Prerequisite: English 9,10,11Grades: Grade 12Credits: 10Credit Type: EnglishOffered: Year-Long

Senior English I will be offered as a two college credit courses, English 101 during first semester and English 202 during second semester. Juniors will be taking the traditional Junior English during first semester, but will then be offered English 101 during second semester. (Comp I, Comp II, and Appreciation of Lit are the three courses offered from Peru State College).

Book List/Appreciation of Lit: Possible novels--Of Mice and Men, Grapes of Wrath, America's Women

Book List/Comp II: Possible novels--Pride & Prejudice, Hamlet, Mayor of Casterbridge, Death of a Salesman

(*Junior English will remain the same first semester, but will be offered as English 101: Intro to Comp second semester. There are no prerequisites for Junior English first semester, but students not meeting the prerequisites second semester will not be allowed to take the course for college credit.)

Specific skills include:

  • learn and apply reading skills and strategies to comprehend text

  • learn and apply writing skills and strategies to communicate.

  • develop and apply appropriate speaking and listening skills and strategies to communicate for a variety of purposes.

  • apply information fluency and practice digital citizenship