The 2018 Salmon River Trip Has Been Scheduled!

Post date: Mar 20, 2018 1:02:23 PM

Mark you calendar for this coming November's annual Steelhead fishing weekend in Up-State New York. We will stay at the Fox Hollow Salmon River Lodge near Altmar/Pineville, NY. More details will be provided as we get closer,

The Chapter Trip is open to all members members and friends. We are renting two cabins, good for about 12-14 participants. If necessary, overflow can be accommodated in the Lodge. For newcomers, car pooling is commonly practiced, and help with getting started on the famous Salmon River will be provided to the asking. Come and try your skills at catching one of these magnificent fighting fish. We stay two nights and return on Sunday, November 11.

You can find current information on fishing the Salmon River in Up-State New York at

Call Warren Weglinski (917-418-3590) for details and sign-up.