A Difficult Spring...
Post date: May 16, 2014 1:32:28 PM
April was a pretty difficult month for fishing here in New Jersey. Between the weather and the problems at the hatchery, I suspect most of us have not done as well as we normally do.
Float stocking the Flatbrook is now over for the year. Thanks to Tony Guarino and his crew that included Willi Huber, Ed and Dan Sinning and Mike Maher, the program was as successful as it could have been given the circumstances. By the way, if I missed any participants, I apologize.
Speaking of the Flatbrook, our annual clean up took place on April 26. Thanks to all who participated. Along with the clean up we also repaired some shrub cages that had been destroyed by hurricanes Irene and Sandy. Thanks to John Saltzman and Gary Ervey, our costs to do the repairs were minimum.
Please don’t forget the Rockaway River clean up scheduled for May 17th beginning at 9 AM. We meet at the foot of Blue Road, off Berkshire Valley Road, in Jefferson.
Be sure to attend our May membership meeting on May 21. Our speaker will be Agust Gudmunson, one of nine members of the New Jersey Fish Council. He will tell us about the problems the hatchery experienced in 2013/14 and give us a prognosis for next year.
Glen Zeeck