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02-25-2002 02:25 AM

Boarder Zone Improvents


1. I would like internet access to play against other players.

2. Different courses added.

3. Add new music. Have it where you can download your own

music and add it to the game.

What improvents would you like to see? Maybe Infogames will

come out with a new version of Boarder Zone.


02-26-2002 04:12 PM

how 'bout bigger levels???????

or higher difficulty?


02-26-2002 06:33 PM

Have you added the hard level?


You can go to game cheats and add the hard course and add

more boards. You have to change Boarder Zones game registry.

I got this on web site. I think it is also on Cnet's site also. Just type in game cheats. It has the instructions on how to change the registry. It really makes it challenging.


03-20-2002 04:32 PM



Has anyone replyed about adding music to Boarder Zone? how do i extract the tracks that are in it now? The muzic is awesome!!!:cool: :up:


03-29-2002 03:34 PM



BoarderZone is a brilliant game. It's the most realistic and true-to-snowboarding snowboardgame there is. (and I've played them all, so I know this :). The control-system is supreme and the graphics are outstanding!

But there is a few small cosmetic changes that could easilly improve it even further and insure it's way to stardom.

First of all - the more you can customize in a game, the more fun it gets. Players, clothes, levels, skins, boards, stance, bindning-angles, whatever - this would make people never put boarderzone away. (I know that you can make your own skins and boards though, because I've done that myself in the demo ;)

Motocross Madness for instance, had a function where you could make your own levels (and I don't mean the indoor levels, but the outdoor ones - in 3dsMAx!) - this made the game last sooo much longer. How about releasing out a faq and a level-compiler so people could make their own bigjumps or pipes or hills or whatever?

And second of all - the small details really DO count. Like for instance: why doesn't any of the riders have goggles? ALL real-life snowboarders do. And who nosegrabs like that? Everybody nosegrabs the same whay as they tailgrab. And why does the speaker say "Misty" when you're doing a ninetyroll and vice versa?

- brutal

PS: I've only played the demo though, so I don't know if any of this has been changed in the final version.


03-29-2002 04:22 PM

..and more


man, I forgot about the replays :)

ok, the replay-function in bz is really cool (though I've noticed that even if you turn down the speed in the replay, the camera moves at normal speed, so suddenly your character is a mile away), but how about using more static cameras in the bigjump-levels, so that you can see really how high and long you are going?

or even better: how about using multiple cameras and let the user decide which one he wants to use?

or even MORE better: how about letting the user compose his own snowboard-movieclip from these cameras, and save it to disk so he can share it with his friends?

boarderzone really has the potential to stand out in the snowboardgame-crowd, simply because of the ingenious contol-system. so lets develop it to the true sportsclassic that it deserves to be.



04-11-2002 01:49 AM

New game?


Does anybody know if there is going to be a boarderzone 2. This game rocks, but i reckon the next game would use tnl, etc.



07-02-2002 03:37 AM

3D Analyzer


Also i've been using 3d analyzer, should help with game, helps alot with gta3. It can use software tnl and helps games run alot smoother. worth a try and heres a link.

Have fun



07-21-2002 07:01 AM

new snowboarding game?


anyone know anything about the new snowboarding game that infogrames is developing?


07-23-2002 06:40 AM



i have replaced some of the sound effects/player comments with some of my own creations since they are a standard audio type (.au). i would like to add/change the music files but i can not find a player/codec that supports the 'adp' type files. anyone have any knowledge of the format that is used for the music files?


07-25-2002 05:20 AM



Supreme Editor (AJA)

General usage

Activate Editor [E]

Advance one level in menu [Enter]

Back one level in menu [Esc]

Move Camera around cursor [Ctrl] + Mouse

Move Camera closer and nearer to cursor [Right mouse button] + Mouse

forward and backward

Move cursor around level Mouse

Speed up cursor movement [Shift]

NOTE: Moving direction is calculated from angle between camera and cursor.

If there is no X/Z angle or the angle is very small cursor wont move.

If this happens just press and hold [Ctrl] and adjust the camera

position with mouse.

Objects (Adding objects to level)

Choose "Select object category/object".

Choose preferred category, for example "Vehicles".

