3-5 cm; the object moved at a distance of the same order.

We also made sure that N.S. Kulagina on the skin of the subject's hand in about a minute caused a strong burning sensation / as from a mustard plaster or a red-hot object / followed by erythema as in a first-degree burn.

In the experiments of N.S. Kulagina really demonstrates not a focus, but an inexplicable phenomenon of nature, the study of which is of great interest for science.

Academician I.K. Kikoin,

Academician Y.B. Kobzarev,

Academician V.A. Trapeznikov,

Academician A.N. Tikhonov,

Professor V.B. Braginsky,

Professor Yu.V. Gulyaev,

Professor M.K. Romanovsky,

Professor M.A. Mokulsky,

NL Muskhelishvili ".


Ninel Kulagina remotely destroys the acetate thread. Leningrad Science Film Studio.


Academician Yu.B. Kobzarev: “I confirm that Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina has an extraordinary ability to cause movement of light objects without touching them and that she does so exclusively by stressing her body.

Experiments have shown that this cannot be explained by the appearance of electric and magnetic fields.

Shown by N.S. The Kulagina phenomenon is of enormous interest to science. The study of it can lead to fundamental discoveries that are not inferior in importance to the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics. "

I believe that it is necessary to render N.S. Kulagina's all-round support, to help in every possible way to improve the conditions of her existence, to assist in conducting scientific research on the phenomena she demonstrates.

President of the Scientific Council on the problem of "Statistical Radiophysics" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor

Yu.B. Kobzarev


In 1978, the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company shot a film about the unusual abilities of a person. Ninela Kulagina was paid 15 rubles for the demonstration of telekinesis. 60 kopecks per diem. Japanese TV bought the recording for $ 15,000.

This fact became known from the transcript of the court, published in the journal "Tekhnika-Molodyozhi".

From the testimony of I.F. Shoshina, editor of joint filming of the Main Directorate of External Relations of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company

Witness. Since March 1977, I have worked as the director of the popular science film "The Unique Abilities of People", which was filmed in 1978. After much persuasion, Kulagina agreed to star in our tape. As an actress, we did not pay her money, only 2 rubles 60 kopecks per diem (only 15 rubles 60 kopecks), although the Japanese paid us 15 thousand dollars for the shooting.

(Animation in the hall)

This is a selfless person of amazing kindness. It is these qualities that attract everyone who knows her to her.

Advocate. In the article "How much is the sensation today?" in the newspaper "Socialist Industry" it is written: "It shows footage of a woman's hand rotating a compass needle. For physics, this is a mystery. Maybe a combination shooting? Science answered the questions indistinctly, unconvincingly ... Or maybe a movie trick? " What do you say?

Witness. I can say with full responsibility: there were no tricks. They took an ordinary wooden table without any adaptations, and put a compass on it. And then Kulagina with her own hands - but not immediately, but applying certain efforts - began to rotate his arrow.

Advocate. This publication has not been refuted by anyone.

Witness. In vain! I also read a lot about "tricks", and I was always outraged. How can you trick in a studio - in the blinding light of Jupiters, where several hundred people are packed - what kind of "special devices" can there be?


In 1988, Ninel Kulagina won the court in a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity against the magazine "Chelovek i zakon".

"Thus, the interviewed witnesses, academicians Gulyaev Yu.V. and Kobzarev Yu.B. explained that they have known the plaintiff since 1978 - due to her unusual body abilities. They attended her experiments, and then invited her to the institute, where a laboratory was created to study the biofields of humans and animals in order to measure these fields. Kulagina was examined, of which there is a report. This phenomenon has not been fully studied, there is only a hypothesis, it is still necessary to study it. This circumstance is confirmed by reports (sheets of the case 63-66). In addition, the said also witnesses L.E. Kolodny. and Shoshina I.F., who have known the plaintiff for over 10 years and were present at her experiments. The assertion of the defendant and the co-defendant that the plaintiff does not possess unusual abilities, which is a scam and fraud, is not supported by any evidence. Since this phenomenon has not been studied, it is currently being dealt with at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the court considers that in this part the information is defamatory".

The so-called skeptics like to talk about how Ninel Kulagina used magnets, strings, etc. In court, however, not a single evidence of deception was provided.


Late in the evening in April 1988, millions of people for the first time in our country were able to see what telekinesis is on Central Television.

Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina, academician Yuri Borisovich Kobzarev and the author of these lines, who appeared in front of the audience, briefly, within the allotted seven minutes, talked about the hard-to-explain gift that nature endowed its owner who appeared before all the people. During her life, she was repeatedly attacked in the press, earning a steady reputation as a hoaxer and other unflattering epithets ...

That evening, feeling a surge of inspiration caused by the kind attitude of the film crew and the presenter, Ninel Sergeevna showed the very "trick" that haunts many true scientists.

Taking off the gold wedding ring from her finger, she put it in front of her on the cover of the coffee table and, moving her hand over it, to the amazement of everyone in the studio, I think that all viewers, too, moved the ring from its place, and it, obeying a certain force, jerkily moved to the edge of the table ... The matches laid out on the table moved from their place ... This was how a simple but phenomenal experiment was demonstrated, which requires a lot of effort to explain: the movement of objects that the hand did not touch!

