The connection between skin vision and the third eye area

A shot from the cult Soviet film about the unusual abilities of a person "Seven Steps Beyond the Horizon" (1968).

(Translated by Google Translate)

Dermo-optical perception (skin "vision") in the USSR has been studied for more than 30 years (1936-1941 and 1963-1989).

Investigations of skin "vision" are:

- more than 10,000 subjects (sighted and blind, kindergarten pupils, schoolchildren, students, workers of enterprises, etc.);

- about a hundred scientific papers (in total, there are more than 180 sources in the incomplete list);

- more than 40 researchers of skin "vision";

- over 30 years of research (1936-1941 and 1963-1989).

The phenomenon of skin "vision" is:

- unexplained connection between skin "vision" and the area of ​​the "third eye";

- the ability to read without eyes;

- the ability to determine the true color of an object through colored glass, various metals and other opaque media;

- the ability to determine the color of the paper that was in the metal cassette (that is, to determine the color of the paper that is no longer in the cassette);

- the ability to determine the color of the paper through three thick books;

- the ability to determine the color of paper in the dark;

- many experiments excluding the thermal hypothesis;

- lack of a satisfactory explanation for all observed phenomena.


Dermo-optical perception properties

Chetin F.E., Novomeisky A.S.

To the question of the physical nature of skin-optical sensitivity. In the collection: "Questions of a comprehensive study of skin-optical sensitivity." Scientific notes of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 1968.


An unexplained connection was found between skin "vision" and the area between the eyebrows.

Studying scientific articles half a century ago, you can stumble upon amazing facts. For example, in collections devoted to the study of dermo-optical perception, one can find evidence of the existence of what is called the "third eye" in the East.

Shielding part of the head (above the eyes) stops the process of cutaneous "vision".

“Finally, it should be noted that recently, in experiments, an amazing phenomenon has been accidentally discovered that needs special research and scientific explanation: the screen version of the upper part of the head (above the eyes) with paper stops the flow of dermo-optical information in a number of subjects and makes it impossible to perceive and distinguish colors by hands ".

Kozhevnikov M.M. The problem of dermo-optical perception. "Problems of dermo-optical perception". Scientific notes, collection 33, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, 1965.

"Later it was found that shielding the head stops the process of dermo-optical perception not only in Rosa Kuleshova, but also in many (many, but not all - editor of the site "Scientific anomalies") Other subjects, including the blind."

Goldberg I.M. The phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova. "Problems of dermo-optical perception". Scientific notes, collection 33, Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, 1965.

11. The determination of signs of the color of the stimulus is influenced by nearby colored objects. If, during color recognition, a screen of a different color is brought to it from the side by hand, then the signs of the color of the stimulus change in the direction of the color of the screen. Similarly, if, when determining the color of the stimulus by hand, the face and forehead of the subject are screened with some kind of colored barrier, then the determination of the color of the stimulus by hand is violated and even becomes impossible.

Chetin F.E., Novomeisky A.S. On the question of the physical nature of skin-optical sensitivity. In the collection: "Issues of a comprehensive study of skin-optical sensitivity". Scientific notes of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 1968.

About the appearance of color sensations in the area of ​​the eyebrow

“The experimenter held a sheet of colored paper (red or blue) at some distance behind the back of the subject's head, sitting blindfolded. At the same time, the experimenter named the color of the leaf and asked the subject to visualize it as clearly as possible. After several exercises, the subjects usually said that each time upon presentation of a colored sheet in the position "behind the back of the head," round spots or oblong stripes of the same color as the sheet in the experimenter's hands appeared between the eyebrows and on the eyelids of their closed eyes. These subjective indicators were accompanied by more or less accurate recognition of the color of the paper. "

Novomeisky A.S., Sudakov N.I., Syuzev V.P. About recognizing the signs of color through opaque media using skin sensitivity. In the collection: "Materials for the study of dermo-optical perception", Chelyabinsk Pedagogical Institute, Chelyabinsk, 1965.


