Urban Climate in Asia  


Urban Climate of Asia

For about 30 to 50 years, urban development has been taking place in mid and high latitude regions of United States and Europe which was in line with economic growth. More recently, Asian countries particularly Southeast Asia, also saw rapid development of urban areas due to economic prosperity. Previous studies have shown that the effects of cities vary with urban form and climate. For example, Doan et al. (2020) showed that urbanization increases precipitation even in tropical regions cities with active large-flow activity, such as Singapore.

Kusaka Laboratory is currently conducting research on Asian "megacities" such as Jakarta (Indonesia), Bangkok (Thailand), Manila (Philippines), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), and Singapore. In addition to evaluating urban effects with and without cities, Kusaka Laboratory also compares current and past urban climates using historical land use data. These evaluations enable the examination of climate change and projections of future urbanization based on urban development master plan.

Some of the studies are conducted in collaboration with the National Meteorological Agency of Vietnam (NCHMF) and the Agency of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of the republic of Indonesia (BMKG). We put great effort into these studies, meeting regularly to share information.

Precipitation in Singapore. (a) with city, (b) without city, (c) with city - without city, (d) at 5% significance level.
from Doan et al. (2020, Q. J. R. Met. Soc.)

The Kusaka Laboratory also has international students from China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Sri Lanka who are conducting urban climate researches based on their home countries. Thus, making urban climate the hottest research topics in Kusaka Laboratory at the moment.

List of journals by city studied so far

Tokyo (Japan)

Assessment of the Impact of Metropolitan-Scale Urban Planning Scenarios on the Moist Thermal Environment under Global Warming: A Study of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Using Regional Climate Modeling

Future projections of labor hours based on WBGT for Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, using multi-period ensemble dynamical downscale simulations

Assessment of RCM and urban scenarios uncertainties in the climate projections for August in the 2050s in Tokyo

Urban impacts on the spatiotemporal pattern of short-duration convective precipitation in a coastal city adjacent to a mountain range

Causes for asymmetric warming of sub‐diurnal temperature responding to global warming

Identifying a new normal in extreme precipitation at a city scale under warmer climate regimes: A case study of the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan

Sendai (Japan)

Numerical Study of the Urban Heat Island in Sendai City with Potential Natural Vegetation and the 1850s and 2000s Land-Use Data

Shanghai (China)

Impacts of urban expansion on fog types in Shanghai, China: Numerical experiments by WRF model

An advection fog event response to future climate forcing in the 2030s–2080s: a case study for Shanghai

Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

Numerical study on regional climate change due to the rapid urbanization of greater Ho Chi Minh City's metropolitan area over the past 20 years

Impact of future urbanization on temperature and thermal comfort index in a developing tropical city: Ho Chi Minh City

Green Space and Deaths Attributable to the Urban Heat Island Effect in Ho Chi Minh City

Projections of Urban Climate in the 2050s in a Fast-Growing City in Southeast Asia: the Greater Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area, Vietnam

Hanoi (Vietna)

Roles of past, present, and future land use and anthropogenic heat release changes on urban heat island effects in Hanoi, Vietnam: Numerical experiments with a regional climate model


Urban‐induced modifications to the diurnal cycle of rainfall over a tropical city

Increased Risk of Extreme Precipitation over an Urban Agglomeration with Future Global Warming

Causes for asymmetric warming of sub‐diurnal temperature responding to global warming

List of Asian cities engaged in urban climate research

(Written by: Nobuyasu Suzuki; Edited by: Sharifah)

Room 301 in the Center for Computational Sciences, 1-1-1, Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan

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Created by All Students in Kusaka Lab., Directed by Tomoko KODAMA, and Supervised by Yuma IMAI