Finished Projects


Here is listed the finished projects.

Grants (C) JP21K03656: research LES modeling

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C.

Total our Budget of this Project (2021-2023): 2,470,000 JPY

Our Budget of this year (2021): 650,000 JPY (5,909.09 USD, 1USD=110JPY)

Project by Ministry of the Environment: research climate change adaptation

Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan

[ Project name ]
Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan

[ Title of Research Project ]

[ Purpose ]

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2019-2021) ]
39,000,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2019) ]
13,000,000 JPY (120,706 USD, 1USD=107.7JPY)


For detail, chech here.

Collaborative Research with WEATHERNEWS INC.

We are studying about the fog forecast and the discrimination of precipitation (rainfall and snowfall forecast) in the Kanto region with weather forecasters of global forecast center.
We can benefit from the forecasters needs in the field (such as road weather) and their valuable experience for forecasts through this work.

Grants (B) JP18H00763: research cities in Asia, future climate prediction with the professor of Division of Spatial Information Science

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B.

Form Factors and Future Prediction of Heat Island Phenomenon in Rapidly Growing Cities in Developing Countries.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2018-2020) ]
1,755,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2019) ]
455,000 JPY (4,225 USD, 1USD=107.7JPY)

[ Our Budget of this year (2020) ]
390,000 JPY (3,621 USD, 1USD=107.7JPY)

[ Members ]

Project for protecting the security and assets of the people from Climate change threat

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan research project

[ Project name ]
SI-CAT: Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology

[ Title of Research Project ]
(i)Development of evaluation technologies of sectoral impact and adaptation measures on climate change.
e:Development of model of thermal environment and health impact for assessment of adaptation measures.

[ Period ]

[ Purpose ]
The work that University of Tsukuba is in charge of is development of system for Impact assessment of climate change by local governments.Development content is as follows:

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2015-2019) ]
19,797,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2019) ]
3,076,000 JPY (28,561 USD, 1USD=107.7JPY)

Research the evaluation technique of the heat stroke risk

For detail, chech here (in Japanese).

Grants (B) JP17H01748: research weather prediction by the machine learning with the professor of Division of High Performance Computing Systems

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.<br />Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B.

Research on Big Data Machine Learning Base to Open up Extreme Weather Forecast.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2017-2019) ]
3,600,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2018) ]
300,000 JPY (3,000 USD,1USD=100JPY)

[ Members ]

Grants (B) JP17H01926: research tree planting impact of Tokyo with the professor of Division of Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B.

Estimation and Mechanism-Clarification of Trade-off in Urban Atmospheric Environment.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2017-2019) ]
1,092,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2019) ]
286,000 JPY (2,656 USD, 1USD=107.7JPY)

[ Members ]

NEDO Project

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Power system output fluctuation corresponding technology research and development projects (NEDO).

[ Title of Research Project ]
Research and development on adapting technology of power system to output fluctuation
Wind power generation prediction, Control sophistication

[ Purpose ]
Research the reason of sudden fluctuation phenomenon of the wind causing RAMP phenomena using WRF model from meteorological point of view

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2014-2018) ]
130,739,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2015) ]
33,026,000 JPY (279,881 USD, 1USD=118JPY)

[ Members ]

SIP Project

The Ministry of  Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan, the Closs-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program(SIP).

[ Title of Research Project ]
Creation of elucidation and risk information of occurrence realities of Foehn.

[ Purpose ]
To reveal the frequency of appearance and typical features of Foehn in parts of the country

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2014-2018) ]
13,850,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2015) ]
2,850,000 JPY (24,152 USD, 1USD=118JPY)

[ Members ]

S-8 Project

Ministry of the Environment in Japan Environment Research and Technology Fund (S-8-1(2)).
Development of Regional Climate Projection System.

[ Purpose ]
Development of a simple dynamical downscaling system running on PC

[ Total Budget of this Project (2010-2014) ]
115,580,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2014) ]
25,950,000 JPY (254,412 USD, 1USD=102JPY)

[ Members ]

RECCA Project

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science Technology in Japan, Research Program on Climate Change Adaptation(RECCA).
Development of a LES-based New Urban Climate Model.

[ Purpose ]
Development of a new numerical model for urban climate

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2010-2014) ]
56,200,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2014) ]
200,000 JPY (90,196 USD, 1USD=102JPY)

[ Members ]

Grants (B) 22340141

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B. 

Analysis of urban air temperature.

[ Total Budget of this year (2012) ]
1,400,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2012) ]
500,000 JPY (4,902 USD, 1USD=102JPY)

[ Members ]

Grants (B) 22300316

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B. 

Spatial and temporal analysis of the summer temperature/precipitation in Tokyo metropolitan area using high-density observation and numerical simulation.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2010-2012) ]
800,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2012) ]
200,000 JPY (2,500 USD, 1USD=80JPY)

[ Members ]

S-5 Project

Ministry of the Environment in Japan Global Environment Research Fund (S5-3).

Urban Climate Projection in 2050s.

[ Purpose ]
Regional climate projection in 2030, 2050, 2090s by dynamical downscaling method with three regional climate models

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2008-2011) ]
98,400,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2011) ]
16,329,000 JPY (204,113 USD, 1USD=80JPY)

[ Members ]

Research on urban heat island of Tsukuba city

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B. 

Actual condition and mechanism of urban heat island of Tsukuba city.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2007-2010) ]
4,290,000 JPY

Collaborative Research with Meteorological Research Institute for Technology Co., Ltd.

We study about snow damage of electric power transmission line with Meteorological Research Institute for Technology co.,ltd.

For detail of Meteorological Research Institute for Technology Co., Ltd., check here.

Collaborative Research with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT)

We study about downscaling using the WRF model with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT).

Acceptance of JICA trainees from BMKG

We accept the JICA trainees from BMKG, Indonesia.

Collaborative Research with TOSHIBA CORPORATION

The web page of TOSHIBA is here.

Collaborative Research with Tajimi City

The web page of Tajimi City is here.

Collaborative Research with Japan Weather Association (JWA)

The web page of Japan Weather Association (JWA) is here.

Grants (A): research urban precipitation

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A.

Urban precipitation observations.

[ Total our Budget of this Project (2013-2017) ]
20,000,000 JPY

[ Our Budget of this year (2013) ]
4,000,000 JPY (39,216 USD, 1USD=102JPY)

[ Members ]

SOUSEI Project

Program for Risk Information on Climate Change
Theme C Development of Basic Technology for Risk Information on Climate Change

The project produces hydrometeorological hazard information for risk assessment of climate change.
We develop surer-high resolution climate models and probabilistic hazard information by utilizing statistical methods.

Collaborative Research with Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Collaborating in regional future climate projection for Taipei, Taiwan.

The web page of Academia Sinica is here.

CREST: JST Strategic Basic Researech Programs

For detail, chech here.

Room 301 in the Center for Computational Sciences, 1-1-1, Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan

© 2023 Kusaka Laboratory All Rights Reserved.
Created by All Students in Kusaka Lab., Directed by Tomoko KODAMA, and Supervised by Yuma IMAI