July  23, 2020 "ZOOM" Meeting

The Lions Club of Saint Joseph has not been able to hold face-to-face meetings since March 2020 due to the Covid-19  pandemic. We had a successful Officers' Installation Ceremony via ZOOM meeting technology. This week we held our very first meeting for this fiscal year via ZOOM and found it to be a viable way to meet.  While face-to-face meetings are still preferred, the virtual meeting allow us to continue our work. The meeting format was our normal format and allowed us to conduct our normal business. We even had the opportunity to continue our practice of having a speaker at our meeting who  connected virtually.  It was good to see the faces of fellow Lions once again. We look forward to being able to go back to face-to-face meetings, but will continue these Zoom meetings so we can SERVE and stay safe. Below are some screen shots of the meeting.

Lion President Carrie Brunsting calls her first regular meeting to order.
After Lion Dennis Lundgren played "Our Country T'is of Thee, Lion Ren Baldwin led us in the Pledge of allegiance and an opening prayer.
Here's a screen shot of the Lions who were able to connect to the "Zoom" virtual meeting
Lion Prez introduced a new activity we will use at meetings. In order to get to know each other better, individual Lions will share some  interesting facts and experiences about themselves with the rest of the members.
Lion Jim Bembenek(L) and Lion Ron Griesenger share thier stories
Membership Chairperson Lion Dan Fortenbacher conducted  his first virtual induction of a new member,  Morgan Brunsting(right) with Co-sponsors Lions Carrie Brunsting (Mom) and Vern Breuker (Grandpa). Lion Morgan is a third generation St. Joe Lion! Congratulations Lion Morgan!®
 Lion Kevin Guzzo, St. Joseph Schools Athletic Director, presented a program on “Schools, Sports and Covid-19”.