September 10, 2020 Board Meeting

For the first time since March 2020 we were able to meet face-to-face for our September Board Meeting. The meeting was held at Riverviw Park in the Briarwood Shelter that Saint Joseph \Lions refurbished the shelter earlier this summer. We practiced social distancing and all wore masks unless presenting.  It was great to be back together. We plan to hold two meetings a month during the pandemic and we hope to meet outside(weather permitting) for our Board Meetings and hold virtual Zoom meetings for our other monthly meeting. Please enjoy some of these candid photos of our meeting in this beautiful location.

We met eat Riverview Park.
A wondweful view of the St. Joe River.
The Lions enjoyed the boeatiful view and the fresh air.
These Lions are really laid back.
Lion Gordy is ready to "pen" the Claw.
Lion Carrie brings the meeting to order.
We were hoored to have as ourguest, Lion Carol Young - Zone 4 Chair of Disrict 11-B2.
Lion Carol presented the St. Joseph Club with the 2019-2020 Project Night Award for contripbuting to 100% of the District's rohjects.
Lion Prez Carrie gave her president's report.
Lion Secretary Ed read a letter from a women thanking the St. Joseph Club for providing her with a special pair of glasses to help her read without having to use a magnifying glass. YES, WE SERVE!
Lion Micha presented the financial report. This is going to be a challenging year because of the pandemic, as our fund raising activities will be greatly affected.
Lion Larry keeps an eagle eye on the budget projections.
It was great to have Lion Chuck back as he has been very busy keeping the residents of Beerin County safe during these hard times. Thanks for your service and to all first responders.
Lion Ed presents Lion Carrie with her Past President pin for last year.
Lion Dan, membership chair, presents a membership pin to Lion Tom.
Lion Gordy  also recieved a memGordyip pin.
Lion Dan gets into the act taking a selfie.
Lion Tom asks Zone Chair Carol to draw for the Pot o' Silver. Once again, no winner. You have to be present to win folks.
Lion Larry's mask makes him look like Bat Man.
Interesting design on your mask Lion Tom. What is it?
Lion Tom is all in for the Maze & Blue with matching jacket and mask.
Lion Jim is off to "infinity & Beyond" with his Buzz Lightyear mask.
Lion Gordy is trying to make points with the tail Twister with his homemade Lion mask.
Very patriotic Lion Vern.
First chance to get a photo of this year's club officers. Yes some were missing but had good excuses. You can view all of our current officers by CLICKING HERE.
A short video of the Project Night Award presetntaion.