






Artist Statement:

For this project, I had to take photos that incorporated every color of the rainbow. One red photo, one orange, one yellow, one green, one blue, and finally, one violet. The concept of this project really interested me because I liked how although they would each be a separate photo, they would all come together to create a rainbow. This prompt also made me think a lot about what I could take a picture of to match each color. I had to start thinking about colors and paying closer attention to what color things are and what different colors of the rainbow were in my everyday surroundings.

To take these photos, as I just mentioned, I really had to pay more close attention to the colors in my life. For the red photo, I took a photo of a chair and the tip of a canoe in my backyard. For the orange photo, I took a picture of my orange cat sitting by the fire. For my yellow photo, I took a picture of a lemon. For my green photo, I took a picture of some vegetables. For my blue photo, I took a picture of the sky, and finally, for the violet photo, I used a photo of my friend from when we went on a hike. To edit these photos, I used the color selection method that we learned last year in Photo I. I chose this method because I thought it made each color stand out. Lastly, I did a bit of cropping to the images just so that the subject was the main focus and any extra unnecessary parts of the image were cut out.

I really enjoyed taking photos for this project because it forced me to be more observant. Sometimes it's easy for me to not really notice the effect colors have on my surroundings but in order to find these colors to take photos of, I had to be very observant. I really like how my final product turned out as well. My favorite photo from the series is probably the green one just because I think the green really stands out in it because it is in many different places. I also like how a followed through with the theme of color selection throughout all my photos so they go together.