Researchers of skin "vision" A.S. Novomeisky and V.S. Matveev about the phenomenal abilities of Vera Petrova

“Vera Petrova, an eleven-year-old schoolgirl from the city of Novocheremshansk, Ulyanovsk region, in February 1964, when meeting with the correspondent of the newspaper“ Selskaya Zhizn ”with her eyes tightly blindfolded, unerringly distinguished colored paper and pencils with her fingers and toes, shoulders, knees, recognized the color of objects as in contact with them, and at a distance of 6-8 cm from them. In addition, various objects were placed under two or three books, and the girl named them. Unmistakably "read" photographs, "saw" through clothes.

“Here is your heart,” she said, slowly running her childish hand over the chest of the correspondent A. Kalistratov. - It's in some kind of bag.

And how does it beat - is it stretched up or down?

No, it beats like this, - and the girl clenched her fist several times. And then she added: "And red blood is flowing down the tube, this way."

Then the girl showed a dark brown liver - a "big bag", a "thick tube" - an esophagus.

And when she began to "examine" her stomach with her hands, she wrinkled: "Fu, there are some snakes there."

Stepping on the photograph with a foot in a stocking and a woolen sock, she called the acquaintances depicted on it.

Leading her hand over the pages of the magazine, Vera read the text, guessing small drawings. The reporter also tested her ability to "see" through a wall. She “looked” through the wooden room door with her hands and, without mistakes, named a number of photographs depicting her relatives. Then, in the experiments, I "saw" photographs through a thick stone wall.

In April, Vera Petrova was brought to Ulyanovsk, where scientists conducted a comprehensive study of her unusual abilities. The commission of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR included well-known psychiatrists - the director of the State Research Institute of Psychiatry, Professor D. D. Fedotov, Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev, teacher-psychiatrist F. I. Tepenitsina and others. Scientists have come to a consensus: yes, indeed, Vera Petrova has a phenomenal ability to see with skin. Experiments have confirmed this. Yes, she recognized the color of the paper through two or three thick books placed on top (after that, how can one say that a person catches the thermal radiation of the paper with his skin? - editor of the site "Scientific anomalies"), Read a text from the Pioneer magazine. Running her elbow over the pictures from the children's loto on the table, she told what was painted on them and what color. Through the thickness of the carpet, with her foot in a shoe, a stocking and a sock, Vera fumbled a cardboard with a picture and joyfully exclaimed: "Yes, this is a cockerel."

Commenting on what he saw, Professor Fedotov refers to the work of the famous Soviet psychologist A. N. Leontyev, who established that all people have areas of the skin surface that are very sensitive to light, for example, the areas between the eyebrows. By the way, Vera Petrova, trying to explain where the image is born in her, pointed exactly to this place. (This publication from the "Country Life" newspaper was reprinted by other newspapers, in particular by "Ural worker" on May 21, 1964). "

A quote from the book of the psychologist V.S. Matveev "Riddles and mental reserves". Ural University Press, 1990.

Experiments that ruled out the thermal hypothesis of cutaneous "vision".

The question arises as to what role in the complex process of dermo-optical perception is played by the nerve center, which is unknown to modern science, located in the eyebrow region?

What is its anatomy and physiology?

Why isn't it being investigated?


More than half a century ago, Soviet scientists proved the possibility of learning to read an ordinary printed text by hand (to read without the participation of the eyes). The experiments were carried out with blind, visually impaired and healthy people (schoolchildren, students, etc.).

“During ten sessions, we managed to form the skill of remote dermo-optical perception of large letters and numbers, and then numbers and words in the visually impaired. Thus, the possibility of learning to read at a distance with the help of the palm of at least a large text is proved. Some additional experiments lead us to conclude that blind people can be taught to read from a distance and with the help of their fingertips. In this case, the font size can be significantly reduced, and the reading process will be very close to normal reading with the help of sight. On the other hand, the ability to perceive letters and numbers depicted in different fonts allows us to hope that in the process of training it is possible to teach the blind and visually impaired to perceive distantly object drawings and figures. "

Novomeisky A.S. From the experience of the formation of dermo-optic sense in blind people. In the collection: "Problems of dermo-optical perception. Scientific notes of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute", issue 33, Sverdlovsk, 1965.


Amazing documentary footage. Blind children can see... with their "hand". The shooting took place in a Kharkov boarding school for blind children.