So for the first time, Soviet television paid attention to the phenomenon. Fifteen years before this show, we lived in Moscow for several days; cameramen then shot a documentary about Ninel Sergeevna's abilities. Soon it was seen by millions. But the film was shot by order of a Japanese television company, and the audience of the Land of the Rising Sun watched it. It took many years, the era of glasnost had to begin, so that N. S. Kulagina could appear before her people. By that time, journalists from many countries managed to tell about it.

Excerpt from the book "Phenomenon D" (1991) edited by journalist Lev Kolodny The collection consists of three parts: about Wolf Messing, Ninela Kulagina and Dzhuna Davitashvili.


Demonstration of telekinesis on the air of the largest russian TV channel in Russia (Channel One) by psychic Vadim Kuzmenko (source).


Experiments on telekinesis at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. The psychic Vadim Kuzmenko demonstrated telekinesis.

Physicists gave the psychic a document: "... the operator mentally made a plastic ball move in a given direction on the surface of the water in a closed glass container".


Video recording of Vadim Kuzmenko's telekinesis experiment. (source)


Psychic Valery Avdeev demonstrates telekinesis. Fragment of the TV magazine "Science and Technology" of the Central Studio of Scientific Films of the USSR. (eng sub)


Mentalist Lior Suchard: I use chi to bend the spoons  (eng sub)

Clairvoyance research in the USSR


Documentary footage of experiments on clairvoyance. The experiments are carried out by Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.M. Kogan. Subject - psychic L. Korabelnikova

Psychic Lyudmila Korabelnikova tells how she is looking for missing people. (eng sub)


Research by Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.M. Kogan "Research of bioinformation in the recognition of screened images" (Section of bioinformation of the NTORES named after A.S. Popov)

IV. Main conclusions and results of the work.

2. Based on more than 6000 experiments carried out during the reporting period, a statistically reliable possibility of recognizing images shielded with thick cardboard and aluminum foil was established using bioinformation channels to obtain information about the object of observation.

3. The rational method of training the subject allowed not only to achieve high results in individual experiments, but also ensured the receipt of a stable excess of the results of directional recognition over random coincidence by 2.5-3.0 times. Such a stable manifestation of the discovered phenomenon ...

5. Experiments with the recognition of characters shielded by thick cardboard at a distance of 50-80 centimeters from the subject have shown that the recognition process does not require the subject's direct contact with the image itself or the material shielding the image.


After the electric shock, Yulia Vorobyova began to see the internal organs of people. Scientific films studio "Kievnauchfilm". (eng sub)


The plot of the state television of the Soviet Union about the clairvoyant Yulia Vorobyova. (eng sub)


The plot is about a blind girl who sees the internal organs and can make a diagnosis.


Extraocular vision. Nikolai Denisov is not a professional scientist. He is more of a practitioner. In the video, a blindfolded woman identifies the name of upside down playing cards (10 out of 12). Denisov talks about experiments on reading floppy disks.


A woman with X-ray vision Victoria Chabanenko. She received her medical education and a diploma as an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the fragment, she makes a diagnosis. Other doctors talk about her abilities.

Victoria tells in detail how she sees the internal organs.

Victoria demonstrates the ability to see internal organs.

Research of dermo-optical perception in the USSR

Dermo-optical perception (skin "vision") in the USSR has been studied for more than 30 years (1936-1941 and 1963-1989).

Investigations of skin "vision" are:

- more than 10,000 subjects (sighted and blind, kindergarten pupils, schoolchildren, students, workers of enterprises, etc.);

- more than 120 scientific articles (in total, there are more than 180 sources in the incomplete list);

- more than 40 scientists-researchers of skin "vision";

- over 30 years of research (1936-1941 and 1963-1989).

The phenomenon of skin "vision" is:

- unexplained connection between skin "vision" and the area of ​​the "third eye";

- the ability to read without eyes;

- the ability to determine the true color of an object through colored glass, various metals and other opaque media;

- the ability to determine the color of the paper that was in the metal cassette (that is, to determine the color of the paper that is no longer in the cassette);

- the ability to determine the color of the paper through three thick books;

- the ability to determine the color of paper in the dark;

- many experiments excluding the thermal hypothesis;

- lack of a satisfactory explanation for all observed phenomena.


An unexplained connection was found between skin "vision" and the area between the eyebrows.

Studying scientific articles half a century ago, you can stumble upon amazing facts. For example, in collections devoted to the study of dermo-optical perception, one can find evidence of the existence of what is called the "third eye" in the East.

Shielding part of the head (above the eyes) stops the process of cutaneous "vision".

“Finally, it should be noted that recently, in experiments, an amazing phenomenon has been accidentally discovered that needs special research and scientific explanation: the screen version of the upper part of the head (above the eyes) with paper stops the flow of dermo-optical information in a number of subjects and makes it impossible to perceive and distinguish colors by hands ".

