Colored Candy

Colored spheres

Colored pencil, marker, water color, graphite pencil

9" x 12"


Graphite pencil, colored pencil

10" x 7"

This project was difficult for me because of the shadows, but you can defiantly tell in my final piece how I used colored pencils to make it look like the picture I took and how I shaded with them. The spheres piece is where you can see a lot of shadow technique and using one color or more to make it look real instead of a plain circle. This piece relates to my life because it is a picture that I took of this candy spilling out of it's box and it wasn't just some random picture that I looked up to use as a reference.

To make this piece I used graphite pencil, and colored pencils. I used graphite just to make my sketching lines and draw the different parts with having the option to erase if I messed up. I used colored pencils to add color and depth to the drawing so it would be more detailed in the end.

Throughout the entire process of drawing my final piece, I was looking at a picture that I actually took as a reference. I also went through the process of shading and adding colors in specific places to make it look as detailed as possible. My project evolved as I kept on drawing because in the beginning, I was using just graphite pencil and it didn't really look like the picture reference but when I added color, it quickly changed to a better and more detailed drawing. My next steps could be learning how to make better shadows and maybe even adding more candy to the drawing. I think that learning more about shadows would help me a lot to make the drawing more detailed and realistic.