
Value Strip


10" x 2"



8" x 7"

Starting this project was difficult at first because I hadn't quite figured out how to use the scratchboard materials effectively. My main focus and goal for this project was to recreate the image of my dog by scratching more lines for lighter parts of the photo, less lines for darker parts of the photo, along with creating tones of grey. It was most enjoyable when I got to scratch out the fur of the subject because I like how the lines portray the fur.

To make this piece, I gridded out my scratchboard to make it exactly the size of the photo reference. I then use the red scratch tool to scratch out my specific details that were smaller and much more precise. I used the fiberglass brush to draw the water that my dog was standing in. I didn't really like the using the wooden tools because I felt that they were harder to make marks with. My favorite tool that I used was probably the red scratch tool because it was the easiest to make specific marks with.

I chose a photo of my dog for this project because I thought it would be really interesting to draw out the fur and show the different directions and patterns in the fur. The gridding process definitely helped me with the actual drawing process. I like how this piece represents the photo of my dog and I like how I can look at it and immediately recognize that it is him.