Kozhevnikov M.M. The problem of dermo-optical perception. "Problems of dermo-optical perception". Scientific notes, collection 33, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, 1965.

"Later it was found that shielding the head stops the process of dermo-optical perception not only in Rosa Kuleshova, but also in many (many, but not all - ed.) Other subjects, including the blind."

Goldberg I.M. The phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova. "Problems of dermo-optical perception". Scientific notes, collection 33, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, 1965.

About the appearance of color sensations in the area of ​​the eyebrow

“The experimenter held a sheet of colored paper (red or blue) at some distance behind the back of the subject's head, sitting blindfolded. At the same time, the experimenter named the color of the leaf and asked the subject to visualize it as clearly as possible. After several exercises, the subjects usually said that each time upon presentation of a colored sheet in the position "behind the back of the head," round spots or oblong stripes of the same color as the sheet in the experimenter's hands appeared between the eyebrows and on the eyelids of their closed eyes. These subjective indicators were accompanied by more or less accurate recognition of the color of the paper. "

Novomeisky A.S., Sudakov N.I., Syuzev V.P. About recognizing the signs of color through opaque media using skin sensitivity. In the collection: "Materials for the study of dermo-optical perception", Chelyabinsk Pedagogical Institute, Chelyabinsk, 1965.


Children determine the color of paper through metal. In some cases, the recognition accuracy reaches 92%.

Table from the scientific article by N.I. Sudakov "On the distinction of color tones with the help of fingers."

Researchers of skin "vision" A.S. Novomeisky and V.S. Matveev about the phenomenal abilities of Vera Petrova

“Vera Petrova, an eleven-year-old schoolgirl from the city of Novocheremshansk, Ulyanovsk region, in February 1964, when meeting with the correspondent of the newspaper“ Selskaya Zhizn ”with her eyes tightly blindfolded, unerringly distinguished colored paper and pencils with her fingers and toes, shoulders, knees, recognized the color of objects as in contact with them, and at a distance of 6-8 cm from them. In addition, various objects were placed under two or three books, and the girl named them. Unmistakably "read" photographs, "saw" through clothes.

“Here is your heart,” she said, slowly running her childish hand over the chest of the correspondent A. Kalistratov. - It's in some kind of bag.

And how does it beat - is it stretched up or down?

No, it beats like this, - and the girl clenched her fist several times. And then she added: "And red blood is flowing down the tube, this way."

Then the girl showed a dark brown liver - a "big bag", a "thick tube" - an esophagus.

And when she began to "examine" her stomach with her hands, she wrinkled: "Fu, there are some snakes there."

Stepping on the photograph with a foot in a stocking and a woolen sock, she called the acquaintances depicted on it.

Leading her hand over the pages of the magazine, Vera read the text, guessing small drawings. The reporter also tested her ability to "see" through a wall. She “looked” through the wooden room door with her hands and, without mistakes, named a number of photographs depicting her relatives. Then, in the experiments, I "saw" photographs through a thick stone wall.

In April, Vera Petrova was brought to Ulyanovsk, where scientists conducted a comprehensive study of her unusual abilities. The commission of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR included well-known psychiatrists - the director of the State Research Institute of Psychiatry, Professor D. D. Fedotov, Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev, teacher-psychiatrist F. I. Tepenitsina and others. Scientists have come to a consensus: yes, indeed, Vera Petrova has a phenomenal ability to see with skin. Experiments have confirmed this. Yes, she recognized the color of the paper through two or three thick books placed on top (after that, how can one say that a person catches the thermal radiation of the paper with his skin? - Ed.), Read a text from the Pioneer magazine. Running her elbow over the pictures from the children's loto on the table, she told what was painted on them and what color. Through the thickness of the carpet, with her foot in a shoe, a stocking and a sock, Vera fumbled a cardboard with a picture and joyfully exclaimed: "Yes, this is a cockerel."

Commenting on what he saw, Professor Fedotov refers to the work of the famous Soviet psychologist A. N. Leontyev, who established that all people have areas of the skin surface that are very sensitive to light, for example, the areas between the eyebrows. By the way, Vera Petrova, trying to explain where the image is born in her, pointed exactly to this place. (This publication from the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper was reprinted by other newspapers, in particular by Uralskiy Rabochy on May 21, 1964). "

A quote from the book of the psychologist V.S. Matveev "Riddles and mental reserves". Ural University Press, 1990.

Experiments that ruled out the thermal hypothesis of cutaneous "vision".

The question arises as to what role in the complex process of dermo-optical perception is played by the nerve center, which is unknown to modern science, located in the eyebrow region?

What is its anatomy and physiology?

Why isn't it being investigated?


Psychologist A.N. Leontiev is awarded the highest state award - the Lenin Prize. The prize was awarded for the work "Problems of mental development". Fundamental work included the study of skin vision. In this work, he rejected the thermal hypothesis.

Academician A.Petrovsky wrote in his memoirs that A.Leontiev was afraid not to receive the Lenin Prize due to the fact that the results of the study of skin vision did not fit into the materialistic picture of the world.

