Tips & Tricks

 First, to reduce the number of crashes of the game, please apply the official patch, and the the addon provided by mk.

 You can customize the game with the tips in the site or with the Ximod. You can also customize the game yourself as it is described the the Customization part of the site.

 So, here we go :

 Press&Release "Ctrl" just at the top of a hump : you will be able to control you snowboarder till the very last second, and jump as mush as if you had the gauge full.

 Manually edit some files :

 Widen the visibility distance

Check which graphic configuration you have (Very High, High, Medium, Low, Detail). When you got it, edit the text file related to your configuration in the Data folder.

Then, change the visibility_cube_width attribute.

 Avoid reshaping of the ground

You have probably noticed that when you get closer to somewhere, the ground is progressively sharper and sharper. If you want to avoid this effect and ride on an high quality ground, change in the same file the number after ground_detail by 4. You get :

ground_detail    = 4;

 Change the amount of snowflakes displayed

You can show up more snowflakes. Everything is controlled by a simple factor called (in the same file as above) amount_of_snowflakes. A higher value will show up more snowflakes, up to a snow storm if you want !