September 2, 2021 Meeting

These guys sure look like they're happy to be here.

Lion Ren opens the meeting.

Lion Rolek fines some members who didn't fill out their attendance sheets correctly.

Lion Gordy has his quill so he can take copious notes for the Claw.

Lion Vern fills in as tail twister,

Lion Ron tries to catch the moths flying out of Lion Callendars wallet as he pays a fine.

Lion Vern even fined our secretary.

Lion Nick was fined for advertising on his shirt.

Even the treasuer could not escape a fine today.

Lion Vern fined Lion Larry. Please come back soon Lion Tail Twister Gazella, we can't afford to have Lion Vern in charge.

We inducted two new members today.

L-R: Sponsor Lion Brueker, new Lions Dave Baute, Bob Bralick, and sponsor Lion Lundgren.

The induction.

Here he goes again, fining our newest members!

Doug Schaffer from Lake Michigan College talked about the college's 75th anniversary and challenged us with some trivia. He also provided some prizes for the winners.

We also heard from LMC's new Den of Diversity, Major Cooper.

Another week with a record amount in the Pot 'o Silver. Perhaps Major Cooper can finally draw a winner.

Oh no! Once again another loser. Lion Brett your name has been drawn a couple of times in the past weeks. You need to be here to win.