Quote No. 1 "Thus, the possibility of the test subjects' reaction directly to thermal rays was excluded. However, it was possible to admit the existence of an indirect thermal effect of irradiation arising from the conversion of the energy of visible rays. In order to clarify this issue, special measurements were carried out."

Quote No. 2 "Thus, the influence of the thermal reaction of the skin was completely eliminated."

Quote No. 3 "Consequently, the possibility of orienting the subjects to an increase in air temperature in the conditions in the installation under the conditions of our experiments was also excluded".

"Problems of mental development" (1959)

The fragments of the text highlighted in yellow say that a series of experiments ruled out the orientation of the subjects to heat.


More than half a century ago, Soviet scientists proved the possibility of learning to read an ordinary printed text by hand (to read without the participation of the eyes). The experiments were carried out with blind, visually impaired and healthy people (schoolchildren, students, etc.).

“During ten sessions, we managed to form the skill of remote dermo-optical perception of large letters and numbers, and then numbers and words in the visually impaired. Thus, the possibility of learning to read at a distance with the help of the palm of at least a large text is proved. Some additional experiments lead us to conclude that blind people can be taught to read from a distance and with the help of their fingertips. In this case, the font size can be significantly reduced, and the reading process will be very close to normal reading with the help of sight. On the other hand, the ability to perceive letters and numbers depicted in different fonts allows us to hope that in the process of training it is possible to teach the blind and visually impaired to perceive distantly object drawings and figures. "

Novomeisky A.S. From the experience of the formation of dermo-optic sense in blind people. In the collection: "Problems of dermo-optical perception. Scientific notes of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute", issue 33, Sverdlovsk, 1965.


Amazing documentary footage. Blind children can see... with their "hand". The shooting took place in a Kharkov boarding school for blind children.

Fragment of the film "Living covers" of the scientific film studio "Lennauchfilm" (1991). (eng sub)


No less amazing shots of experiments. Students of the pedagogical university determine the color of the paper lying in the metal cassette. They also read through opaque materials. Fragment of the popular science film "Seven Steps Beyond the Horizon" of the Kievnauchfilm studio of scientific films. (eng sub)


The ability for dermo-optical perception among students of the music faculty is 2.5 times higher than among students of the Faculty of Mathematics.

“It is important to note that, in general, all the phenomenal cases of dermo-optical perception discovered in the Urals (Roza Kuleshova, Nadya Lobanova, Tanya Deibel, etc.) indicate a connection between skin“ vision ”and artistic” type of person.

A.S. Novomeisky (1963, 1966), conducting experiments with students from different faculties, found that at the Faculty of Mathematics, dermo-optic giftedness is detected in approximately one student per 12 people (8.3% - ed.). Among students of the Faculty of Art and Graphics - about every sixth (16.7%). Among students of the Faculty of Music - about every fifth person (20%).

Finally, in experiments conducted with students A.I. Krupnov, it was found that the highest dermo-optical perception is possessed by those persons in whom a weak type of nervous system is clearly manifested.

Novomeisky A.S., Yakovlev V.I. Results and perspectives of the study of skin "vision" in the Urals. In the collection: "Results and prospects of Soviet psychology in the Urals", Perm Pedagogical Institute, Perm, 1967.


Donald Liddle, a blind psychology professor at the University of London, demonstrates dermo-optical perception on the BBC (January 5, 1965).


A large-scale study in untrained subjects of the ability to determine the color of paper through metal plates. The number of subjects is 1492.

Article by I.M. Goldberg "On Recognition of Color Signs Through Metallic Coatings"

"In 1965-1966. We carried out a series of experiments to identify the penetrating dermo-optical perception in the subjects, which was detected before the start of training. In addition, the purpose of our work was: a) finding persons with persistent penetrating dermo-optical perception, b) studying the meaning of external codes, in particular temperature codes, for the quality of determination, c) revealing the subjective sensations of the subjects during penetrating determination. The subjects were mainly young men 15-19 years old, who were undergoing a medical examination (young workers, students, students of schools and vocational schools, etc.).

For the study, we used a roulette designed by A.S. Novomeisky. The tape measure is a wooden disc rotating on bearings with seven symmetrically located round sockets with a diameter of 140 mm and a depth of 8 mm. The nests are tightly closed with identical tinplate lids. Differently colored paper mugs in different versions are laid in the nests. After each determination, the disc was checked, and when the subject performed the task in a number of series, the circle was moved to another nest. The subject at this time turned away, which excluded the possibility of peeping when making determinations. It was the exclusion of the possibility of visually identifying a nest with a colored circle that gave us reason to dwell on this technique.


In total, 1,492 subjects participated in the first thirty series of experiments, and 4,553 determinations were made.


In view of the complexity of the changing nature of the studied phenomena, as well as in connection with the need to prove the reliability of the statistical material obtained, its development was carried out using the methods of the theory of probability.




"...not only the skin, but also the eye reacts to invisible radiation from color samples."

