Advanced Level

The Beauty of Calligraphy


生词 Vocabulary

简体 繁体 拼音 英文

冥想 míngxiǎng to meditate, meditation

专注 專注 zhuānzhù to concentrate one’s mind to

书法 書法 shūfǎ calligraphy

墨汁 mòzhī ink

观察 觀察 guānchá to observe, observation

笔尖 筆尖 bǐjiān the tip of a writing brush

坐姿 zuòzī sitting position

挺直 tǐngzhí straight and upright

横 橫 héng horizontal stroke

竖 豎 shù vertical stroke

提 tí to raise, to lift

顿 頓 dùn to pause in order to reinforce the ending a stroke

笔画 筆畫 bǐhuà stroke

字帖 zìtiè calligraphy copybook

位置 wèizhì position

文本 Script

huānyíng láidào zhōngwén míngxiǎng.


Welcome to Meditation for Chinese Learners.

yǒushíhou wǒ men huì xiǎngràng shēnghuó kěyǐ mànxiàlái, yǒu jīhuì ānjìng zhuānzhùde zuò yíjiànshì.


Sometimes we would like our life to slow down, so we can stay quiet and focus on one thing.

suǒyǐ zài jīntiānde míngxiǎng zhōng, wǒmen huì yìqǐ liànxí shūfǎ, zhǎohuí zhuānzhù fàngsōngde gǎnjué.


In today’s meditation, we will practice calligraphy together. Let’s try to feel of focused and relaxed.

qǐngnǐ zhǎo yígè ānjìngde dìfang, shūfude zuòxià, ránhòu bìshàng yǎnjīng.


Please find a quiet place, sit down and close your eyes.

xiànzài nǐde zhuōzi shàng fàngzhe liànxízhǐ, máobǐ hé mòzhī.


On your desk you have paper, brush pen and ink.

qǐngnǐ xiǎngyíxià, nǐde liànxízhǐ shì shénmeyàng dedìyīgè zì nǐxiǎng xiězài nǎlǐ


Please imagine, what is your paper like? Where do you want to put down your first character?

nǐnéng wéndào mòzhīde wèidào ma? nǐde máobǐ shì shénmeyàng de


Can you smell the ink? What is your brush pen like?

xiànzài bǐjiān shì shénmeyàng de? zài zhǐshàng xiězì de shíhòu, bǐjiān huì yǒu shénme bùyíyàng?


How does the tip of the brush look now? When we write on the paper, how will it be different?

hǎo, jiēxiàlái wǒmen kànkan nǐde zuòzī. nǐdetóu hěnzhèng, jiānbǎng hěnfàngsōng, bèi zìránde tǐngzhí, liǎngjiǎo píngfàng zàidìshàng.


Alright, now let’s look at your sitting posture. Your head is upright. Your shoulders are relaxed. Your back is naturally straight. Your feet are on the floor.

xiànzài nǐ náqǐ bǐ, kěyǐ kāishǐ xiězì le. nǐxiǎng xiě shénme zì? zhègezì shì shénme jiégòu? yǒu nǎxiē bǐhuà ne?


Now you can pick up the brush pen and start writing. What character do you want to write? What is the structure of the character? What strokes does it have?

rúguǒ zhègg hànzì lǐ yǒu héng, nǐ kěyǐ cóngzuǒwǎngyòu mànmànde wěnwěnde xiě, máobǐ yào zhízhíde lìqǐlái.


If there is a heng, i.e., a horizontal straight line in the character, you can start from left to right. Keep it slow and steady and keep your pen straight up.

kuàixiěhǎo de shíhòu, bǐjiān wǎngshàng tí yìdiǎn, zài wǎngxià dùnyíxià, zuìhòu qīngqīng wǎngzuǒ shōu, xiěchū yíge piàoliàngde héng.


When you are about to finish, lift the tip of the brush up for a little bit, and then lower it for a little bit. At last, turn the brush to the left for a little bit. Now you have a beautiful heng.

rúguǒ nǐyào xiěshù, jiù cóngshàngwǎngxià mànmànde wěnwěnde xiě, máobǐ yěshì zhízhíde lìqǐlái.


If you are writing a shu, i.e., a vertical straight line, start from top to bottom. Keep it slow and steady, and again, keep your pen straight up.

rúguǒ xūyào, yǒude dìfāng kěyǐ qīngyìdiǎn, yǒude dìfāng kěyǐ zhòngyìdiǎn, zuìhòu wěndìngde qīngqīngde bǎbǐjiān tíqǐlái, xiěchū yíge piàoliàngde jiān.


If necessary, you can put less pressure at some places, and put more at some other places. In the end, carefully lift the brush up. Now you have a beautiful pointy shu.

nǐ xiǎngxiěde hànzì lǐ háiyǒu nǎxiē bǐhuà ne? zhège bǐhuà yīnggāi zěnmexiě ne?


What other strokes are there in the character you want to write? How to write them?

bùyòngjí, nǐ kěyǐ xiān xiǎngyixiǎng, zìtièshàngde zhège hànzì shì zěnmexiě de.


Don’t worry. You can think about it first. How is the character written on the copybook?

ránhòu xiǎnghǎo xiānxiě nǎge bǐhuà, hòuxiě nǎge bǐhuà, nǎge bǐhuà chángyìdiǎn, nǎgè bǐhuà duǎnyìdiǎn, zuìhòu mànmànde xiěwán zhège hànzì.


Then, think about which stroke you should write first, and which stroke to write last. Also, think about which stroke should be longer, and which stroke should be shorter. Lastly, you can finish writing this character slowly.

xiěhǎo yǐhòu, qǐngnǐ kànkan nǐxiěde zì hé zìtièshàngde zì yǒu shénme bùyíyàng.


When you are finished, please observe how your character is different from the one on the copybook.

shì chángduǎn bùyíyàng, háishì qīngzhòng bùyíyàng? měige bǐhuà de wèizhì yíyàng ma?


Is it the length, or the pressure? Is every stroke at the right position?

rúguǒ yǒu bùyíyàng de dìfāng, nǐ kěyǐ xiǎngxiǎng zěnmegǎi, ránhòu zàixiěyíbiàn.


If something is different, think about how to change it, and write again.

hǎole. jīntiān de shūfǎ liànxí wǒmen zuòwán le.


Alright, we have completed the calligraphy practice for today.

xiězì de shíhou, nǐyǒu shénme gǎnjué? nǐ juéde shíjiān guòde gèngkuàile háishì gèngmàn le.


When you were writing, what did you feel? Did you feel that the time went by faster or more slowly?

zhè jiùshì zhuānzhù de gǎnjué. qǐngnǐ jìzhù zhèzhǒng gǎnjué, ránhòu zài jiēxiàláide shūfǎ liànxí zhōng, jìxù zhuānzhùde guānchá hànzì xiěhànzì.


This is the feeling of staying focused. Please remember that. In the following calligraphy practice, stay focused on observing and writing characters.

xiànzài nǐ kěyǐ zhēngkāi yǎnjīng le, xīwàng zài měiyícìde shūfǎ liànxí zhōng, nǐdōu kěyǐ gǎnshòu hànzìde měi, gǎnshòu zhuānzhù de kuàilè, wǒmen xiàcì zàijiàn.​


Now you can open your eyes. We hope that in every calligraphy practice, you can feel the beauty of character, and enjoy the happiness of staying focused. See you next time.

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