October 2023 Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Schultz Elementary PTO


Meeting Date: October 10, 2023                    Meeting Location: Art Room


Attendance: Heather Blevins, Heather Calhoun, Lauren Carr, Melissa Hay, Jayme Hiller, Katie Howard, Nichole Lizak, Rose Long, Kristina McDonald, Angela Miley, Jay Miley, Vanessa Mrazek, Becca Raker, Bree Saunders, Jerilyn Schmidt, Lauren Skillen, Heather Stake, Kenzie Staley, Lindsay Stamm, Melissa Stansbery, Nicolemarie Tibbitts, Becky Travis, Heather Ward, Carla Whipple, Travis Woodworth, Kaitlyn Young


1. Call to Order at 7:07pm


2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 9/12/23 meeting—motion to approve K. Staley, 2nd H. Ward, all in favor


3. Co-President's Report


4. Treasurer’s Report


5. Committee Reports


6. Principal’s Report – Mr. Woodworth


7. Old Business


8. New Business


9. Announcements


10. Adjournment at 8:10pm—R. Long, 2nd L. Stamm, all in favor