March 2022 Minutes

Meeting Minutes Schultz Elementary PTO

Meeting Date: March 8, 2022 Meeting Location: Google Meet / FB Live

1. Call to Order/ Introduction of Board / Welcome to Parents & Teachers/Staff (Office)

2. Minutes: February Meeting Minutes in Google Drive

3.Treasurer’s Report

• Budget Review

• February Balance is approx. $9,799 after a few outstanding checks

• Funding Requests:

Summer Books 750 x 1.50 = $1,125 [tabled for now, will meet again after admin meeting on 3/11. Hold a special finance meeting the following week for end of year gifts

• Penguin Patch has been reaching out looking for a number of students and a date to secure for next year. We have until

October to use our $5,000 in loyalty points. Bree Saunders volunteered to take this over and be the contact person. Looking

at doing on December 10, 2022 and using sign ups for times to shop

4. Committee Reports

- Fundraising

* Spring Fundraiser

Sale currently going on, end date is 11:59 pm on 3/15 Thank you for the hard work and time of those volunteers getting the flyers out on time Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 is delivery NHS volunteers should be good to go *Schultz Spirit Sales. Will work w/ Reid to get total, will close the shop at the end of May and also look at adding some back to school designs and have ready for BTS welcome night, look at getting a student design

-Staff Appreciation

*Looking for ideas for staff appreciation in May

5. Principal’s Report –

* K enrollment is open

* thinking of adding a 1⁄2 sheet PTO information to the scholarship

6. Old Business

• PTO Bylaws need updating

7. New Business

• Looking at board nominations for 2022-23 year, voting in May

8. Announcement

Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8 @ 7 pm online

9. Adjournment @ 7:48 pm