Augus 1,2019 Meeting

Our August 1, 2019  Meeting was a good one. Lion Prez Dave was no where to be found so Lion (one heartbeat away, 1st VP) Chuck officiated the meeting. He ran a very good meeting, perhaps his being a Sherrif Deputy had something to do with it. The prgram for the day was presented by Felix DeSimone, currently a spphomore at the Unioversity of Chicago. He spoke to us about the Borgen Project one of the nations leading groups figting wold peverty.Felix is a volunteer working with the group. He encouaged us to contact our legslaters and ask them to help fight this problem.

1st Vive Presdent Chuck tried out running the meeting.

Felix DeSinone was our presenter today.

Our club banner and the Governors banner

Do these guys look like they are ready to greet everyone?

The Pot 'O Silver is growing. Is that a wooden nickel someone put in?

Tail Twister Lion Gordy is looking for victims.

Lion "pretty boy" Dave counts the lunch money.

Looks like Lion Gordy found someone to fine.

Great to have Lion Phil back from an illness.

Lion Ed updates us on our donations to the Emergency Service  Shelter.

Looks like Lion Chuck is calling fo help after herding the Lions today.

Please enjoy thie slideshow produced by Lion Dan of today's meeting.