Fragment of the book by the researcher of skin vision V. Matveev "Riddles and reserves of the psyche" (Publishing house of the Ural University, 1990)

"Even more amazing research was carried out in the early 70s at the Ural University and the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute. It turned out that not only the skin, but also the eye reacts to the invisible radiation of colored samples. The duration of the visual sequential images was recorded. What these images are, the reader probably remembers from school. If you look closely at a small black square for a minute, and then turn your gaze to a sheet of white paper, then a bright white spot will appear on it, like a "bunny" from a mirror. Such a spot will appear, disappear and reappear for some time. This is a sequential visual image, the duration of which (until complete disappearance) can be recorded using a stopwatch.

In the experiments, the subjects for 60 seconds. they looked at a black square (it was made of black rubber or lead), but some color sample was placed under it, for example, red or green. The subject did not know that there was colored paper under the screen made of lead or rubber. But when he looked at a sheet of white paper, the successive images were different in duration: when there was red paper under the screen, the image lasted longer than in those cases when there was green one. An amazing fact!"


Three collections of articles on skin "vision" have been published in the USSR.

Below is a list of articles


Materials of the study of skin-optical sensitivity. Chelyabinsk Pedagogical Institute, Chelyabinsk, 1965.

1) Sudakov N.I. On the recognition of color tones using skin sensitivity (materials for testing the photoreceptor hypothesis).

2) Novomeisky A.S., Sudakov N.I., Syuzev V.P. About recognizing the signs of color through opaque media using skin sensitivity.

3) Fishelev Ya.R. A study of skin photosensitivity in blind and visually impaired people.

4) Sudakov N.I., Novomeisky A.S. Skin-optical sense and the significance of its development in blind and visually impaired people.


Problems of skin-optic sensitivity. Scientific notes, collection 33, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 1965.

5) Kozhevnikov M.M. Problems of skin-optic sensitivity.

6) Goldberg I.M. The phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova.

7) Fishelev. Ya.R., Dobronravov S.N. About skin "vision" in humans.

8) Sudakov N.I. On distinguishing color tones with the help of fingers.

9) Gilev D.K. Characterization of tactile and temperature signs of color.

10) Novomeisky A.S. From the experience of the formation of skin-optic sense in blind people.

11) Kolesnikov N.I., Filimonov Yu.M., Belousov V.N. On the question of the physical nature of the skin-optic sense.


Issues of a comprehensive study of skin-optical sensitivity. Scientific notes of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 1968.

12) Novomeisky A.S. Change in skin-optical sensitivity in different lighting conditions.

13) Bikard V.A. On the relationship between the height and stability of color barriers.

14) Krupnov A.I. Individual features of the height of color barriers in subjects with different characteristics of the strength of the excitatory process.

15) Novomeisky A.S., Yakovlev V.I. Possible sensitization of skin-optical sensitivity in humans.

16) Demeneva A.N., Kochigina A.N. Differentiation of color irritants using skin sensitivity.

17) Goldberg I.M. About recognizing signs of color through metal coatings.

18) Dobronravov S.N., Ivanova N., Zakharov N. Revealing skin photosensitivity by developing conditioned defensive reflexes.

19) Krupnov A.I., Novomeisky A.S., Bikard V.A. Finding color barriers based on residual radiation.

20) Chetin F.E., Novomeisky A.S. To the question of the physical nature of skin-optical sensitivity.

The complete list of publications contains over 180 sources.


Study of the ability of plants to perceive the emotional state of a person.

The research was carried out in the laboratory of heuristics of the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

“We repeated our experiments many times and all with the same results. An experiment was also made with lie detection, which is widely used in foreign forensics. This experiment was organized as follows. Tatiana was asked to think of a number from one to ten. the fact that she would carefully conceal the planned number. After that, they began to enumerate numbers from one to ten. The name of each number she met with a decisive "No!" 5 "- the one that Tanya has in mind." (full text)


Biophysicists of the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR have developed a method for determining the strength of the influence of a psychic. Fragment of the film "Sorcerer of the XX century".

Kiev studio of scientific films "Kievnauchfilm", 1989 (eng sub)

Some considerations

The conclusion of the commission: parapsychological phenomena and "an unknown channel for the transmission of information or influence" are real.

Unfortunately, "Wikipedia", all kinds of "whistleblowers", "skeptics", "educators" and "rationalists" are convincing of the opposite.

For many decades they have been telling that "flying saucers" do not exist, and those who think otherwise simply do not have critical thinking. And today, the UFO footage is posted online by the US Department of Defense, and military pilots are giving interviews to the New York Times. Something similar happened with meteorites, antiseptics, quasicrystals and much more.

We know that scientists are wrong about flying saucers and parapsychological phenomena. What else are they mistaken about?

