Dec. 5, 2019 Meeting

Performance by the St. Joseph High School Choir

In addition to our regular weekly business, we were fortunate to hear a wonderful selection of holiday music performed by the St. Joseph High School Choir. See below a few selected photos and videos from the meeting. 

Lion Prez welcoed everyone
Attendance at today's meeting was excellent
Lion Ed reported on the dmamge done to Lion's Beach because of the treebdous winds and waves along Lake Michigan
District Governor John Postelli presented Lion Dan with his 40th anniversary award as a Lion
Lion Steve goes over plans for collecting donations for the area Good Fellos Fund also know as the Newsie Sale.
Lion Tail Twister Gordy was at it again as he files Lion Gary for something. Lion Gordy will pay for this later.
Lion Gordy also finds somethin to fine Lion Prez for
We finally had a winner for the Pot 'o Silver. Lion Gary won and graciously donated his winnings to Camp Leo, thanks Lion Gary
The highloght of the meeting was the performance by the St. Joseph High School Choir

The Tail Twister at work!

Here he goes again, fining Lion Ed
Finally the tables are turned. The Districr Governot(the only one who can fine the tail twister) gets the job done. How's that feel Lion Gordy?

Listen to a few selections from the St. Joe HS Choir

under te direction of Beth Gray Roll