Research of telekinesis in LITMO

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V.N. Volchenko, G.N. Dulnev, K.I. Krylov, V.V. Kulagin, N.V. Pilipenko

Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (LITMO), Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Measurement of extreme values of physical fields of a human operator

In the collection: Technical aspects of reflexology and diagnostic systems. Kalinin: KSU, 1984.S. 53-59.

In recent years, concrete data on the presence of physical fields near biological objects have become apparent. These fields have become the object of measurement and close attention of researchers (1, 2). Of the four types of fields known in physics, electromagnetic fields attract the least attention.

A number of literary sources, both domestic and foreign (3-6), noted such facts of remote contactless influence of a human operator on objects. However, until recently, the measured characteristics of human physical fields accompanying this phenomenon were not known.

Since 1978, a group of employees has been studying the ability of the operator (N.S. Kulagina) to move light objects, to influence the compass needle. Since that time, ten series of experiments have been carried out at LITMO with the aim of objectively registering this ability.

Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences G.N. Dulnev, prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences K.I. Krylov, engineer V.V. Kulagin, Ph.D. I.K. Meshkovsky, Ph.D. N.V. Pilipenko, Ph.D. A.G. Shvartsman, as well as researchers S.V. Volkov, V.A. Kuzmin, K.B. Guminas. During the experiments with the operator, doctors were always present. In some of the experiments, as well as in processing and discussion, employees of the M.V. Bauman: academician G.A. Nikolaev, professors: A.M. Arkharov, M.V. Vambersky, V.N. Volchenko, as well as employees of some other organizations.

Experiment content

In the experiments, the movement of light (several grams) metal and dielectric objects on a wooden or metal surface at a distance of up to 10-30 cm from the operator's face was repeatedly observed. Most often, the human operator moved objects, making some movements with his hands. The distance from the hands to the object varied from 5 to 30 cm. Cylindrical objects 5-6 cm high moved in jerks, usually without changing their vertical position.

Objects surrounded by a metal mesh screen also moved. Consequently, the forces under the influence of which the objects were moved could not be of electrostatic origin. Therefore, further measurements were made of the magnetic, acoustic effects and the interaction of the operator's field with the laser beam.

Magnetic fields

The facts of the operator's influence on the magnetic needle of the compass have been established. This was the reason for setting up experiments with measurements of the magnetic field. The distance from the operator's hands to the compass was about 30 cm. Under the influence of the operator's hand or head movements, the compass needle gradually swayed and turned approximately at an angle of 30-40 °. Then the arrow, rotating, made 3-4 turns in different directions alternately. A "control" experiment was performed with a noise magnetic effect on the movement zone. For this, a standard MM-3M magnetic stirrer was used. There is an electromagnet in it under the metal surface, which makes it possible to create a rotating magnetic field. An object, for example, a glass pycnometer with a volume of 1 cm ³, was placed on the surface of the table. The operator, without touching the object, moved it in the absence of a magnetic field. But could not move when the field was turned on. The operator did not know about the presence of a magnet under the table, since the experimenters unnoticed it.

Subsequently, the magnitude of the magnetic induction of the germanium Hall sensor connected to the EPP-49MZ potentiometer was measured. The operator acted on the sensor either from a distance or by holding the sensor in his palms. In this case, a pulsed magnetic field was repeatedly recorded. The value of the magnetic induction in 2-4 pulses reached 2.7 ⋅ 10-2T. (fig. 1). The duration of individual impulses is tenths of a second. However, the amplitude of the pulses can be larger than the value recorded by the device, and the pulse itself is shorter, which is associated with the inertia of the equipment.

Figure 1. Pulses of magnetic induction in time

Note for comparison that the measured pulses are much higher than the background of the magnetic field, which at the earth's surface is about 10−2T. Living organisms are usually characterized by variable magnetic fields of low frequencies (from constant to 400 Hz.). Including in humans, fields were measured in the range of 10-9 - 10-12 T. (2). Recall that the sensitivity of SQUID magnetometers is 10-14 T.

