Psalm 119:81-88

The Christian's Golden ABC of the Praise, Power, and Value of God's Word

Kaph. THE CONSOLATION OF GOD'S WORD IN THE MIDST OF GREAT TROUBLES. — V. 81. My soul fainteth for Thy salvation, in the extreme longing brought about by a further attack of sorrow; but I hope in Thy Word, he refuses to let go this trust.

V. 82. Mine eyes,strained with gazing for the coming of salvation, fail for Thy Word, on account of his waiting for the fulfilment of God's promises, saying, When wilt Thou comfort me? The assistance which he longed for seemed so slow in coming that he was filled with impatience and begged for a speedy revelation of God's mercy.

V. 83. For I am become like a bottle in the smoke, a wine-skin shriveled up and blackened from being suspended high over the fireplace, the point of comparison being in the discarding of a useless article; yet do I not forget Thy statutes, he clings to God's Word, which alone has permanent value for a poor sinner.

V. 84. How many are the days of Thy servant? This question arises in his heart on account of the shortness of human life, this fact causing him to fear that he may not live long enough to see himself vindicated before his enemies. When wilt Thou execute judgment on them that persecute me? He begs that God would interfere in his behalf very soon, since the enemies are showing an increased activity.

V. 85. The proud have digged pits for me, plotting with the intention of destroying him, which are not after Thy Law, that is, although they pretend to be actuated only by the highest motives, in our days, for instance, by the welfare of the state, by the demands of a universal brotherhood, yet they have, in truth, no basis for their action in the Word of God.

V. 86. All Thy commandments are faithful, altogether trustworthy and dependable; they persecute me wrongfully, with the usual false accusations as to his being an enemy of existing order and obstinately wanting his own way; help Thou me.

V. 87. They had almost consumed me upon earth,their plans to destroy him had almost succeeded; but I forsook not Thy precepts, he would not give up his trust in the Word of God.

V. 88. Quicken me after Thy loving-kindness, giving him new spiritual life and strength, both for enduring persecutions and for overcoming his enemies; so shall I keep the testimony of Thy mouth, for every new evidence of God's power in the life of the believers tends to strengthen their faith in the testimony of God for Himself, for the truth, against sin.