Psalm 69:29-36
The Messiah’s Vicarious Suffering
But I am poor and sorrowful, miserable and in pain, because of the burden of sin and its punishment which He has taken upon Himself; let Thy salvation, O God, set Me up on high. He was sure of victory and of triumph, even in the midst of His suffering; He was sure that the deliverance of God would exalt Him. And therefore His song of praise and thanksgiving to God was made even then.
V. 30. I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify Him with thanksgiving, for the completion of the great work of atonement, the sacrifice of praise rising from His lips more sweetly than incense.
V. 31. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs, for all external acts of worship, without the proper devotional attitude of the mind, as the out. growth of true faith, are vain. Besides, the one sacrifice which our great High Priest brought is more acceptable in the eyes of Jehovah than all the offerings of brute beasts that were ever slaughtered, since with one sacrifice He has perfected forever them that are sanctified, Hebrews 9.
V. 32. The humble shall see this and be glad, the truly repentant and sorrowful rejoicing with their Redeemer over the fact of their salvation; and your heart shall live that seek God, literally, “ye who seek God,” let live your heart, their souls being filled not only with gladness, but with a new and wonderful life, the life which has its source in God and brings the only lasting, satisfying happiness.
V. 33. For the Lord heareth the poor, listening attentively and graciously to the voice of those who feel their need of salvation, and despiseth not His prisoners, those who have so long been bound by the fetters of sin and its consequences. Therefore the psalm ends with a triumphant burst of praise in honor of the salvation of God, as revealed and obtained in the Messiah.
V. 34. Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moveth therein, all creatures, the entire universe being called upon to give all honor to His merciful and holy name.
V. 35. For God will save Zion, His Church, and will build the cities of Judah, all the congregations of the Messianic period being included here, that they may dwell there and have it in possession, all the blessings of Jehovah, as given through the redemption of Christ, being given to the believers through the means of grace.
V. 36. The seed also of His servants, all the spiritual children of the many messengers of the Lord, who proclaim the redemption of Christ, shall inherit it, the blessings continuing in the Church as long as time endures; and they that love His name shall dwell therein, here in time in the Kingdom of Grace and its many cities, hereafter in eternity, in the Kingdom of Glory.
After the days of the Church Militant will have been ended, the eternity of the Church Triumphant will begin, when the redeemed of the Lord will dwell with their exalted Head forevermore and praise His name, world without end.