Attenuation of laser radiation

The propagation of radiation in the operator's area of ​​influence was studied. The experiments were based on the assumption that physical changes in the environment in the affected area should affect the propagation of the operator's radiation. The essence of the experiment consisted in the operator's action on a certain object and simultaneously on the environment in the area between the operator's hands and the object. This region was probed by laser radiation from stationary lasers LG-126, LG-23 at wavelengths of 0.63; 1.15; 3.39; 10.6 microns. The experiments were carried out on an experimental setup (Fig. 2). To increase the effect, a 5-way optical gas cell (from the set of the IR-10 device) was used. The operator's hand was at a distance of 5 cm from the cuvette; the duration of an individual experiment was 0.155-5 min. The cuvette was preliminarily evacuated and then filled with air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide. Experimental results: attenuation of the study at wavelengths of 0.63 and 1.15 µm was not recorded, for a wavelength of 3.9 µm, attenuation of radiation at the noise level was observed; a confident attenuation of radiation with a wavelength of 10.6 µm was recorded when the cell was filled with air with nitrogen and CO2 (Fig. 3).

Fig 2. Schematic of the experimental setup for determining the attenuation of laser radiation

Fig 3. Change in the attenuation coefficient of laser radiation during an experiment with a cuvette

- No attenuation of the probing radiation was observed when exposed to an evacuated, not filled with gas cell.

Acoustic fields

Experiments on measuring the acoustic field and vibration under the influence of the operator on objects were carried out in the frequency range 25-10000 Hz. with a microphone, vibration sensor, impulse sound level meter and measuring microphone type 7004 from Brüel & Coer. The microphone was located at a distance of 5-12 cm from the operator's palms, and the surface of the palms formed, as it were, a sphere around it. The analysis of the obtained records showed (Fig. 4) individual impulses, designated by numbers from 1 to 5. In Fig. 5 shows their acoustic spectra. Pulse duration 0.01s., Value up to 70 dB. In the middle of the exposure, the pulse duration is reduced to 3 ⋅ 10−3 s, and the amplitude reaches 90 dB. In subsequent experiments, pulses with a duration of 5 ⋅ 10−5 s were found. Similar impulses were also recorded earlier by Yu.V. Gulyaev.

Fig 4. Dependence of acoustic field pulses on time

Fig 5. Pulse spectra


1. Numerous experiments, in the presence of a significant number of qualified specialists of different engineering and physical profiles, have established that an operator (NS Kulagina), capable of causing telekinesis, generates significant pulsed electromagnetic fields.

2. The pulses of the operator's magnetic and acoustic fields were recorded, as well as a significant attenuation of the intensity of the CO2-laser beam at a wavelength of 10.6 μm in the region of its interaction with the operator.


1. Gulyaev Yu.V., Godik E.E. Physical fields of biological objects. - Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1983, No. 8, p. 118-125.

2. Vvedensky N.E., Ozhogin V.N. Supersensitive Magnetometry and Biomagnetism: A Review. - M .: I.A.E. them. I.V. Kurchatova, 1982, p. 108.

3. Questions of psychohygiene, psychophysiology ... and psychoenergetics. - NT. Mining Society / Ed. prof. V.N. Pushkin. - M. 1980.

4. Jan R.G. The ageless paradox of psychophysical phenomena. Engineering approach. / Per from English. (USA). - Journal TIIER, No. 3, 1982, p. 63-104 (bibl. 255 names).

5. Volchenko V.N., Dulnev N.N., Krylov K.I. Measurements of electropunctural currents and extreme values ​​of human physical fields. - In the book: Problems of technology in medicine. - Tomsk: TPI, 1983, p. 185-187.

6. Taylor J. Supermind. - London: Ed. Mac Millan, 1977, p. 184.


Ninel Kulagina remotely destroys the acetate thread. Leningrad Science Film Studio.


Telekinesis and other experiments. Documentary.

Fragment of the film "9 years with psychics" studio of scientific films "Kievnauchfilm". eng sub


The last footage, which captures Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina. Leningrad Science Film Studio.

1976, 1989

Rare footage of Ninel Kulagina's experiments. Two plots:

1) Telekinesis (USSR Central Television, 1989)

2) Burning with unknown energy (Japanese TV, 1976).

From research on the phenomenon, we know that burns occur even through a rubber glove.


Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Yuri Gulyaev on the study of Nineli Kulagina's ability: "We were the first to discover the radiation of ultrasound by humans"

Telekinesis of Vadim Kuzmenko was studied at the National Nuclear Institute MEPhI and other organizations.