WRF Group  


WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model) is one of the most widely used domain meteorological models in the world, and its applications include climate calculations, idealization experiments, reproduction of past atmospheric phenomena, and numerical forecasting.

Prof. Kusaka is the only Japanese who officially participated in the WRF development team (i.e., in charge of developing the urban canopy model), and the WRF knowledge and technology possessed by the Kusaka Lab are among the best in Japan.

The WRF group at the Kusaka Lab. aims to find new ways to improve the model and related tools, and provide technical support for members especially beginners.


The Kusaka Lab. WRF group develops and introduces new WRF-related technologies (e.g., improvement of WRF and creation of analysis tools), maintains manuals for these technologies, and provides technical guidance to beginners. In addition to the above activities, the WRF group also conducts various activities (study sessions, etc.) in response to the needs of the enrolled members.

An example of WRF improvement

The WRF model with default settings has limitations on providing the urban rate (i.e., inverse of the green cover ratio) and anthropogenic heat flux in a 2-dimensional distribution.

Kusaka Lab. has improved the WRF so that the urban rate and anthropogenic heat flux can be given in a 2-dimensional distribution, enabling more detailed evaluation of urban effects. 

Urban rate and anthropogenic thermal energy map for Hanoi, Vietnam. Modified from WRF and given in 2D distribution.
Some additions from Doan et al. (2019, Sustainable Cities and Society)

Introduction and Development of New Analysis Tools

The Kusaka Laboratory is actively incorporating the latest analysis tools and other various tools.

The software "Vapor" released by NCAR can be used to analyze the results of WRF simulations to reveal wind flow in 3D.

Backward trajectory of parcels released from downwind of Chokaisan and the Shonai Plain using the analysis tool Vapor.
(Left: altitude of parcels, right: potential temperature of parcels)
Modified from Asano and Kusaka (2021, Met. Apps.)

    We are not only using WRF, but are also making various efforts to improve the source code to reproduce various phenomena more correctly. With the full use of analysis tools, we aim to better understand the characteristics and mechanisms of the phenomena.

    To all those who want to utilize WRF for numerical experiments, numerical forecasts, climate calculations, etc., or who want to make more advanced use of WRF, please join the WRF group at Kusaka Laboratory!!!

(Written by: Nobuyasu Suzuki - WRF Group Leader; Edited by: Angela Magnaye)

Room 301 in the Center for Computational Sciences, 1-1-1, Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan

© 2023 Kusaka Laboratory All Rights Reserved.
Created by All Students in Kusaka Lab., Directed by Tomoko KODAMA, and Supervised by Yuma IMAI