




1. A spiritual-hypnosis assisted treatment of children with PTSD after the 2002 Bali terrorist attack.


2. [Post-traumatic stress disorders in medical practice: diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines in primary care]


3. Hypnotherapeutic olfactory conditioning (HOC): case studies of needle phobia, panic disorder, and combat-induced PTSD.


4. Hypnosis for complex trauma survivors: four case studies.


5. Testing the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder through measures of dissociation, absorption, hypnotizability and PTSD: a Norwegian pilot study.


6. Hypnotizability as a potential risk factor for posttraumatic stress: a review of quantitative studies.


7. Hypnotherapy in the treatment of chronic combat-related PTSD patients suffering from insomnia: a randomized, zolpidem-controlled clinical trial.


8. Hypnosis and the treatment of posttraumatic conditions: an evidence-based approach.



1. The Psychodynamic Treatment of Combat Neuroses (Ptsd) With Hypnosis During World War  

2. New uses of hypnosis in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder.

3. The use of hypnosis in the treatment of PTSD.

4. Hypnosis in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse.

5. Pierre Janet's treatment of post-traumatic stress

6. The additive benefit of hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating acute stress

7. Dissociation and hypnotizability in posttraumatic stress disorder

8. The value of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic PTSD with dissociative fugues in a war …

9.  Dissociation and hypnosis in post-traumatic stress disorders

10. Hypnotherapy and cognitive behaviour therapy of acute stress disorder: A 3-year follow-up


11. Hypnosis and traumatic dissociation: Therapeutic opportunities

12. Dissociation and trauma

13. Psychotherapy and trauma.

14. Hypnosis and the treatment of posttraumatic conditions: An evidence-based approach

15. Use of hypnosis in pain management and post-traumatic stress disorder

16. Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder with hypnosis.

17. Hypnotic treatment of PTSD in children who have complicated bereavement.

18. Hypnotherapeutic techniques to facilitate psychotherapy with PTSD and dissociative clients

19. Hypnosis with Depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Chronic Pain

20. … The Psychodynamic Treatment of Combat Neuroses (PTSD) With Hypnosis During World War …




1. 創傷後壓力症候群

2. 創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD)

3. 催眠助患者走出傷痛

4. 研究:大災難後倖存者腦功能改變


