July 22, 2021

Regular Meeting

Good Bye Briarwood Pavilion. We can now move back to the Elks Club as our meeting place.

Some videos by Lion Dan from the meeting.

Future leader dog, Jackson.

Lion Larry's new game.

We celebrated Lion Rolek's birthday.

It  was also Lion Dumke's Birthday.

Photos of the meeting.

Waiting for the meeting to start.

Here we go.

Lion Gordy takes notes for the Claw!

Lion Dave brings his future leader dog.

Who couldn't love that face.

I don't know what these two are up to.

Rob Cleveland, president & CEO, of Cornerstone Alliance was our guest speaker today.

Our new tail twister is on the job.

Oh, I guess he is!!

Loin Ron talks about upcoming trip to SB Cubs game.

Another drawing for the Pot 'o Silver.

Looks like another non-winner.