Near- native Level

The Fragrance of Ink


古诗之美 Beauty of Chinese Ancient Poetry



yuándài wángmiǎn

元代 王冕

A Quatrain by Wang Mian (A Verse for an Ink Painting of Plum Blossoms)

Yànchíbiān shēngzhǎngzhe yìkē méihuāshù,


Afore my inkstone-pool grows a plum tree,

Shùshàngde měiyìduǒ méihuā dōushì dànmò de hénjì.


Each of its blooms with delicate ink blows.

Dànmò kāichéngde méihuā bùxūyào biérén kuāzàn tāde yánsè xiānyàn měilì,


It craves no kudos for its hue from ye,

Tā zàiyìde zhǐshì yàobǎ qīngdànde xiangqi liúzài tiāndìzhījiān.


But all over the world its fragrance flows.

(Tr. Ziyuzile, source:

生词 Vocabulary

简体 繁体 拼音 英文

冥想 míngxiǎng meditation

墨香 mòxiāng the fragrance of ink

滋味 zīwèi taste, flavor

研墨 yánmò to grind ink

墨条 墨條 mòtiáo ink stick

长方形 長方形 chángfāngxíng rectangular

两指宽 兩指寬 liǎngzhǐkuān two-finger wide

油亮 yóuliàng shiny

松树 松樹 sōngshù pine tree

燃烧 燃燒 ránshāo to burn

制作 製作 zhìzuò to make, to produce

瓷碗 cíwǎn porcelain bowl

收集 shōují to collect

原料 yuánliào ingredient

熬 áo to boil with slow fire

弹性 彈性 tánxìng elasticity, resilience

锤子 錘子 chuízi hammer

湿度 濕度 shīdù humidity

散发 散發 sànfā to send forth, to diffuse

染 rǎn to dye

垂直 chuízhí vertical, vertically

均匀 jūnyún evenly

正直 zhèngzhí integrity

耐心 nàixīn patience, patient

珍惜 zhēnxī to cherish

文本 Script

huānyíng láidào zhōngwén míngxiǎng 。


Welcome to Meditation for Chinese Learners.

dāng wǒmen dǎkāi yìběnshū huòzhě yìfú máobǐzì, nǐhuì wéndào mò de xiāngqì.


When we open a book or a piece of calligraphy work, you will smell the fragrance of ink.

yǒuyíwèi zhōngguó shūfǎjiā shuōguò , “yírì bùwén mòxiāng, sāntiān bùzhī shíwèi ”,


A Chinese calligraphy master once said, “One day without the smell of ink makes me unable to appreciate the taste of food for three days.”

yìsishìshuō, yìzhěngtiān méiwénguò mòxiāng de rén, chīfàn dōujuéde méiyǒu zīwèi.


This means that a person who has not smelt the fragrance of ink for a whole day will even lose their appetite to eat.

suǒyǐ, zài jīntiān de míngxiǎngzhōng, wǒmen huì yìqǐ yánmò, wényiwén mòdexiāngqì.


Therefore, for the meditation today, we will grind ink together and smell the fragrance of it.

qǐngnǐ zhǎo yígè ānjìngde dìfang, shūfude zuòxià, ránhòu bìshàng yǎnjīng.


Please find a quiet place, sit down and close your eyes.

xiànzài nǐzuòzài yìzhāng mùzhuōqián, shǒulǐ názhe yìgēn mòtiáo.


You are now sitting in front of a wooden desk, with an ink stick in your hand.

mòtiáo shì chángfāngxíngde, gēn nǐdeshǒu yíyàngcháng, dàgài liǎngzhǐkuān, yánsè shì yìzhǒng yóuliàng de hēi.


The stick is rectangular, about the same length as your palm and about two-finger wide. The color is shiny black.

hēisè de zhèngzhōngjiān huàzhe yìkē sōngshù, háiyǒu liǎnggè dànjīnsè de zì :“ sōngyān ”.


In the middle, there is a painted pine tree, together with two golden colored characters: Pine Smoke.

zhèliǎnggèzì dàibiǎozhe zhègēnmòtiáo shì yòng sōn shù ránshāoshí chǎnshēng de yānhuī zuò de.


