Characteristics of Kusaka Lab.


Open Research Topics

The main research theme of Kusaka Laboratory is weather and climate, but at times the research theme can be very flexible. Researches in Kusaka Laboratory are not only limited to weather and climate because Prof. Kusaka is open to "basically anything within the scope of a weather map." Some of the more unusual areas of his research include the evaluation of the health effects of weather on the human body and also the research on wind turbines. As for the research methods, some will work in the field with observation equipment, while others develop their own simulation models using mathematics. More recently, some researches have been observing at live camera images as part of their method.

"Research" is about clarifying what was previously unknown. Your research topic will be your own, and you will work on it with your professors and fellow students. Research that is self-directed means that you are free to do the research that you want to do.

When you are assigned to a laboratory, you will decide on a research theme, but you will never be told by the professor to "do this". First and foremost, Prof. Kusaka will consult with the student to determine what the student wants to do. Even if your interest is vague, such as "I want to do research on ____", please talk to Prof. Kusaka first.

Our seniors have also been engaged in various research projects based on their own interests. Please click here to see the details of past seniors' research.

Full support system

Kusaka Laboratory is a laboratory with a high degree of freedom, but we are not laissez-faire. We also offer a full support system for students’ research.

Students meet with Prof. Kusaka at least once a month, while some will meet with him every few days.

Laboratory seminars are held twice a week. The Kusaka Lab. seminar is very active, and opinions are exchanged from a variety of perspectives, so students learn a lot from each seminar. Once a month, students have the opportunity to make a presentation, and they receive a variety of opinions and feedbacks from Prof. Kusaka and the seniors during the presentation.

When you combine interviews and seminar presentations, you will receive guidance from Prof. Kusaka at least once every two weeks.

In addition, we have a Brother-Sister system, groups, and teams, where students can receive generous support from their seniors.

The Brother-Sister System is a system in which each student in his or her first year of assignment is assigned with a senior colleague who will support them for the first one year. If you have any problem, you may consult with your senior Brother/Sister first.

The groups are places to learn how to use the tools used in research, and the teams are places to deepen your understanding of the research subject. Please see the following pages for more information on these two!

Members with Rich Personalities

As of March 2023, Kusaka Laboratory has 30 members, and actively accepts international students from overseas and other universities, in addition to those who enter the laboratory from within the university.

Compared to other laboratories, we have more doctoral students and researchers, and approximately 90% of our members who were assigned in the 3rd year of undergraduate have gone on to master's programs and 20% to doctoral programs. This is an astounding rate of advancement that cannot be seen anywhere else. What is the reason why they continue their research in the Kusaka Lab. for so long? It is not only because they have high aspirations for their research themes, but also because they are surrounded by a fulfilling research life that is made possible by the interaction with the members and projects that support their research.

The greatest asset of the laboratory is its people, and the knowledge and experience produced by its members are passed on to junior members. Senior graduates from the Kusaka Laboratory are satisfied with their work. The results are provided in overseas joint research and international cooperation, and are also utilized in teaching international students.

We value our relationships with people and aim to be the "Kusaka Laboratory" of the world.

Enjoyable Events

Kusaka Laboratory holds various events to deepen interactions with its members.

We also have opportunities to interact with a variety of people beyond the confines of our laboratory, such as visiting companies and universities in Japan and abroad, and inviting researchers and students from Japan and abroad to our laboratory.

Summer Camp

This camp (trip) will be organized by 4th grade of undergraduates. No research or studying will be involved!

Christmas Party

We'll have a bingo tournament and a gift exchange to keep things exciting!

Company Visits

We visit companies with which we interact, such as Japan Weather Association, Weathernews, and Takenaka Corporation, to hear various stories.

University Visits

We visit universities in Japan and abroad to interact with various researchers. We listen to their stories and present our research to receive their opinions.

Invitation to the Lab.

World-leading researchers stay in our laboratory.  It's an amazing opportunity to interact with professors you've read about in textbooks and papers.

Extensive Collaborative Researches

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Kusaka Laboratory is its abundant joint research. We conduct joint research in Japan, overseas, and with private companies, and we launch projects to solve issues of high social importance. Not only teachers but also students actively participate in the projects, thereby enhancing the expertise of the research themes and nurturing future researchers and members of society. If there is a project that interests you, the door is always open for you to consult. The Kusaka Laboratory is a place where "what you learn today, you will use tomorrow in your project”.

We are actively engaged in joint research with other laboratories inside and outside the university, as well as with government agencies and local governments in Japan. For example, we concluded a collaboration agreement with Tajimi City to elucidate the causes of the urban heat island and propose countermeasures, and conducted large-scale observations. Collaboration with private companies is rare in the meteorological field, and we feel a high level of trust from private companies. We conduct researches not only with weather-related companies, but also with electric equipment manufacturers, wholesalers, and other companies that will support the future of weather services.

We are also actively engaged in joint research with overseas research institutions: we still have strong ties with NCAR, the development organization for the WRF, and we are also vigorously pursuing collaboration with other countries, such as USA, Belgium, Australia, China, Taiwan, UAE, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Kusaka Lab. has accepted international students from several countries and regions, and the number is expected to increase in the future.

This abundance of collaborative research is a testament not only to Prof. Kusaka's personality, but also to his laboratory's progressive and socially-needs-oriented research approach. For more information, please see the project page.

Environment for Future Career Paths

As described in "Members with Rich Personalities", approximately 90% of the members assigned in the 3rd grade of undergraduate advance to the master's course, and approximately 20% to the doctoral course. After graduation, they are active in society through various career paths. Since there are more than 100 senior students in the Kusaka Laboratory who have pioneered their career paths, and you may consult with them when you are in need of advice.

Prof. Kusaka is always in a good mood to discuss your career path with you. Since he himself is a researcher from a private company, he always gives practical guidance for your future career path. This can be seen in the management of the laboratory, where each student becomes a leader and participates in the management. It is a responsibility, but we view the laboratory that we create with our own hands as important for the choice of career path.

(Written by: All Students; Edited by: Sharifah)

Room 301 in the Center for Computational Sciences, 1-1-1, Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan

© 2023 Kusaka Laboratory All Rights Reserved.
Created by All Students in Kusaka Lab., Directed by Tomoko KODAMA, and Supervised by Yuma IMAI