I suggest doing a few simple things:

1) probably the most important thing is to learn to doubt your picture of the world, to become, thus, receptive to the unusual;

2) understand how social representations function:

“The same can be said for social representations, which prescribe an almost 'automatic' explanation of events. "The reasons have already been selected and set out before the detailed study and analysis of the information has taken place." If active thinking is not included, the explanation is exhausted by the content of social representation "(this means that some assessments that you consider yours are formulated and belong not to you, but to the group to which you belong - ed.) (Yakimova E.V. Theory of social representations in social psychology: discussions of the 80s - 90s: Scientific-analytical review / RAS. INION. Laboratory of sociology. - M .: INION, 1996);

3) understand that any person (even a scientist!) consciously and unconsciously defends his picture of the world, displacing and ignoring facts that contradict it (confirmation bias, wishful thinking, Freud-Festinger's law);

4) stop uncritically accepting what people with advanced degrees say;

5) forget about the existence of "skeptics" and "whistleblowers";

6) admit that what the majority is accustomed to consider a delusion, prejudice or superstition may turn out to be real;

7) replace knowledge about things and processes with hypotheses about things and processes (this will make your picture of the world more plastic);

8) do not rely on the opinions of other people, but understand each topic independently (if possible, rely on personal experience);

9) do not draw conclusions about things that you have not learned.

False: “It is impossible to distinguish colors with a blindfold. Wikipedia provides objective information. "

That's right: find and analyze popular science and scientific articles on the topic of dermo-optical perception. Try to develop it yourself. Study the history of research and only then formulate your position. For example, the first mention of dermo-optical perception can be found in a book by the Irish physicist and chemist Robert Boyle, published in 1664. The blind man, due to illness, had the ability to distinguish colors by touch. And A.N. Leontiev for his scientific work, part of which was the study of dermo-optical perception, received the Lenin Prize. A.N. Leontiev studied skin "vision" before the birth of Rosa Kuleshova (she is accused of cheating), and A.S. Novomeisky and his colleagues examined her skin "vision" after her death. And in those studies there were thousands of subjects and tens of thousands of experiments (only in the study of I.M. Goldberg "On the recognition of color signs through metal coatings" 1492 subjects participated and 4553 determinations were made).

First things to read on the topic:

1) Viktor Kulagin "The Phenomenon" K "(history of 25 years of research into the abilities of Ninela Kulagina) (Politizdat, 1991).

2) Lev Kolodny “Juna. The secret of the great healer ”(the story of the study of the abilities of Dzhuna Davitashvili (2015).

3) Vasiliev L.L. "Experimental studies of mental suggestion." Leningrad University Publishing House, 1962. (a book about the study of telepathy by Soviet scientists).

Diagnostic and Healing Tutorials:

Vadim Polyakov "Psychic Workshop" (1991)

Yuri Levinson, Mikhail Levinson "Healing: Ways and Opportunities" (1996)

Evgeny Dubitsky "Satellite of a psychic" (1991)

Main publications on the site "Scientific Anomalies"

These materials will help get rid of stereotypes and form a more or less adequate understanding of this topic.

It should be remembered that the way of thinking of most scientists can be expressed by the following formula *:

"If the phenomenon cannot be explained by the already known types of physical interactions, then it is not a phenomenon, but a deception, delusion, coincidence, etc."

This is paraphrased from the Wikipedia article on skin "vision."

* this applies to rare phenomena and phenomena that have been given a false explanation.

Russian Wikipedia: Science categorically does not recognize the existence of channels of perception that are incompatible with any of the known types of physical interactions [13]. The existence of the phenomenon of "alternative vision with the help of the skin" is denied by science [1] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19].

The English Wikipedia has a pure refined lie:

Wikipedia denies the existence of dermo-optical perception. Wikipedia claims there is no scientific evidence for skin vision. 

What have been investigated for more than 30 years by A.N. Leontiev, N.B. Poznanskaya, A.S. Novomeisky, N.T. Svinina, N.N. Sudakov, D.K. Gilev, S.N. Dobronravov, Ya.R. Fishelev, V.S. Matveev, M.M. Bongard, M.S. Smirnov, I.N. Goldberg, N.N. Lysenko, G.A. Barilo, T.I. Rassolova, G.P. Karavaeva, N.A. Koryakina, G.F. Plekhanov, N.F. Bulavintseva L.V. Vasilieva, A.K. Perov, F.E. Chetin, A.V. Ovechkin, V.I. Yakovlev,  A.I. Krupnov, V.A. Bikard, N. Ivanova, N. Zakharov, A.N. Demeneva, A.N. Kochigina, Z. I. Kolarova, N.S. Mirzoyants, Z.I. Klimov, V.N. Belousov, Yu.M. Fillimonov, N.I. Kolesnikov, A. Shevalev, M.M. Kozhevnikov, P.G. Snyakin, A.P. Sobol, E.I. Semenenko and other scientists?

More than 40 researchers of skin vision in the USSR.

More than 120 scientific articles on skin vision.

More than 10,000 subjects in these studies.

Over 30 years of research on skin vision ...

But those who write articles on Wikipedia are trying to convince everyone that none of this happened. They strive to preserve their picture of the world, a sense of their righteousness, their face, psychological comfort. Between the knowledge of the Truth and their own spsychological comfort, they choose psychological comfort.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Long-term disregard of phenomena by scientists kills their reputation. Scientists undermine their own credibility.