These two characters means that the ink stick is made from the smoke of pine trees when they burnt.

nǐ kěyǐ yòngshǒuzhǐ mōyimō mòtiáo, xiǎngxiàng yíxià zhìzuò de guòchéng:


You can touch the stick and try to imagine the making of it.

ránshāo de sōngmù shàngmiàn fàngle yígè cíwǎn, cíwǎnshàngde sōngyān yuèláiyuèduō, mànmàn biànchéng hēisède le 。


A porcelain bowl is placed on the burning pine wood. The pine smoke in the bowl accumulates, turning the bowl black.

sōngyān zúgòuduōle yǐhòu, bèi shōují qǐlái, gēn qítāyuánliào yìqǐ fàngjìn guōlǐ, yòng xiǎohuǒ áole hěnjiǔ.


When there is enough pine smoke, they are collected, put into the pot with other ingredients, boiled with slow fire for a long time.

yuánliào áohǎo yǐhòu fàngliáng, yǒule tánxìng, xūyào yòngchuízi fǎnfù qiāodǎ shàngbǎi cì shàngqiāncì,


When the boiling is over, let it cool down. The ingredients become elastic, and needs to be hammered for a hundred or even a thousand times.

ránhòu fàngzài wēndù shīdù dōuhéshì de dìfang, měitiān fāndòng, bǎocún yìnián,


It is then stored in a place with the right temperature and humidity and gets turned over every day for a year.

zuìhòu cáikěyǐ zuòchéng bùtóng xíngzhuàng de mòtiáo.


Finally, it is made into ink sticks of different shapes.

xiànzài zhègēn mòtiáo zài nǐdeshǒulǐ, tā jīngguò sānbǎiliùshíwǔtiān de zhìzuò zhīhòu,dàizhe mòxiāng láidàole nǐdemiànqián.


Now, this stick is in your hand. After 365 days, it came to you with the fragrance of ink.

nǐ jiēxiàlái yàozuòdeshì yòngshuǐ mómò, rang mòtiáodexiāngqì cóngshuǐzhōng sànfā dào kōngqìlǐ,zài rǎndào zhǐshàng.


What you need to do now is to grind it with water, letting the fragrance spread from the water to the air and then onto the paper.

nǐkěyǐ xiānzài yàntáilǐ fàngyìdiǎn qīngshuǐ, ránhòu bǎ mòtiáodedǐbù fàngjìn shuǐzhōng yánmó.


You can put a little water into the inkstone first. Then, put the bottom of the ink stick into the water and start grinding.

zhōngguó gǔrén shuō, cóng mómò kěyǐ kànchū rénde xìnggé hé xīnqíng,


Ancient Chinese said that the way a person grinds ink reveals their personally and mood.

suǒyǐ mómò de shíhou mòtiáo yào chuízhíde fàngjìn shuǐlǐ, yánmó yàomàn, yònglì yào jūnyún,


So when you grind, put the stick vertical into the water and do it slowly and evenly.

zhè dàibiǎozhe nǐnèixīnde zhèngzhí ānwěn.


This represents your integrity and steadiness.

nǐ kěyǐ mó yíhuìer mò, jiā yìdiǎn shuǐ, zài mó yíhuìer mò,


You can grind for a while, add some water, and grind a bit more.

zǐxì guānchá qīngshuǐ biànchéng mòzhī de guòchéng, gǎnshòu mòzhī de xiangqi, zài xiangqi zhōng zuòhǎo xiězìde zhǔnbèi.


Watch closely how the clear water turns into ink and feel the fragrance of ink. Soaked in the fragrance, please prepare to write.

hǎole, jīntiān de míngxiǎng jiùyào jiéshù le.


Alright, our meditation today is about to end.

rúguǒ wǒ xiànzài wènnǐ, nǐ wéndàode mòxiāng shì cóngnǎlǐlái de, nǐhuì zěnme huídá?


If I ask you now, where the fragrance of ink is from, how would you respond?

nǐhuìshuō mòxiāng láizì fùzá de zhìzuò guòchéng háishì màncháng de děngdài ne?


Would you say that it comes from the complex process of making, or the long wait?

nǐhuìshuō mòxiāng láizì nǐde nàixīn yánmó háishì nǐde lǐjiě hé zhēnxī ne?


Would you say that it comes from your patience for grinding or your understanding and appreciation?

rúguǒ nǐ yǐjīng yǒule dáàn, jiù kěyǐ zhēngkāi yǎnjīng le.


If you already found your answer, feel free to open your eyes.

xīwàng yǐhòu dāngnǐ kàndào gǎnxìngqù de dōngxi,bùguǎnshì yígè bēizi háishì yìkē zhíwù,


We hope that when you see something interesting in the future, whether it is a cup or a plant,

dōukěyǐ gēntā duìhuà, lǐjiě tā, zhēnxī tā.


You can have a conversation with it, understand it and appreciate it.

wǒmen xiàcì zàijiàn.


See you next time.

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