Foot Dribbling

Teaching Cues & Steps (PHE Canada, 2011)

  1. Push the ball gently with the inside or outside of your foot - "Baby Taps"
  2. Alternate feet with the ball as you move foward - "Left, Right, Left, Right"
  3. Keep the ball close to your body the whole time - "Protect the Ball"
  4. Keep your head up and looking forward - "Eyes Forward"
      • Use peripheral vision to see the ball (later stages)

*Helpful phrase to teach: "Baby taps inside"

Helpful Suggestions When Having Trouble (PHE Canada, 2011)

Kicking the ball too hard

    • Encourage the learner to "be nice" to the ball.
    • Use a weighted or deflated ball (won't roll away as far or fast).

Not kicking with inside or outside of foot

    • Place a sticker or bright tape where you'd like them to kick the ball.

Looking at the Ball While Dribbling

    • Have the learner follow a partner to avoid looking straight down.
    • Have the learner read flashcards with numbers, symbols or pictures while dribbing.
        • "What is this?"
References:1. Baert, H., Madden M. (2016). Fundamental Movement Skill Posters. SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY.2. Gallahue, D., Ozmun, J., & Goodway, J. (2007). Understanding motor development: Infant, children, adolescents, adults (7th ed.). McGraw Hill: New York, NY.3. PHE Canada (2011). Fundamental movement skills: An educator’s guide to teaching fundamental movement skills.