Create a preferred object, for example "Car_Chevy_Van", by pressing


Editing objects

Activate/Deactivate [Left mouse button]

Move Mouse

Rotate Y [Page Up] / [Page Down]

Rotate X [Y] + [Page Up] / [Page Down]

Rotate Z [X] + [Page Up] / [Page Down]

Scale Up Numpad[*]

Scale Down Numpad [/]

Raise object Numpad [-]

Lower object Numpad [+]

Increase Melt Heigh "Edit nearest object" Numpad [1]

Decrease Melt Heigh "Edit nearest object" Numpad [2]

Insert new object (current active type)[Insert]

Delete nearest object [Delete]

Copy nearest object to copy buffer [Ctrl] + [c]

Paste object from copy buffer [Ctrl] + [v]

Creating a new fence

Creates a new fence with default index pattern and 10 control points.

"Select object category/object" [Enter]

"[Util]" [Enter]

"Fence" [Enter]

Editing fence

[Insert] Add a control point

[Del] Delete a control point

[Backspace] Delete fence mesh identifier

Numpad [0-9] Define fence mesh

Numpad [.] Fence mesh identifier seprerator


Material-map Editing

"Edit landscape"

"Edit material map"

Key table

Toggle brush show mode F8

Change Brush [Cursor Left] / [Cursor Right]

Change Brush Size [/] /[*]

Change Paint mode [Cursor Up] / [Cursor Down]

Change material Numpad [1] / [2]

Adjust painting intensity [Page Up] / [Page Down]

Height-map Editing

"Edit landscape"

"Edit height map"

Key table

Toggle brush show mode F8

Change Brush [Cursor Left] / [Cursor Right]

Change Brush Size [/] /[*]

Change Height-map editing mode [Cursor Up] / [Cursor Down]

Adjust painting intensity [Page Up] / [Page Down]


F6 - AI heuristic mode

F8 - AI path record mode

F4 does a frame grab (snapshot) during normal game play.

NEW: When working with banners, i.e. checkpoint, you can change the appearance by 'editing' the object, banner in this case, by using the number pad '+' and '-' keys to switch between the different types of 'meshes'. NOTE: You can create your own with a little work.


08-04-2002 08:12 AM



you should be able to enter the codes anytime after you

have completed the intial setup (diplay configuration).

you will hear sheep 'baa-ing' if entered correctly.

siipiveikkoliitelee OR lee --- enable hard tracks

hiihtoope OR ope --- enable guide rider

seivaavideograbbi --- screen capture/snapshot

imhotepmaailmojentuhoaja OR aja --- enable editor

(after enabling above, 'e' will start it up)

exterminaattori --- enable video diagnostic information

(after enabling above, use 'tab' to toggle display on/off

eel --- enable player speed up, slow down function

(after entering above, use 'page up' to speed up player

and 'page-down' to slow player)

there is an old fashioned 'easter-egg' in the game but i

do not know the exact proceedure needed to invoke it,

what it was meant to do, or if it was ever completed

since the game itself was never completed before it was

released. what i do know is that it is triggered by

'clicking' on a specific location in one of the menu

screens, again i do not know which screen is used.


08-06-2002 09:08 AM

no cd found fix for win2k


found on web

¦ Description : [w95] Boarder Zone

¦ Subject : CD-Rom Check Remove

¦ Fix made by : Pavel Andreyev & Face Ltd (2:5022/7.30)

¦ Fix made at : Sep 27 2000 12:01:12

¦ Comments : ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????

¦ Protection : [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] %01

¦ Time for fix : 00:03:00

¦ Type of fix : Bit hack

¦ Used packer : None

¦ Used unpacker : None

¦ Src language : hz

¦ Price : $000

¦ Used tools : IDA 3.76, Hiew

¦ Under Music : Aqua


Patch was made by Face Limited Station

CD-Rom Check Remove

DISPLAY_CONFIG.EXE (#size 90112)

0000140F: 0F E9

00001410: 84 86

00001411: 85 00


you will need to use a hex editor to alter the file.

the changes only bypass the 'cdrom inserted' check routine so you might have to disable sounds since the music tracks are on the cdrom.


08-08-2002 08:22 AM

new boards, player clothing, tracks


there is a set of new clothing at

the site listed:

<<dead>> <<dead>>

by martin larsson that had new boards, player clothing,

and tracks that could be downloaded. anyone know if

the files are anywhere else?


