Nov. 21 Meeting

Our November 21, 2019 meeting was our last before Thanksgiving. In addition to our regular meeting adjenda we were fortuane to have a visit and presentation from Lions District Governor for district 11 -B2, Lion John Postelli.  St. Joseph Lions are proud of DG John Postelli as he is one of "our own". We are proud that he is  leading the  the District.

Lion Larry is ready for turkey day.
Even the tail twister's cat was ready by wearing his pilgrim hat.
Lots of good food for luch. Thanks Jamal
Plenty of liquid refreshments

We celebrated two Lion birthdays today.

Happy birthday Lion Jackie
Happy birthday Lion Murray
We signed up to collect for the annual "Newsie" Sale
Also had to sign up for our Christms Dinner
District Gov. John speaks about his visin for the club
Here is the famous Pot 'o Silver
DG John draws for the Pot ' Siver
We fiinally have a winer!
We had a great turnout today
Lion Gordy did another good job as Tail Twister
Lion DG John receives a standing ovation from the club
Video slideshow of yoday's meeting