December 2022 Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Schultz Elementary PTO
Meeting Date: December 13, 2022 Meeting Location: Flex Room
Attendance: Heather Calhoun, Lauren Skillen Jess Schwab, Rose Long, Kaylyn Womeldorf, Andrea McFarland, Angela Miley, Andrea McFarland, Lisa Morgan, Bree Saunders, Jess Schwab, Holly Skedell, Heather Stake, Heather Ward, Lauren Carr, Jayme Miller
1. Call to Order at 7:02pm
2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 11/8/22 meeting (in Google Drive) were NOT reviewed and need to be voted on in January meeting
3. Co-President's Report
Nothing to report
4. Treasurer’s Report
Budget Update: Current Balance: $11,032.66
Staff shirt invoice was paid $560
3rd Grade Nutcracker Field Trip paid $1,101.21. We received $489 in cash & was under the $700 voted on
Over $800 was raised from the HatCreek spirit wear fundraiser
Funding Requests
COSI (1st Grade, spring), 1st Grade asking for PTO to pay half cost, $10/child, pay total ($685) and receive half back
How can we raise $5,000 to cover field trips for each grade?
Tabled again
5. Committee Reports
Spirit Sale
Sold 152 items and 9 wood items sold, profit $840, our goal was $500
New Fundraiser (Little Caesars Pizza)
Hoping for a January Sale
1st: A. McFarland / 2nd: R. Long / All in favor / Motion Passed
Secret Santa
Email wrap up from Michelle Kelly was read by Lauren Skillen
Vendors: Email was sent to vendors. Good feedback was received and some suggestions were given
Pick a date in January / February to meet for next year so early planning can start
Question if we should continue Penguin Patch
More volunteers are needed
Clarification if this is a PTO event
6. Old Business
501(c)(3) update
Waiting on IRS information
7. New Business
Ideas for Field Trip Funding
Discussion held
Looking at current budget; move funds from the ‘End of the Year Celebration’ line to ‘Field Trip’ line approximately $500 a grade level
Motion Made: Move $2,500 from the ‘End of the Year Celebration’ line to ‘Field Trip’ line to fund field trips for the current year
1st: A. McFarland / 2nd: H. Ward / All in favor / Motion Passed
8. Announcements
Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 10 @ 7 pm
9. Adjournment at 8:03pm
Motion to Adjourn: R. Long, 2nd J.Schwab