08-10-2002 06:07 PM

Re: Music



Originally posted by mfgrace

Has anyone replyed about adding music to Boarder Zone? how do i extract the tracks that are in it now? The muzic is awesome!!!:cool: :up:

if you want to play the songs, get the program playstr from you will have to download the complete package and the player program is in the \tools\win 32 directory. the format for playing the songs is as follows:

playstr [filename] [offset] [sampletype] [rate]

[filename] input file name

[offset] byte offset to file (optional) set to 0

[sampletype] sample type:

1 = 8-bit mono,

2 = 16-bit mono,

3 = 8-bit stereo,

4 = 16-bit stereo,

5 = ADPCM mono,

6 = ADPCM stereo,

7 = u-law mono,

8 = u-law stereo

[rate] sample rate in Hz (optional)

example: playstr <path>imontv.adp 0 6 44100

there is also a utility to convert to and from the adp format (adpcm.exe) but i have not figured it out. yet. there are help files available.


08-12-2002 12:32 PM

keep it busy


come on people, help get infogrames attention by posting!! let them know that they should finish the game or produce a sequel.


08-13-2002 09:43 AM

boarder zone dead


Since 'boarder zone' is a dead product (no support or updates), could source code be released?


08-14-2002 08:11 AM

help with track editor


since the game is abandoned, do you thick infogrames should give detailed instructions on how to use the track editor?


08-14-2002 08:45 AM

Re: ..and more



Originally posted by brutal

man, I forgot about the replays :)

ok, the replay-function in bz is really cool (though I've noticed that even if you turn down the speed in the replay, the camera moves at normal speed, so suddenly your character is a mile away), but how about using more static cameras in the bigjump-levels, so that you can see really how high and long you are going?

or even better: how about using multiple cameras and let the user decide which one he wants to use?

or even MORE better: how about letting the user compose his own snowboard-movieclip from these cameras, and save it to disk so he can share it with his friends?

boarderzone really has the potential to stand out in the snowboardgame-crowd, simply because of the ingenious contol-system. so lets develop it to the true sportsclassic that it deserves to be.


all you have to do is start up the aja track editor and add more cameras.


08-19-2002 01:05 PM

Music repacement



Originally posted by fjguarino

if you want to play the songs, get the program playstr from you will have to download the complete package and the player program is in the \tools\win 32 directory. the format for playing the songs is as follows:

playstr [filename] [offset] [sampletype] [rate]

[filename] input file name

[offset] byte offset to file (optional) set to 0

[sampletype] sample type:

1 = 8-bit mono,

2 = 16-bit mono,

3 = 8-bit stereo,

4 = 16-bit stereo,

5 = ADPCM mono,

6 = ADPCM stereo,

7 = u-law mono,

8 = u-law stereo

[rate] sample rate in Hz (optional)

example: playstr <path>imontv.adp 0 6 44100

there is also a utility to convert to and from the adp format (adpcm.exe) but i have not figured it out. yet. there are help files available.

to add/change the music tracks, you use the utility adpcm.exe that comes with the above mentioned music editor package.

to convert from the .adp type to a raw pcm format use adpcm d [input file] [output.raw] 2 512. you will need a different program to convert the raw pcm file to a 'normal' windows readable file. i have been uing the 'cool edit 2000' for these conversions.

to convert to the .adp type, so that the game will play the music, you first have to convert the music track you want to use to a raw pcm format, again i use 'cool edit' for this procedure, then convert it to the .adp type with the command adpcm e [input.raw] [output.adp] 2 1024.

as mentioned before more detailed instructions for the adpcm.exe program are given in the 'midas' package.


08-20-2002 08:49 AM

30+ Riders


while goofing around with some of the setup files, i was able to get over 30 riders on the track at one time. it was done with the 'AI HEURISTIC function (F6)' while in the 'edit' mode. unfortunatly, you can not participate in the race, but watching the track filled with 'boarders' is amazing.

as soon as i figure out what changes were made to what files, i will post the details. what i do know at this time is that you got to have enough 'AI Paths', defined players, and board patterns (\data\general\map) for the number of riders you want and you also have to set the number of 'locked players' to the same amount (i forget the file but i think it is data\characters\ai_config.txt file.)