Russian Wikipedia: "Science categorically does not recognize the existence of channels of perception that are incompatible with any of the known types of physical interactions".

This statement is unscientific. It follows from it that science does not expect the discovery of new types of interactions. This means that science has already discovered everything.

Few understand the seriousness of the situation. Scientists have ignored, devalued, and misinterpreted the facts (and other facts) presented here for centuries. Without exaggeration, this causes colossal damage to all of humanity.

One of the main reasons for this is that scientific knowledge is conventional. A scientist remains a scientist only as long as the scientific community considers him to be such. And this condition leads to the formation of conformism and cowardice among researchers. The scientist consciously and unconsciously strives to choose safe topics and does not approach the areas for the study of which he can be called a pseudo-scientist. Getting the label of a pseudo scientist means: losing prospects in the profession, losing high social status, losing a stable income, and so on. In the most unfavorable development of events, bullying campaigns arise, which can fundamentally undermine health and significantly shorten life.

In the book of the head of the laboratory, in which the abilities of psychics were studied in the 80s, there is a completely remarkable (in a bad sense) fragment.

The result of the remote influence of a psychic. The process of restoring blood supply in the affected limbs is visible.

An excerpt from the book of the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences Eduard Godik "The Mystery of Psychics: What Physicists Saw".

"Qigong master

Once we were officially approached from the Chinese embassy with a request to "look" in their laboratory at the work of a qigong master who had specially arrived from Beijing. Qigong is one of the branches of Chinese philosophy, the ancient art of self-regulation of the body, including the art of remote healing. It was really intriguing and we agreed. Together with the doctors, we selected several "acute" patients with already familiar to us (physicists love proven models) obliterating endarteritis ("smoker's disease"). They were brought to the laboratory from the clinic (surgical department) of the First Medical Institute. The patient was placed in a separate compartment, the lens of an infrared dynamic thermal imager was aimed at his injured leg in order to observe the dynamics of blood flow during the Qigong master's action. I suggested the master to sit next to the patient and start "working" with him. But, to my great surprise, the master refused and said that he did not need to be close to the patient in order to influence him. I persuaded him a little, explaining that we do not strive for records and that the main thing for us is reliability and clarity of results. But he insisted on his own and sat down on a chair 2-3 meters from the compartment with the patient.

We have previously agreed that he should start and stop his impact on my silent command. I sat down opposite him and raised and lowered my finger at randomly chosen moments of time - this was the agreed signal of the beginning and end of the impact. Every time I noticed the time. The experiment lasted about half an hour. All this time, the thermal imager recorded thermal images (characterizing the pattern of tissue blood supply) of the patient's foot with an interval of about 10 seconds between frames. Neither the master nor I could see the display showing the registered changes in the foot blood supply pattern. All this time, the master simply sat on a chair and, unlike our psychics, did not show any visible activity.

The result amazed me. When we looked at the recording, we found that every time the master began to act on my command, the temperature, especially in the affected area, increased (blood flow increased) until I gave the command to stop the exposure. Further, the temperature of the affected area remained practically unchanged (remained at the achieved plateau) until the next period of exposure, which brought it to a new, higher plateau. During the experiment, blood circulation in the foot was almost completely restored (see Fig. 30). We repeated the effect on the same patients the next day and again every other day. As a result, one of the patients was discharged from the clinic with a significant improvement, and in fact he was put there for surgery.

What was the mechanism of the qigong master's influence (more precisely, through which sensory channel he could influence the patient), frankly, I still do not know ... And therefore I practically did not talk about it before: in physics it is not customary to discuss a phenomenon if there are no possible explanations for it (???). Indeed, unlike ordinary psychics, we did not reveal any sensory contact between the master and the patient here: certainly not infrared thermal radiation ... The main thing is that a clear clinical effect was obtained".

Most of those who read this passage will think that E.E. Godik is disingenuous. They will think that the reason for the silence about the amazing results of the study of the psychic is that the scientist feared for his scientific future, for his career.

The fact that Eduard Godik decided to tell about this episode 30 years later suggests that he regrets the missed opportunities and is trying to compensate for this with this story.

In 2010, E.E. Godik contacted journalist Lev Kolodny. Here is a fragment of an article in Moskovsky Komsomolets:

He sent an e-mail with the following acknowledgment: “I am haunted to figure out how the Chinese - a qigong master - influenced the patient in fact from another room (?!). By the way, the Chinese brought their psychic woman, she seemed to work like Juna. " In another letter I read: “I want to continue this work. There is nothing more interesting. I need to get the attention of people with money. You can read more about our study of phenomena on my website called What Physicists Saw Behind the Exotic of Phenomena. If there are sponsors to begin with, then there will be no problems with investors, I'm sure. I'm ready to return to this case. It's time to do the best. Now or never".

As you can see, a world-renowned professor calls the research of phenomena “the most important”, he is ready to return to Moscow for the sake of the interrupted business. And the Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience “dislikes” psychics. Loves himself. The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, which studied phenomena, added nanotechnology to its name. But the former deputy director of the institute, to my regret, is engaged in nanotechnology overseas. There is no Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience.


