February 2020 Agenda

Meeting Agenda

Schultz Elementary PTO

Meeting Date: March 10, 2020      Meeting Location: Music Room 

1. Call to Order/ Welcome to Parents & Teachers

2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 2/11/20 meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Committee Reports Fundraising
    -Staff Appreciation 

THANK YOU to all that provided for conference meals
Wed 3/11 will be taco night 

    -Box Tops
Submission was March 1st , Spin for Tops was successful
    -Family Events 

We are in need of a chair or co-chairs to plan 

Needs Done: Flyer  


5. Principal’s Report Mr. Woodworth

6. Old Business 

7. New Business

8. Announcements

Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th  @ 7 pm in the music room (note: this will immediately follow kindergarten 2020-21 information night) 

9. Adjournment