Oct. 24, 2019  Meeting

The Quiz Bowl

Today's meeting was one of the most enjoyable of the year.

Today we had our regular meeting with a very special program. Normal items were taken care of. We heard a final report about our upcoming Arts & Crafts Show on Saturday, November 2, 2019 at St. Joseph High School. It looks like things are in place and we hope for another successful show. You need to listen to the "Craft Show Song" below in the video section. Our Tail Twister was in rare form today and had quite a few fines for only a few Lions. 

The program was one that the club has had for the past 23 years. We hosted the St. Joseph High School Quiz Bowl Team. They challenge us to a match each year. Needless to say, they hold the record for most wins over the years. We were really hopeing to do better this year and as it turned out ...

We won !!!

Below you will find some photos and videos of today's meeting.

We welcomed our Junior Lion of the Month from St. Joseph High School.
Our District Governor(who is a memebr of our club), welcomed two visiting Lions from the Paw Paw Lions Club.
It's time to get the yard signs out for our Annual Arts & Crafts Shoe.
Lion Vern assures us that preparations for the Arts & Craft Show are almost complete.
Here's a look at our volunteer sign up sheet. It takes many to to serve at the show.
Here ae the lyrics to our Carft Show song. Be sure to listen to our wonderful rendition in the video below.
The Tail Twister Cat is eyeing Lion Guzzo, I wonder why?
Tail Twister, Lion Gordy, assesses another fine to an unspecting Lion.
Oh No! Lion Gordy lost his folder where he keeps all of his info for who he is going to fine. He'd better keep an eye on that folder.
Awe ... Lion Gordy found his folder and assed Lion Guzzo for some major fines. (see video below)
Leo the Lion showed up to view and encourage the St. Joseph Lions in the Quiz Bowl Match.
These St. Joseph HS Quiz Bowl members are ready to take on the Lions.
The coveted "GOLDEN BRAIN" Trophy that we are competing for.
Gary Etter, quiz bowl coach, gives the questions and Lion Vern is the score keeper.
The teams get ready to "rumble" as Leo the Lion looks on.
Looks like the Lions are ready to buzz in.
These Lions are listening closely.
The St. Joe teanm looks puzzled.
WE DID I!. The Lions finally won a match against a tough St. oseph HS Team.
Leo the Lion is happy that we won. Perhaps his presence was the luck that we needed. Thanks St. Joseph Quiz Bowl Team. We enjoy this yearly match no matter who wins.


Listen to ther dulcet tones of the Lions as they sing the Craft Show Song.
Lion Tamer Gordy fines Lion Clark for not identifying himself as a Lion in a publication.
Lion Tail Twister Gordy seems to have lost his folder of Lions to fine. He should be more careful.
Lion Gordy retieved his folder and fined Lion Guzzo for multiple infractions.
Lion Wagner displays the "Golden Brain Trophy" that both teams are vying for.
And the winner is ...