To protect his theory from destruction, the scientist seeks to "neutralize" the facts that indicate its inconsistency and threaten to destroy it. Such facts are called scientific anomalies. Traditionally, scientists use a number of tricks to do this. He addresses the anomaly and gives it a bad /  inappropriate explanation, thus inscribing the anomaly into his picture of the world.

These are the techniques:

1) the scientist explains the anomaly by deception, swindle, trick;

2) the scientist explains the anomaly as a result of hallucinations, mental illness;

3) the scientist explains the anomaly by prejudice, superstition, irrational belief in the supernatural, gullibility, strong suggestibility, cognitive distortions;

4) the scientist explains the anomaly using mechanisms already known to science;

5) the scientist explains the anomaly by coincidence, chance;

6) the scientist explains the anomaly by an error in the study, a malfunction in equipment, etc.

Imre Lakatos, philosopher of science:

“Each of them (Newton's theory of gravitation, Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, etc. - ed.) At any stage of its development has unsolved problems and unrevealed anomalies. In this sense, all theories are born refuted and die refuted. "

"... all research programs were born in an ocean of continuous anomalies."

Freud-Festinger's law

The mechanism of consciousness, faced with conflicting information, begins its work by trying to distort this information or even remove it from the surface of consciousness.

(this law was formulated by the russian cognitive psychologist V. M. Allakhverdov)

Imre Lakatos, philosopher of science

“Scientists are thick-skinned enough. They do not abandon theory just because facts contradict it. Usually they invent auxiliary hypotheses explaining the so-called anomalies, and if they fail to explain any anomaly, they simply ignore it, turning attention to other problems. "

Professor of psychology V.M. Allakhverdov

After all, as already mentioned, any fact is always theoretically loaded. The perception of the new is akin to the perception of a miracle: after all, a miracle is seen exactly as a miracle only by those people who believe in miracles. In order to see an unexpected fact as unexpected, one must be able to abandon the usual explanatory schemes. So, before A. Becquerel, scientists observed that substances containing uranium illuminated a photographic plate. From this, they made a completely reasonable conclusion that it is not necessary to put photographic accessories next to uranium samples. But only Becquerel realized that this fact contradicted the existing knowledge and that there was a new unknown physical process, later called radioactivity.

"A methodological journey through the ocean of the unconscious to the mysterious island of consciousness"

“... myth: when choosing from several theories, the decisive word belongs to the experiment. Theories are refuted or accepted depending on their ability to withstand experimental testing. This myth is completely contrary to the history of science. In reality, no theory has been disproved by experiment. Yes, it cannot be otherwise: if the theory has no obvious alternatives, then the refuting evidence cannot lead to the rejection of the theory. The theory, as already mentioned, is refuted by other theories, and not by experiment "

The requirement to check facts with logic, and logic with facts, really reduces the arbitrariness in proposing hypotheses. ‹…› Nevertheless, this same norm of science has its drawbacks.

First, it often leads scientists to the fact that they do not notice new phenomena that defy logical explanation. ‹…› In the history of science there are many curious examples of the conservatism of scientists. For example, for twenty years rock carvings of the Ice Age were rejected as a deliberate fake, since, due to the absence of soot on the walls, it was not possible to logically explain how, without artificial lighting, these images could have been made in dark caves.

One of the most famous examples of scholarly conservatism

Siegel F.Yu. Substance of the Universe - M. Chemistry, 1982 .-- 176 p.

Waiting for recognition

(p. 88-98)

The meteorites are clearly out of luck. They fell to Earth from time immemorial, they were found, turned into objects of worship, or kept as incomprehensible wonders of nature, and sometimes chained to the walls of temples so that they “would not fly back to heaven”. But the official science did not recognize the facts, did not believe the eyewitnesses.

The extraordinary was contrasted with authority. In 1772, the Paris Academy of Sciences, signed by the great Lavoisier, published a document stating that "it is physically impossible for stones to fall from the sky."

When in 1790 in France the fall of a meteorite was witnessed by very respectable eyewitnesses - the mayor and the municipality, Berthollet, one of the "immortals" (as academicians were called in France), said: they are for what they really saw, while not only physics, but also nothing reasonable in general, they cannot be explained ”.

Let us pay tribute to the scientific courage of E. Khladny, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, who was not afraid of ridicule and published in 1794 a book in which it was convincingly proved for the first time that “stones from the sky” can really fall to the Earth and that, consequently, the meteorites found arrived to us from space. Most of Khladny's scientific colleagues considered his work "stupidity, not even worthy of refutation." But only nine years passed, and in 1803, a plentiful stone meteor shower that fell near the French town of Lagle made even the harsh Parisian academicians finally believe in the reality of meteorites.

Do not think, however, that a "green street" has now been opened for meteorites. It was extremely difficult for them to achieve recognition. For example, the famous "Pallas Iron", whose extraterrestrial origin was proved by Khladny, was officially recognized as an iron-stone meteorite only in 1902, that is, 131 years after the Russian academician Pallas found it.

All these facts indicate the need to change the physical picture of the world.