Duck Stamp

Keeping Close

Colered Pencils, graphite pencils, white charcoal

9" x 12"

These piece was inspired by the species of Bufflehead ducks and the fact that they live in the cold ocean. I decided to combine some aspects of different reference images and draw a baby duck with its parent. It sort of represents these ducks relationship by staying together and keeping close in the big cold ocean. I did find some inspiration from reference images but the actual picture and composition is just by me. I really like the way the bufflehead ducks have a colorful head and how the baby is so different looking, but still has a very cool pattern in its feathers.

To create this piece, I started with a simple sketch of the simple shapes using a light graphite pencil. I then added more and more details using pencil and added color with colored pencils. For some parts of this drawing, the ducks had very white spots so I decided to use white charcoal because it made it the brightest.

To make this project, I did have to do some research on the Bufflehead ducks. I read about things like their habitat, and what the babies look like vs what the adults look like, basically everything that was necessary to put my project together in an accurate composition. In my head, this project seemed really difficult because I have never really drawn a scientifically accurate drawing of wildlife. I guess it wasn't as hard as I had thought it to be but it was sill difficult to make the water look like water and the different textures in the water too. My favorite part was probably adding the little details in the ducks feathers and bodies.