Fragment of the film "Living covers" of the scientific film studio "Lennauchfilm" (1991). (eng sub)


No less amazing shots of experiments. Students of the pedagogical university determine the color of the paper lying in the metal cassette. They also read through opaque materials. Fragment of the popular science film "Seven Steps Beyond the Horizon" of the Kievnauchfilm studio of scientific films. (eng sub)


The ability for dermo-optical perception among students of the music faculty is 2.5 times higher than among students of the Faculty of Mathematics.

“It is important to note that, in general, all the phenomenal cases of dermo-optical perception discovered in the Urals (Roza Kuleshova, Nadya Lobanova, Tanya Deibel, etc.) indicate a connection between skin“ vision ”and artistic” type of person.

A.S. Novomeisky (1963, 1966), conducting experiments with students from different faculties, found that at the Faculty of Mathematics, dermo-optic giftedness is detected in approximately one student per 12 people (8.3% - ed.). Among students of the Faculty of Art and Graphics - about every sixth (16.7%). Among students of the Faculty of Music - about every fifth person (20%).

Finally, in experiments conducted with students A.I. Krupnov, it was found that the highest dermo-optical perception is possessed by those persons in whom a weak type of nervous system is clearly manifested.

Novomeisky A.S., Yakovlev V.I. Results and perspectives of the study of skin "vision" in the Urals. In the collection: "Results and prospects of Soviet psychology in the Urals", Perm Pedagogical Institute, Perm, 1967.


Donald Liddle, a blind psychology professor at the University of London, demonstrates dermo-optical perception on the BBC (January 5, 1965).


Children determine the color of paper through metal. In some cases, the recognition accuracy reaches 92%.

Table from the scientific article by N.I. Sudakov "On the distinction of color tones with the help of fingers."


A large-scale study in untrained subjects of the ability to determine the color of paper through metal plates. The number of subjects is 1492.

Article by I.M. Goldberg "On Recognition of Color Signs Through Metallic Coatings"

"In 1965-1966. We carried out a series of experiments to identify the penetrating dermo-optical perception in the subjects, which was detected before the start of training. In addition, the purpose of our work was: a) finding persons with persistent penetrating dermo-optical perception, b) studying the meaning of external codes, in particular temperature codes, for the quality of determination, c) revealing the subjective sensations of the subjects during penetrating determination. The subjects were mainly young men 15-19 years old, who were undergoing a medical examination (young workers, students, students of schools and vocational schools, etc.).

For the study, we used a roulette designed by A.S. Novomeisky. The tape measure is a wooden disc rotating on bearings with seven symmetrically located round sockets with a diameter of 140 mm and a depth of 8 mm. The nests are tightly closed with identical tinplate lids. Differently colored paper mugs in different versions are laid in the nests. After each determination, the disc was checked, and when the subject performed the task in a number of series, the circle was moved to another nest. The subject at this time turned away, which excluded the possibility of peeping when making determinations. It was the exclusion of the possibility of visually identifying a nest with a colored circle that gave us reason to dwell on this technique.


In total, 1,492 subjects participated in the first thirty series of experiments, and 4,553 determinations were made.


In view of the complexity of the changing nature of the studied phenomena, as well as in connection with the need to prove the reliability of the statistical material obtained, its development was carried out using the methods of the theory of probability.




"...not only the skin, but also the eye reacts to invisible radiation from color samples."

Fragment of the book by the researcher of skin vision V. Matveev "Riddles and reserves of the psyche" (Publishing house of the Ural University, 1990)

"Even more amazing research was carried out in the early 70s at the Ural University and the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute. It turned out that not only the skin, but also the eye reacts to the invisible radiation of colored samples. The duration of the visual sequential images was recorded. What these images are, the reader probably remembers from school. If you look closely at a small black square for a minute, and then turn your gaze to a sheet of white paper, then a bright white spot will appear on it, like a "bunny" from a mirror. Such a spot will appear, disappear and reappear for some time. This is a sequential visual image, the duration of which (until complete disappearance) can be recorded using a stopwatch.

In the experiments, the subjects for 60 seconds. they looked at a black square (it was made of black rubber or lead), but some color sample was placed under it, for example, red or green. The subject did not know that there was colored paper under the screen made of lead or rubber. But when he looked at a sheet of white paper, the successive images were different in duration: when there was red paper under the screen, the image lasted longer than in those cases when there was green one. An amazing fact!"