
Links to websites with good material on Miguel Hernández; mostly in Spanish.


Online translations

Miguel Hernández (The Poetry Foundation)

The selected poems of Miguel Hernández, ed. Genoways (Google Books - extracts) - Three poems

Miguel Hernández: Twenty Poems (A. S. Kline, Poetry in Translation) - Further Selected Poems

Published translations

The only book of translations into English currently available in the UK is:

The Prison Poems, translated by Michael Smith (Parlor Press, 2008; ISBN: 9781602350908)

- all the following are currently out of print; used copies may be available online from Amazon or other sellers:

Songbook of Absences, translated by Thomas C Jones Jr (The Charioteer Press, 1972; Library of Congress: 72-91778)

Selected Poems of Miguel Hernández and Blas de Otero, ed. Timothy Baland and Hardie St.Martin (Beacon Press, 1972; ISBN: 0807063983)

Unceasing Lightning, versions by Michael Smith (Dedalus, 1986; ISBN: 0948268174)

The Unending Lightning, translated by Edwin Honig (The Sheep Meadow Press, 1990; ISBN: 0935296867)

I Have Lots of Heart, ed. Don Share (Bloodaxe Books, 1997; ISBN: 1852243325)

The Selected Poems of Miguel Hernández, ed Ted Genoways (University of Chicago Press, 2001; ISBN: 0226327736)

[A French translation has just been published: Mon sang est un chemin, poèmes traduits par Sara Solivella et Philippe Leignel (Éditions Xenia, 2010; ISBN: 9782888920915)]



Asociación Cultural Orihuela 2010

Asociación de Amigos de Miguel Hernández

Fundación Cultural Miguel Hernández - Facebook

Año Hernandiano 2010

Orihuela 2010. Año Hernandiano (photos)

Orihuela 2010. Año Hernandiano: Pasión por el Poeta

III Congreso Internacional Miguel Hernández

News media

Miguel Hernández, poeta de Orihuela (Orihuela Digital)

Online Books

Antología poética (Castalia Didáctica, 1997; Google Books - extracts)


EnOrihuela: Fotos antiguas

Miguel Hernández (Wikipedia)

Miguel Hernández, multimedia-centenario

Senda del Poeta (Institut Valencià de la Joventut)

Miguel Hernández: Poeta español

Miguel Hernandez (Vivir Poesía)

Miguel Hernández (Poesía

Miguel Hernández (¿...........Y por qué no un blog?)

Poemas de Miguel Hernández (Poemas del Alma)

Miguel Hernández (A Media Voz)

Miguel Hernández (Los

El Patio de MIguel (Nido de Poesía)

Miguel Hernández (15 poems)

Antología Poética; Miguel Hernández (Rincón del Vago)


Andaluces de Jaen-Jarcha

Jarcha - Elegía

Elegia / J.M. Serrat

TV documentary

Miguel Hernández (RTVE, 7 nov 2010). "Este documental indaga en la vida, la obra y el compromiso político del autor."


Palabraria - tuera -