Secret Wars

Remember all those stories you heard growing up?

You know, the ones you told around campfires, or breathlessly whispered to your friends at recess. The ones you were convinced were true for all of 15 minutes before the next big thing caught your attention. Those stories about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Or about the Bermuda Triangle and alien abductions. Of the weird old lady who has magical powers, and the strange lights in the woods. Of that haunted house just outside of town, that one place with the dark history no adult ever wanted to talk about. Of the things lurking outside your window, in your closet, or under your bed.

What if I told you it was all true? And you know it too. Or at least you did, until you convinced yourself that it wasn't real. That those lights that you saw in the woods were just swamp gas. That the ghost in the window was just a trick of your imagination. That the creaking out in the hallway is just the sound of the house settling.

It's not just your imagination. Everything that you thought you knew is wrong. Every myth, every ghost story, every folk tale, urban legend, and conspiracy theory that you grew up with. It's all horribly, wonderfully true.

This is a story of the world that lies in the shadows. It's a story of the magic, myths and monsters who live alongside us, unseen by our sleeping eyes.

This is a story of the real world.

Header Image: "Worldbuilding", Ilona Andrews,