November 2022 Minutes
Meeting Agenda
Schultz Elementary PTO
Meeting Date: November 8, 2022 Meeting Location: Flex Room
Attendance: Heather Calhoun, Alicia Hyland, Jenn Kaser, Michelle Kelly, Logan King, Rose Long, Katie McCune, Kristina McDonald, Andrea McFarland, Angela Miley, Jay Miley, Lisa Morgan, Bree Saunders, Jess Schwab, Holly Skedell, Lauren Skillen, Heather Stake, Melissa Stansbery, Heather Ward, Valerie Woodruff, Kaitlyn Young
1. Call to Order at 7:02pm
2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 10/11/22 meeting (in Google Drive)
Motion to approve: R. Long, 2nd H. Ward
3. Co-President's Report
OASEA Hall of Fame/ Family Nominations
Families can nominate teachers through Ohio Lottery to earn $75 via monthly drawing, Will be posted to social media/school newsletter
4. Treasurer’s Report
Budget Update: Current Balance: $10,439.52
Funding Requests
$25 fee from administrative costs to update agent on Secretary of State/Entity of Corporation, extends active status for 5 years—needed to update 501c3, currently expires in January
Motion to Approve: R. Long, 2nd A. Miley
Vote: All In favor, 0 opposed--Approved!
COSI (1st Grade, spring), 1st Grade asking for PTO to pay half cost, $10/child, pay total ($685) and receive half back
Discussion: Should we table since we don’t have a funding line? Usually given first come first serve
How much used to be budgeted? $600/grade level
1st already went on a trip—try to keep that separate because Mrs. Cinereski likes to do something with every grade and then the classroom teachers have things that hit their curriculum
How can we raise $5,000 to cover field trips for each grade?
Motion to table for December: R. Long, 2nd H. Ward
5. Committee Reports
Spirit Sale (now-Nov. 27)
Sold 59 so far, profit $295, goal $500
Hat Creek Designs added new sale code for $10 off
We can add door hangers and trays, $10 back toward school
New Fundraiser (Little Caesar’s vs Cookie)
There has been a gap in funding since 2019 when pie company went out of business. This has created a $10,000-12,000 gap.
Is Little Caesar’s too costly with shipping cost?
Fundraising suggestions: Nothing Bundt Cakes, Scrips gift cards, Apex Leadership, Dance a Thon, Book a Thon (why did it go away?), Dipped Donuts, Candy Grams (“Love your Littles”), “Click this box and you can donate directly to “field trips”
Secret Santa
Michelle accepted job at admin building—last secret santa, looking for someone to spearhead in future
Signup Genius will be sent via flyer and social media asking for volunteers and another for donations
22 vendors confirmed, hopeful for others still coming in
Penguin Patch delivery after Thanksgiving
6. Old Business
501(c)(3) update
EIN needs updated
Secretary of State form updated
Turnaround time less than 2 months once we are in position to apply
7. New Business
Winter Pacer Fest
Monday, November 21st at 7pm at the stadium
Sell spirit wear w/ QR code—maybe have some items we can see
8. Announcements
Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 13 @ 7 pm
9. Adjournment at 8:03pm
Motion to Adjourn: R. Long, 2nd A. Miley