
Artist Statement: For this project, I had to create a piece that represented one of the elements of the earth. I had to choose between water, fire, wind, water,  or earth. I chose to create a piece that represented water because I thought this selection held the most possibilities. My idea was to create a thumb watering can which is a watering can that has holes in the bottom that you fill up from the bottom and put your thumb over the top to create pressure and prevent water from coming out. When you water your plants, you take your thumb away and the water flows.

To create my watering can, I used the coil technique. I made coils and attached them on top of each other smoothing as a go. I used a slab for the bottom of my pot as well as for my handle. To create my handle, I made sure to smooth the edges and attach it well. When I was finished building the form of my piece, I pressed my thumb into the top to make sure it fits properly in order for the watering can to be functional. My most used tools for this piece were definitely the smoothing tool and the wooden tool. Also, when I glazed my watering can, I decided to incorporate a flowery design with purple glaze to make it look cuter. I put blue in the background because I liked the color of the glaze.

I am proud of my final product and happy with the way it turned out. I thought this idea was creative and I am excited to try and actually use this watering can. I finished my project on time and am content with the final project. If I were to do this project again and differently, I would probably work with the clay when it was a little bit dryer so I could make it look cleaner. Since my clay was a bit wet, it was a little harder to work with because it was messier, but overall, I am content with how it turned out.