NOTE: when exiting the game, there might be an error reported, this is do to the fact that the game was only coded for TEN players (i.e. player 11 is show as 11st, 12 is 12nd, etc). this error occurs when saving the results (times) for each of the 'AI paths' run.


09-03-2002 07:48 AM

anything new?


Anything new with regards to game improvement?

I've been playing with some of the modifications mentioned but would like to see some official releases (information).

This game can be so much better, but unfortunatly infogrames got a hold of it. They will not support, improve, or fix it. { i tried contacting the developers (housemarque) for information on the game's development/improvement/patching, but they can not release any because of some lame agreement with infogrames.}


09-05-2002 08:27 AM

building new box


i am going to get this game working, one way or another!

i have gathered up some parts, the kind that infogrames' suckware supports (i.e. 4+ years old), and i am going to build another box just to play and tweak this dam game.

my mainline computer is just too good for infogrames' krap suckware!


09-07-2002 09:01 AM



Does anybody that plays this game have something to say?

Good or bad, it does not matter, just supply some feedback.

I mean come on, with all the viewers there must be some interest.

I would like to get involved with some 'online' racing, because after having this game for little over a month, I have completed the 'object' of the game, that is, beat all the computer characters, and would like more of a challange {humans}.


09-17-2002 10:19 PM

Re: anybody?



Originally posted by boarderz

Does anybody that plays this game have something to say?

Good or bad, it does not matter, just supply some feedback.

I mean come on, with all the viewers there must be some interest.

I would like to get involved with some 'online' racing, because after having this game for little over a month, I have completed the 'object' of the game, that is, beat all the computer characters, and would like more of a challange {humans}.


Maybe my highscores will keep you busy for a while. If ANYONE has a better laptime on one of the following .. please notify.

As far as i know, these high scores can not be beaten.

Canyon Run 1:45,67

Cliff Slalom 1:41,69

Ice Cave 1:40,42

Frozen Stream 1:23,14

Trainspotting 1:33,66

Alpine River 1:28,82

Village Hills 1:39,58

Street Dash 1:27,23

Rooftops 1:17,58


09-17-2002 10:56 PM

Re: Re: anybody?


But about the improvements...

First of all my deeepest respect for the greatest sportsgame (.. racegame even) EVER!

I was hooked when i first played it and i still am!

The atackplayer option is brilliant!

The gameplay is as horny as my girlfriend!

And the graphics and sounds are just outstanding

About them improvements, i have sum suggestions.

- Hitting opponents, it would be nice to ram an opponent out of your way when it's irritating you.

- Boardslides, ive tried to make boardslides on several objects .. it's just not possible.

- Blood. (I know it's not the most friendly accent of today games, but it would add some color ;)

- Character editing. (Tony Hawk 3 shows a pretty good idea)

and ofcourse

- on-line racing

- new tricks 'n tracks

- more accessable terrain editor

And please get rid of the bugs, it's really hard to keep this game up and running!

Grtz. Quasar


09-21-2002 08:43 AM

thank you


:up:Thanks to all who have posted information on making changes to this game.:up:

:cry:I had placed this game in my crap software pile after playing (beating) it after 2 weeks of play.:cry:

:cool:After stumbling on this forum and reading the tips on how to change the tracks, I was able to change them into something more interesting and thus put new life into this crippled game.:cool:

:(Is there going to be a sequel and is there any way to play online?:(

:)This game has potential and should be improved by its makers.:)


09-21-2002 12:52 PM



Forgot to ask, I noticed a dead link to a site having tracks, boards, etc. for download. Anyone got any ideas on how to revive the idea?


09-22-2002 08:40 AM

Making Changes


I can't believe how easy it is to work on the tracks. The only problem I've got is the editing of the texture maps. I can't seem to get my changes to take effect. Does anybody have suggestions on how to get the terrain editing function to work more easily?


09-22-2002 03:45 PM

hi there, you boarder freaks


oh, it must be years ago, i played this game, and i was one of the best in the world...hehe.

cant remember my highscores....but, oh boy :)

ok, it was an outstanding game, but i fear, there is no sequel for pc. they have made "amped" for xbox and im going to buy it now.
